From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 4 Data Security for Computing

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Cloud storage solutions

Cloud storage solutions

- [Instructor] Storing data in a cloud computing environment comes with a plethora of security questions such as, where will the data be stored? Who will have access to it? Will it be encrypted? So what we're going to do here is explore a variety of cloud storage options, and we'll focus on how they relate to security. So generally speaking, the same type of storage solution you might use on premises, are also being used in the cloud, at least at the underlying infrastructure level. So let's start by referring to cloud storage really as being infrastructure as a service or IaaS. So, really the underlying solutions are using hard disc drives perhaps, or solid state drives, virtual machine disks, cloud storage accounts or cloud storage buckets. The terminology will vary from one cloud provider to the other. But what doesn't vary is the fact that the cloud service provider, the CSB, is responsible only for the…
