From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 4 Data Security for Computing

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Creating a Microsoft Azure Storage account

Creating a Microsoft Azure Storage account

- [Instructor] In this demonstration, I'll be stepping through how to create a Microsoft Azure Storage Account. The first thing you have to decide is whether or not you need one. You need a storage account if you want to store files in the Azure Cloud, you're going to need it. If you want to work with simple no sequel database key in value pairs. As a software developer you might use a storage account for message queues to send messages between different software components that type of thing. Now we could create and manage storage accounts using in this case the Azure CLI or PowerShell commandlets for Azure. And instead here, we're going to opt to use the GUI the Azure Portal. We get started here in the upper left. I'm going to go ahead and click, create a resource. Now I could navigate these categories and I could go down and choose storage and find whatever it is I needed to find related to that. However, I can…
