From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 4 Data Security for Computing

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Encryption keys

Encryption keys

- [Instructor] Protecting sensitive data can be done through hashing, encryption, authentication and digital signatures. Some of these such as encryption require keys. Most cloud providers will offer a cloud-based services to securely generate, import and store cryptographic keys. Symmetric network encryption means that we have a single secret key, so that means that the same key then is used to encrypt data, as is used to decrypt data. Now, the thing about this though is that many parties will know the secret key potentially. So if you have two parties that need to use a secret key for encrypted communications, they both have to have that same exact encryption key. So, many parties know that key, but the thing is, at a large scale, it can be very difficult to safely communicate this secret key to many different parties. Now, think of how this might be used. This could be used for file system encryption, but we're…
