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Activity zone notifications

Community Member

Hello, im new to Google nest and had a question about zones. I have a driveway camera and created 2 zones. One for the street and one for the driveway. I turned off the notifications for the street so that I can still have recorded events when someone passes through the zone without getting a notification. The app still pushes notifications from this zone despite turning off notifications. Events are set to people only. Was I doing this correctly?


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @Jamesjv,


It sounds like you're getting notifications even when there's no movement in your driveway zone. I understand this can be frustrating, and I'm here to help. It's important to remember that Nest cameras use software to detect changes in light and color to identify events. Sometimes, these changes can be mistaken for motion.


Let's troubleshoot this together. Here are some steps that might help:

  • Double-check Notification Settings: In the Google Home app, navigate to your camera settings and locate the "Activity Zones" section. Make sure notifications are truly disabled for the street zone specifically. Sometimes a tap might not register, so try toggling it on and off again to be certain.
  • Zone Selection: Verify you're editing the correct zone. The app might default to the most recently edited zone when making notification changes. Double-check you've selected the street zone when adjusting notification settings.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, there might be a bug with the app or your camera settings. Let me know if you've tried everything above, and we can explore some further options. This might involve escalating the issue to our support team for a deeper look.


Best regards,
