SalariesJob TitlesCPOsCPOs in Austin, TX
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CPO Salary in Austin, TX.

How much does a CPO make in Austin, TX?

The average CPO in Austin, TX makes $267,978, 20% above the national average CPO salary of $223,952. This pay is 17% lower than the combined average salaries of other metroes San Jose, CA, El Paso, TX, and Oakland, CA. The average bonus for a CPO is $38,017 which represents 20.45% of their salary, with 47% of people reporting that they receive a bonus each year.

CPO Salary Average

0-1 Years
2-3 Years
4-5 Years
6-7 Years
8-9 Years
10-14 Years
15-19 Years
20-29 Years
30+ Years
Hispanic Or Latino
African American
Asian Or Pacific Islander
Native American
Non Binary
Company Size
1-10 employees
11-50 employees
51-200 employees
201-500 employees
501-1,000 employees
1,001-5,000 employees
5,001-10,000 employees
10,000+ employees
Company Stage
Under One Year
1-3 Years
3-6 Years
6-10 Years
10+ Years
Money Raised
Under 1M
1M - 3M
3M - 10M
10M - 30M
30M +
Public Company
Not Applicable
High School
Some College
Associate's degree
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral or Professional degree
Years of Experience
0-1 Years
2-3 Years
4-5 Years
6-7 Years
8-9 Years
10-14 Years
15-19 Years
20-29 Years
30+ Years
Education Level
High School
Some College
Associate's degree
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral or Professional degree
Company Size
1-10 employees
11-50 employees
51-200 employees
201-500 employees
501-1,000 employees
1,001-5,000 employees
5,001-10,000 employees
10,000+ employees
Company Stage
Under One Year
1-3 Years
3-6 Years
6-10 Years
10+ Years
Money Raised
Under 1M
1M - 3M
3M - 10M
10M - 30M
30M +
Public Company
Not Applicable
Non Binary
Hispanic Or Latino
African American
Asian Or Pacific Islander
Native American

U.S. Average

Base Salary
Yearly Bonus
Reported Bonus

Austin, TX Average

20% VS US Average
Base Salary
Yearly Bonus
Reported Bonus

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Salary Ranges for CPO in Austin, TX

The salaries of CPOs in Austin, TX range from $66,865 to $1,104,914, and the average is $267,978.


How much tax will you have to pay as a CPO in Austin, TX

For an individual filer in this tax bracket, you would have an estimated average federal tax in 2019 of 35%. CPO could expect to have a take-home pay of $267,978 minus tax reductions.

YearFederal Tax
2023 35.0%
2022 35.0%
2021 35.0%
2020 35.0%
2019 35.0%

Recent Salary Records for CPO

View the most recent Salary Records anonymously contributed on Comparably

Type Other Male
Size of company 51-200 employees
City New York City
Yearly Salary reported $220,000
Type Hispanic Or Latino Male
Size of company 201-500 employees
City Los Angeles
Yearly Salary reported $200,000
Type Asian Or Pacific Islander Male
Size of company 11-50 employees
City San Francisco
Yearly Salary reported $150,000
Type Asian Or Pacific Islander Female
Size of company 51-200 employees
City San Francisco
Yearly Salary reported $200,000
Type Asian Or Pacific Islander Male
Size of company 1,001-5,000 employees
City Seattle
Yearly Salary reported $140,000
Type Caucasian Male
Size of company 51-200 employees
City Chicago
Yearly Salary reported $225,000
Type Caucasian Female
Size of company 201-500 employees
City Dallas
Yearly Salary reported $190,000
Type Asian Or Pacific Islander Male
Size of company 501-1,000 employees
City San Francisco
Yearly Salary reported $250,000
Type Hispanic Or Latino Female
Size of company 201-500 employees
City Los Angeles
Yearly Salary reported $165,000
Type Caucasian Male
Size of company 51-200 employees
City New York City
Yearly Salary reported $175,000

Equity Compensation & Stock Options

See how much equity / stock options you can expect as a CPO.

See Equity Data

*Data is estimated and depends on the generous anonymous contributions of individuals

Frequently Asked Question regarding CPO, Austin, TX

What is the average salary for a CPO in Austin, TX?

The average salary for a CPO in Austin, TX is $260,504 per year. However, it can vary based on different factors such as years of experience, skills, company size, and industry.

How does the salary for CPO in Austin, TX compare to other cities in the US?

What are some factors that can impact CPO salary in Austin, TX?

Are there any additional benefits or perks typically offered to a CPO in Austin, TX?

How can I negotiate a higher salary as a CPO in Austin, TX?

Are there any notable trends or insights regarding CPO salaries in Austin, TX?

Where can I find more resources and information about CPO salaries in Austin, TX?