Posts tagged "blog"


Maringuea premium responsive, single-column theme

Static previews:

Download code: Ko-fi

This is a single-column Tumblr theme with a choice between header, left or right sidebar, and body font (Google fonts) of your choice. Full support of npf posts. Optional dark/light mode toggle. Build in tabs for posts, about me and update tab - check out the previews.

Read features and notes below the cut

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*drops this unreleased janky shit from my drafts and disappears again.*



⚠️ EXPERIMENTAL ⚠️ JANKY AS HELL! Simple character page theme using Tumblr posts as content based on a tag. Full instructions on GitHub and under the read more.



  • Unlimited characters
  • Filter navigation
  • Using Tumblr posts to fill the page via post2page.


Edit and customise to your liking. Don’t repost/redistribute and/or claim it as your own. Do not use as a base code. Leave the credit, thank you.

As always, explanations under the read more. If you are having issues, take a look at this themes FAQ, or my general FAQ. Please note that this is an experiment for lazy people. Not finding anything? Send me a message. Please report any bugs to me.

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remember character pages? whatever happened to us all advertising our character pages for people to wander over towards and go 'oooooo' at like they're at an aquarium?? where is the creative whimsy to fawn over together

with a new dragon age coming out it sure would be interesting if character pages started popping up again 👀 dont you want people to ogle your little ocs? Don't you want people to understand their reasoning behind their choices?

Anonymous asked:

Hi, sorry if this has been answered, but I am trying to get a custom cursor hover to work with photoset posts in your Stereo theme. Some of them work (I assume from pre-npf?), and some don't. I've tried using the inspect tool and it didn't work out for me, so I am hoping that you would know how to make them work! Thanks for making this great theme and for the help (in advance)!

Hi! It’s hard to say what you’re missing without seeing it. But legacy photosets and images in the new post type do have different classes / a different structure so you’re likely missing an additional class / identifier (I forgot the term).

Just testing with two photosets I had on hand, one legacy and one NPF, this worked:

.photoset img:hover {
cursor: crosshair;

For anything more, I’d need to have a link to your blog where it’s not working.

Anonymous asked:

hello, i hope you're well. i was curious if there was a way to change the spacing between photo sets on your <excess> theme? i enjoy the spacing when photos are put next to each other but not when they're on top of one another? i hope that makes sense.

Hey! I’m well, thank you. This seems like a bug tbh. And I’ve fixed it here. You can either re-install the theme or manually update the code yourself. Thanks for letting me know about this!

Time to Say Goodbye


Hey guys! Hope everyone's doing good.

I'm posting this today as an official "goodbye" from Tumblr.

As much as I've loved creating themes, fonts and other goodies for you guys here, it's finally time to leave that for new creators.

All of my work will remain available, and you can get it all together in Suiomi's Everything Bundle, which includes all of my themes and the full Cappuccicons downloadable font:

  • Cappucicons PNG
  • Cappucicons SVG
  • Rihanna
  • Karina
  • Julissa
  • Nayeli
  • Nathalia
  • Kenya
  • Peyton
  • Clara
  • Mia

Get Suiomi's Everything Bundle [here].

I'd like to thank every single one of you who have supported me. It's been at least 10 years of creativity fueled by your love and support. I hope you guys have enjoyed my work throughout all these years.

Thank you so much again, and I hope my work will still make your projects and hobbies shine in years to come.

Stay safe,


I'm back from holiday break and ready to take on my first batch of the year! 🤗 I'm even offering something new - painted portraits! ✨

Interested?: >> COMMISSION FORM <<
Form closes: Saturday, April 27TH  2024 @ 6PM EST.

More examples on my socials + website.
Feel free to reach out via DM/ask if you have any questions.

Reblogs are super appreciated! 😊💓

Anonymous asked:

hello! am using your caffeine fiction page theme (lovely work, by the way!) and I noticed that everything to the right of the main tab page (side stats, cover image, connections) do not show in mobile, even after requesting for desktop version in the mobile browser. was that intentional? i'm using google chrome on the iphone, for the record!

Hi, yes that’s intentional to make the theme work on mobile / make it response. Otherwise there would be an awkward sidescroll (best case). I, unfortunatel,y didn’t find another way of solving the issue. There wasn’t a good place to have them visible and since they’re additional aesthetics rather than info, I chose to hide them on small screens. It may or may not work if you turn your phone sideways.