Posts tagged "blog"

A new way to navigate Tumblr

If you use Tumblr on a web browser, you might have noticed us testing a brand new navigation on your dashboard in the last month. Now, after some extensive tweaks, we’ve begun rolling out this new dashboard navigation to everyone using a web browser. Welcome to the new world. It’s very like the old world, just in a different layout.

Why are we doing this? We want it to be as easy as possible for everyone to understand and explore what’s happening on Tumblr—newbies and seasoned travelers alike.


Labels over icons: When adding something new to Tumblr in the past, we’d simply add a new icon to our navigation with little further explanation. Turns out no one likes to press a button when they don’t know what it does. So now, where there’s space, the navigation includes text labels. Since adding these, we’ve noticed more of you venturing to previously unexplored corners of Tumblr. Intrepid!

What’s already been fixed? Thanks to feedback from folks during the testing phase, we’ve been able to make some improvements right out of the gate. Those include returning settings subpages (Account, Dashboard, etc.) to the right of the settings page instead of having them in an expandable item in the navigation on the left; fixing some issues with messaging windows on smaller screens; and streamlining the Account section to make it easier to get to your blogs.

What’s next? We’re looking into making a collapsible version of this navigation and improving the use of screen space for those of you with enormous screens. We’re also working on improving access to your account and sideblogs.

That’s all for now, folks. For questions and suggestions, contact Support using the “Feedback” category. Please select the “Report a bug or crash” category on the support form for technical issues. And keep an eye out for more updates here on @changes.


( 🫧 ) - SUPER SHY : THEME (Contained) !


  • 2 Left Sidebars, 'unlock' feature: Lockscreen & Homescreen.
  • 1 Right Sidebar, 'Text Updates' and 'Recent Watch/Post'.
  • 2 Popups (Rules & Muses), you can disable it if you don't prefer it.
  • They're all customizable, except for popups content.


  • Photo sizes stated in the codes once installed.
  • Inspired by NewJeans aesthetics, but in my own style. YKWIM?


Basic rules apply when usin' the theme. Please, be respectful and DO NOT steal/copy/repost any parts of my resources or remove the credit or use it as a base code. DO NOT share the codes with others once you purchase it, it's for you and you only. If you use my resources, REBLOG the post. Consider supportin' me in ko-fi too if you feel like it. If there's any inquiries, feel free to leave them in my inbox. Thank you & have a nice day!

This is a PREMIUM THEME. Preview & Codes in source below.


A Dark Mode guide - with CSS variables and JS

This was first published January 2022, but has been completely rewritten and updated!

This guide is aimed to make displaying dark mode more accessible and stable. I had a long talk with a user of one of my themes, who has some eyesight difficulties, I wanted to improve on accessibility in my themes - beginning with a better dark mode experience.

What we want

  • When selected, dark theme to stay dark when refreshing a page
  • To prevent default (light) theme from flashing before displaying dark mode when browsing
  • If a visitor has dark mode on their computer/device, honor their preference and display dark mode with the option to turn on light mode
  • a snappy transition(!) - with a way to override it though!

[View guide]


otherwise, i've been working on this silly thing that pulls the content from specific tagged/formatted posts to then use them in some character page type thing. like, the idea is you make a post for your character and it automatically gets added to your character page. something like that.

shout out to @fukuo for the old featured posts tutorial that i worked off of.

i haven’t really had the time to make this into something yet. but if you wanna have a look at the working (but entirely disorganized) code you can do so here. it’s pulling the posts from this tag on my test blog. do with it what you want.

new tumblr labs feature: packs


Way of making a timeline you can follow that consists of a "pack" of blogs. If I had to guess, this is for integration with the Tabbed Dashboard feature, but it seems like this is in very early stages. You can be invited to follow these packs, and they will have tags to let people find groups to follow.

Since, presumably, Tumblr staff are going to start trying to kill me with their minds or something if I don't start saying this outright: these features are prototypes and not representive of any final feature in the future. What you see is not what you will get, it's just things they are looking into.

the comic sans really sells it, thanks 🌱

i'm hoping we can post about this one on @labs and open it up for some beta usage soooooon 🤞 and what you're guessing is not exactly its intended usage. but you'll just have to wait and see.


Hello. I've written this guide before, but it's been updated to reflect changes that happened recently especially with how Tumblr made it difficult to trim posts when beta editor got released. This handbook is helpful for people who are:

  • Curious how Tumblr roleplaying works
  • Don't know where to start
  • Want to see the whole process
  • Hoping to recruit a friend and teach them how to begin

The link is viewable here. If you have any contributions, questions or commentaries, please send me an ask. There should be a neat outline on the side to help with navigating the whole doc.

Anonymous asked:

hello^^ ive really been wanting to use your ultraviolet theme however alot of things are not showing up in the preview and the actual link 😭, things like the social media icons, the about character and faq pages are nowhere to be found either ;; the night mode thingy when toggled doesn't change either, sorry for being a bother and thank you!!^^

Hi! Are you using the latest version? I remember these being issues that I fixed. You can get it on GitHub or in the Theme Garden.

If this this is just about the preview page, I’ve fixed that. Sometimes when I update the code in the theme garden the preview blog seems to lose its custom fields input and I’m too lazy to write them in again every time.

If stuff still isn’t working for you, can you please send me a link to your blog? I won’t publish it but then I can have a look. I’m not having the issue on my end.





Also it generally doesn't make sense at all. It shows the last reblog of the chain. Which means you only see someone's answer to something, without seeing what they're actually responding to.

This is such a weird change.

Being able to see the whole conversation is half the fun of this website!

it’s confusing, because you’re not supposed to see that, but this is NOT the “in development collapsed reblogs” that was mentioned in the staff post.

this is a totally different, completely unfinished experiment we’re working on in @labs. the design and “rules” for what it’s doing don’t make sense yet.

please don’t judge in progress experimental stuff like this. it may never end up as something we launch to anyone. if it gets to a place where we’d actually let you folks use it, we’ll post on @labs and ask for your feedback.