Posts tagged "blog"

is crab day not a bad idea? i assumed it was just paying tumblr to do things we didn't want. i don't mean to be so negative but i genuinely don't understand S:

so part of the reason that tumblr is doing this is because they want to look good to advertisers and get money. tumblr is like 30 million in debt.

the idea is that if we can in fact demonstrate that they can get the money they need out of us by giving us things like crabs and check marks, they don’t need to do that other bullshit

is it a great idea? idk, but i already buy shit like that.

The short answer is yes. Every dollar that you are willing to spend on Tumblr brings us closer to the user-led monetization model that no other social networking company has managed to achieve so far.

The tragedy of commons, however, is the main challenge for the user-led monetization.

There is an expectation that other users will bear the financial burden of supporting the platform. But other users expect the same in return. In the end, only a small portion of users pay for the experience.

As a consequence, social networks can’t generate sufficient revenue directly from users, making advertising the primary viable option.

Page 04: POKÉDEX 98 

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An about page that is also a Pokédex mini web application, based on the Pokémon Yellow interface design. Why? Because is having a Pokédex in your blog is cool! (。◕‿‿◕。)

Read the customization guide here.


  • A full functional Pokédex. You can search any of the current 1000+ existing pokémon. 
  • Set your dream team easily.
  • Change the language of the Pokédex.
  • About section.
  • Tags/Links section.
  • Extra section that can be used for more information, terms of use, FAQ, etc.
  • Toggle Light/Dark Mode and customize it, too.
  • Add background music and switch on/off.
  • Select between ultra retro or modern sprites for your team.
  • Responsive on mobile.

More info:

This page retrieves all the pokémon information through the services of the Poke API. The Poke API is a full RESTful API linked to an extensive database detailing everything about the Pokémon main game series. This means this page does not have coded any information of the pokémon, instead every time you search a pokémon the app connects to the API and gets the information back.


  • This is the first version of the page, but in the future I will add more functionalities! Recommendations are always welcome.
  • The Pokémon nformation is dependant of the Poke API database, so if there is some information missing or wrong the Pokédex page can’t control that.
  • Make sure you have Javascript enabled on your blog.

Credits on code.

Inspiration came from Pokémon first generation games and also the page was inspired by @nyctothemes beautiful first generations themes! Check them out!

Please reblog/like if using! :3

ask game theme makers edition

  1. when did you start coding?
  2. are you self-taught? how did you learn?
  3. what’s your favorite work of yours?
  4. what’s your least favorite work of yours?
  5. who is/are your favorite theme makers?
  6. what are your favorite works from other people?
  7. what languages do you know?
  8. do you code outside of tumblr?
  9. what was your first work? is it still avaliable?
  10. have you ever deleted old works?
  11. what’s the most difficult work you’ve done?
  12. what’s the easiest work you’ve done?
  13. any advice for begginers?
  14. have you ever revamped a work?
  15. do you have commissons open?
  16. what do you enjoy coding the most?
  17. do you use your own base code, someone else’s, or none at all?
  18. has anyone ever stolen code from you? 
  19. what are you currently working on?
  20. where do you get your inspiration from?
  21. any coding pet peeves?
Anonymous asked:


I just installed your Stereo theme (which is amazing btw I absolutely love it), but for some reason it... does not display on mobile web? It only works with the "desktop site" option enabled, normally it's just the standard theme.

Is there any way to fix this? Or is this Tumblr's fault? I think it's a shame since it's "mobile responsive". :(

Thanks in advance!

Hi! Thank you! I’m glad you like it.

For it to show on mobile you need to disable “Use default mobile theme” in the Customizer under “Advanced Options” (scroll all the way to the bottom).

You can find more details on the Help Center’s Customizing your Theme article.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! I'm using your page theme "refraction" (with popups) and I was wondering if there was a way to make the background gradient fixed/not scroll with the content? Background-attachment: fixed doesn't seem to do anything. Thanks so much for your time and hard work!

hi! this theme is so old i didn’t even remember it had a gradient. i don’t know why i coded it so weirdly but background-attachment worked for me (in firefox, let me know if you’re using a different browser then i’ll look into it when i’m back home).

here’s the changes:

Tumblr’s Core Product Strategy

Here at Tumblr, we’ve been working hard on reorganizing how we work in a bid to gain more users. A larger user base means a more sustainable company, and means we get to stick around and do this thing with you all a bit longer. What follows is the strategy we're using to accomplish the goal of user growth. The @labs group has published a bit already, but this is bigger. We’re publishing it publicly for the first time, in an effort to work more transparently with all of you in the Tumblr community. This strategy provides guidance amid limited resources, allowing our teams to focus on specific key areas to ensure Tumblr’s future.

The Diagnosis

In order for Tumblr to grow, we need to fix the core experience that makes Tumblr a useful place for users. The underlying problem is that Tumblr is not easy to use. Historically, we have expected users to curate their feeds and lean into curating their experience. But this expectation introduces friction to the user experience and only serves a small portion of our audience. 

Tumblr’s competitive advantage lies in its unique content and vibrant communities. As the forerunner of internet culture, Tumblr encompasses a wide range of interests, such as entertainment, art, gaming, fandom, fashion, and music. People come to Tumblr to immerse themselves in this culture, making it essential for us to ensure a seamless connection between people and content. 

To guarantee Tumblr’s continued success, we’ve got to prioritize fostering that seamless connection between people and content. This involves attracting and retaining new users and creators, nurturing their growth, and encouraging frequent engagement with the platform.

Our Guiding Principles

To enhance Tumblr’s usability, we must address these core guiding principles.

  1. Expand the ways new users can discover and sign up for Tumblr.
  2. Provide high-quality content with every app launch.
  3. Facilitate easier user participation in conversations.
  4. Retain and grow our creator base.
  5. Create patterns that encourage users to keep returning to Tumblr.
  6. Improve the platform’s performance, stability, and quality.

Below is a deep dive into each of these principles.

Keep reading

Hi folks! We're surprised to see how many of you think we're getting rid of the reverse-chronological dashboard or pivoting to a solely algorithmic feed. We're not! We can see how you might have come to that conclusion, so let us reassure you and clear some things up.

We have a ton of options and toggles to customize your experience. Want a reverse-chronological dashboard feed? No problem! The chronological feed is not going anywhere. Just toggle off "Best Stuff First" in your dashboard settings and scroll away. Want to see more art or fanfic of your favorite movie or show? Follow some tags and you'll find additional posts and new blogs to follow. We've had an algorithm for years—we just don't make you use it if you don't want to.

Tumblr is a place where you can tailor and customize your experience to individual preferences. With this core product strategy as guidance, we'll keep improving Tumblr for new and existing users alike.

Anonymous asked:

hello! this isn't exactly a question but i accidentally deleted the part in the code that links to your blog and can't get it back, can you send it to me? sorry if you've already answered this, i can't find it if you have :') and if you need it i'm using your stereo theme

hi! you’d need to add the following back before the closing </body> tag (you can check the theme’s original code here).

<div id=“nnspc”><a href=“//” target=“_blank”>:3</a></div>

jeche asked:

hi! i'm using your theme stereo & was wondering if you had a way to make the page endless scrolling instead of multiple pages - i'm not too well versed in editing html so i apologize if it's an easy fix lol. thank u!

hi! i don’t have a way, no. it’s certainly possible but it’s not something i plan on adding to the theme, nor do i have the time to give detailed instructions for how to do it. you’d need to use javascript and either write a script yourself or find a plug in (for example) to add to the theme.

i only know of this very old tutorial but it may still work (or maybe with some tweaks) but there’s probably more updated ones out there as well. maybe someone else here knows a good one?

Heading in all uppercase that says "NPF audio players". Subheading says "plugin by glenthemes". Next are a before and after comparison of how NPF audio players look like by default, and how it appears after the plugin is applied. The new player balances out the elements and has label text for the audio's track, artist, and album names. The new player's background is very pale gray.ALT

🎧 NPF audio player ⋆

On Tumblr's process of changing everything to NPF, staff has added metadata (details) to NPF audio inserts to reflect what was originally entered when it was posted. Unfortunately, they're unstyled for now, so I wrote a plugin that mimics the appearance of Tumblr's legacy audio player.

☆ Features:

  • functional play/pause buttons with customizable sizes and colors
  • [optional] preceding labels, e.g. "Track:" / "Artist:" / "Album"
  • [optional] placeholder text for empty fields, e.g. "Untitled Track"
  • shows album cover image if its comes with one, with customizable dimensions
  • customizable player padding and background color

☆ How to install: