by theme

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frequently asked questions

Can I edit/customise your themes?

Yes, you may and are encouraged to do so!

You must not, however: remove or alter the credit in a way that makes it no longer well visible, use the code as a base, post it and/or claim it as your own. That's theft. For the full terms of use, head here.

Can I add this feature to another maker's theme?
I'm okay with that for personal(!!) use only. As long as you credit me in form of a link back to my blog and check with the other theme maker to ensure they're okay with that as well.

Do not, however, wildly mix and match themes together (from anyone) without proper credit and checking in with the makers first. Do not release those things and claim the as your own, either.

How do I change [X] ?
I will usually not help with minor customisations such as changing colours (unless it's concerning jQuery colour variables, see here or the Afterimage page theme), backgrounds, pictures or similar. Those things are easy enough to google.

There's a lot of resources all across the internet and a quick Google search should usually point you in the right direction. I can also recommend checking sites like w3schools or codeacademy if you plan on learning (more) HTML/CSS/Javascript. If after everything you still cannot figure it out you can send me a message but please be considerate.

Why is [X] not working?
There may be a lot of reasons something isn't working. Especially with page themes it's easy to miss a bracket or a semicolon that will make the entire theme break. If you run into such an issue where after customisation things don't seem to work anymore or behave in weird ways, try to see if any of the following is the case before contacting me:

  1. You've made a syntax error. Try to check your code for unclosed tags (<, }, etc.), missing semicolons or spelling errors.
  2. There is a conflict. Especially if you're working with tab structured themes it can happen that you forgot to give the new tab a new ID after copying or several tabs have an active class. Read more here.
  3. There's a bug. Please report it!

If you do contact me about it, make sure to include the name of the theme and a detailed description of what you're seeing / how the problem is presenting itself and what you have previously tried doing.

How Do I add [X] feature?
I will only help with minor customisations regarding adding features such as adding new tabs (x), changing tab structures (x) and minor layout changes. Please look through the respective themes tag first if I've already answered the same or a similar question. And try to figure it out yourself first!
How do I add more characters?
Most themes have explainations in the code or links to a post with a tutorial. Otherwise, please look through the respective theme's pinned tag and you should be able to find said tutorials. Here's my general tag.
The new characters aren't showing up!
Most of my character themes use tabs and/or popups and those are what most commonly leads to errors in copy/pasting new characters. These problems usually present themselves in the tabs not showing up or all of them being visible at once.

This post was written for a specific theme, however, it is a good step by step guide on the most common errors and includes an explainations on how tab structures work exactly.

Summed up:

  • Have you made a new entry in the menu, changing the "href" attribute to match the new tab it links to?
  • Did you add a new tab and changed the ID to match the entry in the menu?
  • You copied something incorrectly or are now missing closing tags or other syntax errors.
  • Do two or more tabs share the same ID? They need to be unique!
How do the filter options work? How do I add more?
All of my themes use a plug-in called Isotope by metafizzy. The page has explainations on all its functions and options. Check my tag here.
Can I filter for multiple characteristics?
Filter Options as explained by metafizzy:

The above is written in jQuery but what you see after filter: ‘ ‘ correlates with the data-filter in my themes.

// filter .metal items
$grid.isotope({ filter: '.metal' });
// filter .alkali OR .alkaline-earth items $grid.isotope({ filter: '.alkali, .alkaline-earth' });
// filter .metal AND .transition items $grid.isotope({ filter: '.metal.transition' });
// show all items $grid.isotope({ filter: '*' });

If you, for example, want to only show characters that have tag 1 AND 2 you will need to write the corresponding classes into the data-filter it as in the third example above. e.g. group 1 AND group 3; the classes WITHOUT a space in between:

<div class="square" data-filter=".g1.g3">Group 1 & 3</div>
Didn't find an answer? Check previously answered questions.

still need help?

  • Tell me which theme and version (if applicable).
  • Describe your problem: How does it present itself? What have you tried? What happened? If possible include a link.
  • Have patience and don't be rude.
  • Pastebin links are no longer up to date! Please use the GitHub ones.