
Ghost lady

@bungerc0re / bungerc0re.tumblr.com

Icon by @purplerider

pinned post!!

My name is purple but if you come up with a nickname ill respond to it

same for pronouns pick some you like

Into touhou, type/moon, and houseki no kuni, but this blog isn't particularly themed

Tsukihime and Hello Charlotte are required reading



good morning. drinking tea. would be better if ryougi shiki were spitting in my mouth.


tumblr ask game! 

👤do you live alone?

👥 if you do live with others how often are you home? if you don’t, do you ever have guests staying when you’re not there?

💡 how late do you keep the lights on? 

📌 what is your work schedule?

🏝 going on a vacation soon?

📺 count the number of electronics in your home! what are they?

🔫 do you own any weapons and if so are they in a safe?

🛌 are you a light or heavy sleeper?

 🪙 do you collect anything? sneakers, jewelry?

💵 do you ever keep cash laying around the house and if so where?

🐴 are your neighbors nosy? do they own weapons?

🚨do you have a home security system

Hey uh. Maybe don't do this one. Don't think I need to explain why

let people enjoy things


doing some advanced yumejoshi shit

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