
“For Want of Wings, I Cast Away My Skin”

The fires of war have spread through the Kishar system, burning for longer than anyone alive can remember.

Colossal fleshcrafted machines of war, pygmalions, are the hands by which the system is torn to pieces. With no apparent weaknesses besides the pilot inside of them, pygmalions provide incredible power at horrific cost.

From the tumult, a third front emerged. The dynasties of Kishar united, rising from the ashes of an apocalyptic catastrophe into an Empyrean Court and laying claim to the heritage of humanity. This marked the beginning of the Eternal Century.

With the Divine Solis Imperium and the Kreuzhafen Union of Autonomous Colonies showing no signs of breaking, the war could continue forever, a rapturous feast of blood on a scale incomprehensible to any single person.

Those with interests in ending the war grow tired. The time for drastic action draws near, dangling like a sword over the heads of those who would be kings. It is only a matter of time before the stalemate will be broken.

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Posted on: 16th Jul |   With: 34 notes |   Reblog |   


it’s been a minute since the last official sale on all things Ri47-related, so we thought we’d find an excuse to offer a fresh wave of discounts (it felt a bit weird to go several months without a sale, admittedly)

from the time of this post until three days after, the tabletop soundtracks NOMAD/VIRTUE and OMEN/CONSTANCE have been discounted. if you’ve been looking for an excuse to pick them up for yourself, or as a gift for a friend, feel free to take advantage of that

additionally, we’re testing the waters with releasing on other platforms. to kick things off, OMEN/CONSTANCE is now also available on

we’ll find out if we did that correctly shortly, and if nothing catches on fire, NOMAD/VIRTUE will follow soon. because itch is a bit behind on getting these, both albums will be discounted for the first week of their release

that’s all we have for now! thank you again for your continued support.

Posted on: 9th Jun |   With: 22 notes |   Reblog |   


this is admittedly a little funny to say, but I was able to finish the mixing on a track that got cut from OMEN/CONSTANCE’s first update. it has an oceanic motif like the other tracks, so instead of saving it for the second update, I just went ahead and dropped it

OMEN/CONSTANCE Update 1.5: Once More Unto the Sea is available now in the usual place. if you’ve already purchased the album, you can download it again to get the new track for free

Posted on: 23rd May |   With: 24 notes |   Reblog |   

VesalBlood May 2024 Reader Poll, Part 2

[Part 1] (new readers welcome)

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Posted on: 14th May |   With: 5 notes |   Reblog |   

VesalBlood May 2024 Reader Poll, Part 1

(new readers welcome)


sorry for the quiet on VesalBlood news lately! things are warming up again. let’s get right down to business as we approach the resumption of VesalBlood ALTERNE: Diesem Fernen Traum

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Posted on: 14th May |   With: 8 notes |   Reblog |   
Posted on: 13th May |   With: 43 notes |   Reblog |   




NOMAD/VIRTUE: Final Sequence is now available for streaming

… at the relative highest quality I could reasonably release it in while also not having to pay money. which is the line I’m not willing to cross here

Posted on: 3rd May |   With: 53 notes |   Reblog |   



To celebrate Bandcamp Friday, I’ve updated both of my tabletop soundtrack packs, OMEN/CONSTANCE and NOMAD/VIRTUE

In a nice little twist of fate, both albums now have a similar runtime, clocking in at just over an hour each! I’m honestly just as surprised as anyone else is

Whether you’re diving into the writhing abyss where eyed-things dare not crawl or warming your hands with the fire surging from your rival’s overclocked heatblade, Ri47 Heavy Industries is proud to soundtrack your most memorable adventures

As is tradition, I’ve also knocked a little bit off of both albums’ price tags. If you already own either album, you already own both of these updates for free

So what’s on the menu? Check below the break!

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Posted on: 3rd May |   With: 91 notes |   Reblog |   


you might have already heard that rin’s showing up in a few other places

Posted on: 1st Apr |   With: 20 notes |   Reblog |   




Presenting OMEN/CONSTANCE - Soundtrack for Oneiric Roleplaying, the next release from Ri47 Heavy Industries

this album’s been a while in the works, and I’m happy to finally have it done! following up the previous ttrpg soundtrack I wrote, NOMAD/VIRTUE, I thought it’d be interesting to make an album that focuses less on music for action sequences and more on those quieter moments that don’t necessarily take place on the scale of mechanised warfare

so without further ado, here’s 46 minutes of otherworldly atmospheres, unsettling revelations, and stories spun in astral silk

included in this album are ten tracks, including three experimental ambient tracks intended to lend a tense emotional atmosphere to any scene without necessarily implying a specific physical locale

while this album was assembled with gothic and eldritch horror in mind, pulling influence from survival horror classics, it also works nicely in plenty of other genres, bringing a unique otherworldly atmosphere to any table

as a bonus, two variant colours of the album art are included, whether you want to enjoy OMEN/CONSTANCE in tones of Masque Red, Royal Yellow, or Chaos Crawling

as always, thanks for listening!

Posted on: 30th Mar |   With: 157 notes |   Reblog |   

when NOMAD/VIRTUE released, it included a few mecha sound effects. this time around, I teased that there would be something similar for OMEN/CONSTANCE, and as we near release day, I feel a bit more comfortable revealing it!

Worldscape - WrithingRi47OMEN/CONSTANCEimage

included with the soundtrack pieces on OMEN/CONSTANCE, Worldscapes are eldritch horror themed ambiance for use in scenes that are a bit too tense for music. the central goal of these pieces was to create soundscapes that didn’t convey any specific physical atmosphere, but conveyed plenty of emotional atmosphere

as always, thanks for listening! please look forward to a concrete release date for OMEN/CONSTANCE sometime in the next day or two, depending on how quickly I can finish the mixing on the last track

- Rin

Posted on: 30th Mar |   With: 34 notes |   Reblog |