
Be Gay, Do Weed

@too-cool-for-facebook / too-cool-for-facebook.tumblr.com

All that fun stuff that's too cool for Facebook but not quite artsy enough to put on deviantArt. Elliot Morgan put it best when he said, "Facebook has just become a big family reunion, except without all the good food." I ran away from MySpace because people I knew IRL were there. And now I've run away from FB for the same reason - mostly bc I'm tired of listening to my dumbass redneck relatives talk about shit they have no knowledge of. Also, INFJ. Writing it here bc I can never effing remember. New to my blog? Then you probably need to check out this post: http://too-cool-for-facebook.tumblr.com/post/109313455847/i-have-gotten-like-a-shit-ton-of-followers-over

"Life's a bitch, and then you die"

Well could my bitch at least be sexy? Huh? Big-ass sexy bitch beating the hell outta me? 'Cuz she sure seems intent on doing that! That's right, Life! Step on me, Mommy!


ok, this is too cute


user: Explain quantum physics to a baby.


Explaining quantum physics to a baby would require simplifying complex concepts into very basic terms. Here's an attempt:

"Okay little one, imagine you have some very tiny toys called particles. These particles are so small we can't even see them! Now, these particles can do some very strange things that big toys can't. Sometimes they act like they're in two places at once! Other times, they can disappear from one place and appear in another without us seeing how they moved. Isn't that funny?

Now, here's another cool thing. Imagine these particles are playing hide-and-seek with us. We can't know for sure where they are or how fast they're moving at the same time. It's like trying to guess where you're hiding while you're running around the room!

And guess what? These particles can also be best friends even when they're far, far away from each other. When something happens to one particle, its best friend instantly knows about it, no matter how far apart they are! It's like they have a secret way of talking to each other that we don't understand yet.

So, quantum physics is like a big, exciting game where we're trying to understand all these amazing things that tiny particles can do. Isn't it fascinating?"

Of course, this explanation oversimplifies the complexities of quantum physics, but it offers a playful and imaginative way to introduce some basic concepts to a baby.]

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