
Be Gay, Do Weed

@too-cool-for-facebook / too-cool-for-facebook.tumblr.com

All that fun stuff that's too cool for Facebook but not quite artsy enough to put on deviantArt. Elliot Morgan put it best when he said, "Facebook has just become a big family reunion, except without all the good food." I ran away from MySpace because people I knew IRL were there. And now I've run away from FB for the same reason - mostly bc I'm tired of listening to my dumbass redneck relatives talk about shit they have no knowledge of. Also, INFJ. Writing it here bc I can never effing remember. New to my blog? Then you probably need to check out this post: http://too-cool-for-facebook.tumblr.com/post/109313455847/i-have-gotten-like-a-shit-ton-of-followers-over

If you asked Strong Bad what his pronouns are he'd be like "Alright listen here Blonkus, judging by the cadence of your tone, I'm sure you're expecting some high-larious answer about how I don't understand the question, or how I think the "pro" in pronoun stands for "professional" for some reason, or how I think a "pronoun" is some sort of exotic dessert, or something else that implies I HAVEN'T BEEN MOCKING PEOPLE'S GRAMMAR ON THE INTERNET FOR OVER 20 YEARS. You think I don't know what a pronoun is!? Do better." and then refuse to answer the question

Meanwhile if you asked Homestar Runner what his pronouns are he'd be like "Oh hey! Thanks for asking! No, I already ate"


Today I learned 3D animation is a horror show outside the camera's field of view.


Just to add context, the director wanted the scene to use an 85mm lens which is slightly telephoto. Telephoto lenses give a very intimate feel because they compress the scene. Background and foreground objects can appear larger at longer focal lengths.

But that compression can also make objects look the wrong size in context with the subject depending on the framing.

This is done in live action as well using another person's hands in front of the camera.

Or sometimes they create giant fake hands like in Hellboy.

they did this in lord of the rings too!


β€œIn the main menu of Mario Power Tennis, Toad is present to explain the selection options. It appears as though Toad is close to the background and roughly the same size as the icons. However, moving the viewpoint reveals that Toad is actually extremely tiny and extremely close to the camera (note Toad near the left edge of the screen in the bottom image).”


The creator of Phineas and Ferb sorting his M&Ms on tiktok bc that's just what he does. as a middle aged man.

its tagged Stimming and ADHD. "i dont know why [i sorted the M&Ms]" sure you didnt. Autistic ADHD man made a show of autistic ADHD characters.

Peer reviewed ADHD

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