
Sometimes... men get pegged

@thickness-protection-program / thickness-protection-program.tumblr.com

Kev ♏ // 27 // ace of sexual bi of ass // agender bc I can't afford one // coming to your city with my autistic swag👆🏿🤪 // safe space for practicing and nonpracticing whores of all kinds except those whomst steal my lemons // not a safe space for terfs // yesterday, today, and tomorrow, my life matters #blacklivesmatter Part 2 my art blog / pfp by @magikasword!
Anonymous asked:

just wanted to say that the non practicing whore part of your bio makes me laugh almost every time because I am also ace and that’s probably the best way to describe my sexuality

Me online

Vs me irl

Anonymous asked:

Okay, so funny story, do you remember an ask way back when that asked what you thought about making you a fan club? And you know how the communities that people submitted just got approved recently? Well...what had happened was....

👁️👁️ what'd you do 👁️👁️

Anonymous asked:

Why is the submit a post link fading out on your blog

Why are you looking at my blog anyway what're you in love with me or something 🙄


Being 27 is about getting a new bottle/bar of good smelling soap and being excited to wash yourself with it

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