


Call me A, feel free to send asks and dms. I'd actually like to make friends. I'm an adult, in my 20s. This is a sideblog, so I can't follow from here:/

apparently someone in Edinburgh has been updating the street signs for pride

[ID: A street sign with a white background and dark letters on a building. The sign's raised letters spell 'BROUGHAM PLACE' but certain letters were strategically painted white so the sign now reads 'BRO I AM ACE'. /End ID]


Honestly if there's ONE thing I wish I could get all queer people to understand is that if you're in a situation where you know everyone would treat you differently, especially to the point of it putting your life in danger, if they found out you're queer, you aren't experiencing privilege, you're in a hostage situation.

Like sorry experiencing "passing privilege" is actually just being trapped in a room with a bloodthirsty t-rex and having people tell you that you should be thankful because thier vision is based on movement and you can just stand still. It's not a privilege to be erased, to have to lie to everyone around you to stay safe-ish, to have to closet yourself because you know even a single step out of line could be the end of your entire world.

None of us should have to be thankful to stand in front of a loaded gun while the person holding it goes "haha, don't worry, I only use this on faggots, and you're not a fag....right?" Like this is not a net good and it has almost nothing in common with actually being part of a privileged group.

Anyway, Happy Pride, let's leave this shit behind.


"love is love" until it doesn't include sex

"love is love" until it lives in separate beds

"love is love" until it is queer platonic

"love is love" until it does not comply with compulsory sexuality and amatonormativity

love IS love, for aspecs, for sex sepulsed folk and for platonic relationships

"love is love" apply to more than same-sex relationships in a world where romantic and sexual relationships are considered more valuable

Remember to advocate for Asexuals and Aromantics this pride. Because we are also here, and we are also queer

Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena // Clarice Lispector, Água Viva / The Stream of Life (trans. Elizabeth Lowe) // @inanotherunivrse // Natsuki Takaya, Fruit's Basket // I Know It's Over— The Smiths // Nikki Giovanni, The Collected Poetry // Franz Kafka, Letters to Felice

I had a dream last night that tumblr came up with a pride flag for closeted gays and it was just a light blue flag with a shrimp on it. People would also wear shrimp pins on their lapels for some Reason???

and the vegan gays started Discourse because shrimp deserved more respect

Wth that's brilliant

like this?

closeted queers, you now have a discreet pride flag. wreak havoc.


Pride flag for closeted queers and people who are just done with explaining themselves to randos.


happy pride 2024 to all closeted queers!


spot on!!!!!

amatonormativity feeds into this by valuing romantic relationships over every other


[ID: tweet by @/anne_boyer that reads: “The best way to dramatically reduce both sexual harassment & partner violence is to make sure every1 has food, shelter, healthcare & what they need to survive not contingent on employment or romantic partnership.” The post was made on the 21st of November, 2017. /end ID]


“can straight men be romantically and sexually attracted to men?” sure, I’m not a cop

you know what I do when someone’s identity makes no sense to me? I go “not my business.” and find something else to care about


Pride is for EVERYONE. including but not limited to: asexuals, bi girls with boyfriends, non-passing trans people, and coleman.

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