
Sad Pan 🍳


she/he/they ★ INFP ★ a miss of lgbt stuff, fandoms, fanfic culture and ships ^~^ ★ Jack Harkness defender

I have a short fuse when it comes to things like this. They’ll be too loud or something and I’d snap and tell them to stop…


I'm all for accommodating others and all but if you don't warn me before hand and you flip on me. You will hate me by the time I'm done laying back in to you.

Same here @mr-arcturus

Warn me first so I know what to expect. It’s not that hard…

Anonymous asked:

I remember as a kid getting annoyed that there were so many love and breakup and lust songs out there, and turning to my mother one day and asking why was that the only thing the singers ever talked about, and if they couldn't sing about other things, like cars. My mother told me I was just too young to understand, but tbh, I think I should have realized then I was aroace lol

it is true that there are a lot of songs about romance though!


....the way i was over the moon when i discovered songs about social, political, parental issues and songs about friends

I was like heck yeah, music that's not about love?!


diet culture people make me feel like i’m going crazy. you want me to take an experimental pill that destroys my appetite?? you want me to remove part of my stomach??? you want me to stop eating bread and rice, two of the staple foods most inherent to humanity????? why exactly? because my stomach is big? because you don’t like the way i look, and you think it’s reasonable to tell me to carve pieces off of myself and try random drugs and ruin my own life so i can look more visually pleasing to you? and you somehow don’t see how absurdly cruel and selfish that is to ask of somebody???? while pretending you care about their HEALTH????????????????? FUCK YOU!!!!


This may sound mean, but...

If you send me an ask containing links to Good Omens fan fiction you think I should read, I'll delete it. Do it again and I'll (regretfully) block you. This is a general blanket sort of thing -- I don't want to read it, legally I can't read it, no I won't make it into the next series, and, no matter how pure your motives, it's crossing a line.

I’m reading a lot of baffled responses to this. People, I’m showrunning and co-writing the Good Omens TV series. I can’t legally read unsolicited plot ideas. Think of Netflix. Their terms of service include

8.2. Unsolicited Materials. Netflix does not accept unsolicited materials or ideas for Netflix content and is not responsible for the similarity of any of its content or programming in any media to materials or ideas transmitted to Netflix.

…and you’ll find similar clauses out there for other production entities. They are trying to safeguard themselves. There are people out there who are certain that a hit film or TV series is based on their stolen idea. The easiest way to avoid that is to make sure that their ideas can’t get to you.

It’s nothing to do with not approving of what you do. It’s about not putting me, the producers, the BBC or Prime Video at risk — or about having to throw away plans for the future because someone did that in fanfiction first. I can’t legally read unsolicited scripts or story proposals or manuscripts and sending me a link to your or someone else’s Good Omens fiction counts as those things. If I read your story and then did something close to it you could sue. So I’m not going to read it. There’s no emotional baggage in this. I’m definitely not telling you that what you are doing isn’t valid. (And If I wasn’t showrunning I wouldn’t be so Please Don’t and I Will Delete about it. But I am. So don’t. Thank you!)


Reminder that "By Any Means Necessary," one of the best episodes of Babylon 5, nearly didn't get made because some fan suggested a similar idea (a workers' strike on the space station, dealing with workers' safety and labor issues at a time when Star Trek: TNG was still on the air).

I can't remember how far along the episode was in production — I think a rough draft of the script had been written —but showrunner J. Michael Straczynski had to pull the plug on the episode until they finally tracked down the fan who'd suggested a "workers' strike" story on Usenet and get legal documents signed that the fan wouldn't sue or ask for a cut of the proceeds. AND the documents had to be watertight enough that Warner Bros' legal dept was satisfied all financial/legal risk had been eliminated. In other words, it wasn't up to JMS to make the call.

Sadly, after that, he could no longer participate in the old Babylon 5 Usenet discussion list, where he used to interact directly with fans, answering questions. It was just safer if he stayed away, because that way nobody could accuse him of lifting ideas for the show. We don't want Neil to have to pull back for the same reason.

A lot of creators avoid social media for the same reason. Those that are here @neil-gaiman , @dduane , have a hard and fast rule not to look at unasked solicitations.

And now that Babylon 5 might get a reboot, JMS has issued a similar request:

Reblogging for people who think I'm overreacting or whatever.

This is all very true and reasonable but god I miss submission-based spec script shows

I get the need for the younger gen or newer fans to do this but seriously stop. Like the previous posters have said and adding on - When you tag the creators they are under NDA. Its highly likely they already had idea to create something with very similar vibes or ideas. (Not one to one then I would argue for problems) Not only are you HIGH chancing making certain ideas not come to fruition, you are going to get them in trouble. Take what you can get from creators and QnA's. Stop demanding them to give you the feed. Go back to the old days where you just did things and ignore need to have your creators verify and accept your own canons.


Explain? Please?

1. Battle Angel Alita manga gains popularity outside of Japan

2. James Cameron reads said manga

3. Cameron, hot off a successful movie run, is inspired while at the same time wanting to create a show

4. Creates and writes show Dark Angel, casting Jensen Ackles in a reoccurring supporting role

5. Show about genetically enhanced characters features “heat” as something characters go through

6. Show gets canceled after 2 seasons. Jensen Ackles is now unemployed.

7. Supernatural airs 3 years later, with Jensen Ackles as the main character

8. RPF becomes massively popular for the show to avoid the main incest pairing with canon characters

9. Fanfic AU inspired by Ackle’s stint on Dark Angel morphs multiple existing tropes, creating first official ABO (omegaverse) story for Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki

10. Omegaverse becomes wildly popular, spreading across multiple fandoms and variations

11. Omegaverse novels begin to get published, including by Addison Cain and Zoey Ellis who both wrote het omegaverse novels

12. Cain files DMCA against Ellis, with Cain claiming to have invented het omegaverse

13. Lawsuit finds its way to court, becoming the Omegaverse Litigation case, and bringing omegaverse to the public’s knowledge


have some shitty chaotic pride flags ^^

check out the rest of the flags on my profile since tumblr has a 10 image limit lol as well as the fixed versions of a few of these cuz I’m big dumb

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