
Dragon Mom's Musings

@dovewithscales / dovewithscales.tumblr.com

Dove | Dragon Mom | Otherkin | Servant of Hekate | Teacher of Witchcraft | Editor at Studio Prey|

Where To Find Me

So. Tumblr nuked my blog. They say it was a glitch and have restored it, but I've lost my patience with them. This website is falling apart and it's inexcusable that this shit keeps happening.

Also, the way these social media sites operate with their endless scroll is actually super toxic and unhealthy for all of us. On top of which, I'm tired of whoever has enough money to buy a social media platform being able to cut a check and then control my entire social media experience and ban whoever they want. How long until Tumblr gets sold to someone like Elon Musk? I'm not letting any more of my content get taken from me. I already copied all my essays worth keeping and I'm updating them to go on my website.

So with all that in mind, I'm moving away from Tumblr.

I have a website, which I own, hosted on a server which is owned by a friend of mine. We also have a forum on that server. So we are beholden to no one and no one but us will ever have any say in anything.

I'll be reblogging (so Tumblr doesn't hide this from the tags) with the link for the website and the forum. I'm on CoHost as well but haven't been very active, but I'm DoveWithScales everywhere.

I'll also still be accessible on Discord and try to at least occasionally show up on servers.

I welcome everyone to join the forum or contact me through my website, where I will be posting both new and old essays.


New Essays

Just published an essay on the Wiccan Rede on my website, figured I'd drop by here to remind folks that I'm posting things there instead of here. You can find them at dovewithscales dot com.



New Essays

Just published an essay on the Wiccan Rede on my website, figured I'd drop by here to remind folks that I'm posting things there instead of here. You can find them at dovewithscales dot com.


i am the very model of a modern gay millennial i have a tumblr blog and a prescription for estradiol i've problems economic, psychological, and medical and sympathies political which border on heretical


I'm practiced well in finding out the logic in illogical My knowledge of niche fandom drama borders pathological I get my major news via an angel gay en español (Hmm, "español," that's tough... ah!) And write long essays 'bout how modern cartoons challenge gender roles.

And write long essays 'bout how modern cartoons challenge gender roles, And write long essays 'bout how modern cartoons challenge gender roles, And write long essays 'bout how modern cartoons challenge gender- gender roles!

Then I can tell at sight over a dozen different flags of pride I've spent thirteen days cumulative just watching hbomberguy In short, in matters physical, memetic, and political, I am the very model of a modern gay millenial!



They FLED the USSR or Putin to be here. Give them the props.

[img desc: a Tweet by user @LethalityJane. “Reminder to not be assholes to your local Russian themed restaurants and businesses here in America, the 50 year old grandmother who sells piroshki did not invade Ukraine.”]

I think it could not be clearer that this is not the will of the Russian people, and I have nothing but sympathy– think of all the things that have been done in my name by the US military over the last, Christ, twenty years? Longer? My entire adult life. I did not ask for them to launch drone strikes on Yemeni weddings, I have watched in horror and voted in every possible election and written furious letters to my representatives to beg them to stop– why on Earth should I assume any random Russian person would have had any more power than I, in this sort of thing?

I worked with a group of Russian and Polish programmers at my first post-college job, in 2002, and one of them came to dinner at my house, and he said he did not want to talk much about it but he was here because of Putin. Already in 2002! He had come with his family and was living two hundred miles away and going to see them on the weekends, because this was where the high-paying job was. He was young, I think his family was his parents and siblings. 

Anyway– it is fair to say that there is no one the average person could ever randomly speak to or encounter who is in any way benefiting from this war, nor anyone with any kind of power to effect it. It is chillingly, horrifyingly familiar, and untold harm is unfolding as we speak not just in Ukraine but in Russia, where the banking system is now collapsing and taking with it much of the stability of Central Asia, which was already having some problems. I don’t see a good end and I can’t bear to think about it. But this is a violence being done upon the people of Russia as well, make no mistake.

All of this.

I support sanctions in Russia and all that, because it is necessary to hit the government and the oligarchs who have a say in this where it really hurts them. They don’t care about their reputations or the opinion of the world, or their own people, but they care about their wealth.

But it is heartbreaking that those sanctions inevitably hit the general population of Russia worse than they hurt the intended targets and I wish there was a way to do this without harming civilians.

At this point Russians who still support their government have no excuse and are exactly like American nationalists, and I have nothing but contempt for nationalists in either country. But I support Russians who hate their government but are afraid to speak out because they will go to prison if they do.

American cops assault protestors. Russian cops put protestors in prison for years. It is required that people not support fascism, but passive resistance is just as valid as active resistance if it’s not possible to safely take direct action.

I used to be an organizer but I no longer attend protests because I’m disabled and I have to put my physical health and safety first. There are Russians like me and I support them.

It’s also important to note that Americans by and large barely know where Ukraine is, much less how to tell the difference between Russian and Ukrainian. So any targeting of Russian people in the US (or anywhere else) will also negatively impact non-Russian Slavic people including Ukrainians.

So do not be shitty to civilians you think are Russian anywhere. Russian oligarchs don’t run restaurants in New York.

exactly my thoughts but with the sanctions I feel weird. Mainly because it includes non political things, it includes day to day things and entertainment like clothes, food, and refusing to dub movies, TV, and games. So the sanctions are ultimately targeting average joes too. Funnily China commits similar crimes but they still get clothes, movies, TV, games, food, candy, toys and the like. So ultimately it comes down to anti Russian sentiment anyway

The Russian government doesn’t have a problem with targeting civilians with white phosphorous munitions.

Their civilians not getting to see foreign sitcoms is them getting off easy. If they don’t want to deal with sanctions they should take it up with Putin. Or better yet, let Ukrainians tell them why they should be grateful their children don’t have to worry about mines in the playground.

Anonymous asked:

i hate to ask on anon on fucking tumblr i know it is weird. but how does one even obtain psilocybin

I live near DC, where there's a loophole in the law that makes it so you can just buy it online and someone will deliver it to you. There's a company called Exotic Blooms that does this. Any time I'm in DC I just text them what I want and they send someone anywhere in DC I want.

Outside of DC it's still pretty illegal. But if you're careful you can buy spores online and grow them yourself.

Other than that, you just need to know a dealer and ask them. I only ever sold pot back when I was selling, but I got my supply from a guy who dealt in other stuff and could hook me up with whatever I wanted.


i love that you can get high off of nutmeg and it fucking sucks so you get videos like this

Omg so I did a project on nutmeg highs for a college level psychopharmacology class one time. It’s my favorite project ever.

Some highlights about nutmeg (might not be perfectly up to date but we’re accurate as of the early 2010s):

There are only 2 known fatalities attributed to “overdoses” on nutmeg. One of them was an 8 year old boy in the 1800s who ate several grams….. To treat him, the doctors injected a combination of brandy (yes, the liquor), a smidge of cocaine, and some other highly questionable substances I don’t remember the exact details of. (May edit this post later to add them). After the “treatment,” he died. Was it the nutmeg that killed him or the (literal) cocktail straight to the blood that could perhaps kill a grown man? The world may never know.

Update: it was 14 grams, and in 1908.

The dose of nutmeg needed to get high is approximately 5 grams. The toxic (NOT lethal, toxic just means ‘starts to make you feel some degree of very sick’) is also 5 grams. This means that in basically every instance in which a person successfully uses nutmeg to get high, they also feel very ill. Most people report nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, at the very least.

The nutmeg community is WILD. Part of my project required that I quote actual users from testimony somewhere online. The stories I read were so absurd that they still live in my head rent-free almost a decade later. Every single story (except ONE, see below) were indeed tales of utter misery.

One was a guy who ate 10g of nutmeg before his sister’s wedding. He reported that the wedding was “not very enjoyable” as “the cake tasted like dirt” and dancing felt like “being a puppet pulled poorly and roughly around by a bad marionette.”

Another reported doing nutmeg and becoming convinced he had destroyed his brain. He said he stared out the window of his second floor apartment and “looked down at the other people, the normal people, the ones who weren’t going to be 30 IQ points stupider for the rest of their lives. I envied them for what they had. They didn’t even know. I would never be like them again.” He reported that he was fine a day later after the high wore off, and swore he’d never do it again. I still remember his username. RIP thelittletripperthatcouldnt.

The final guy, though. His story was the strangest. He LOVED nutmeg. He nut(meg)ed every day. For 12 hours each day he would watch porn and do nutmeg. He had done this for months. He was happy. He recommended nutmeg to everyone. I did not include his take in my presentation.

The title of the presentation was “why you shouldn’t do nutmeg”. I used the Chiller font. Don’t do nutmeg, kids.


My favorite fun fact about this is that Malcolm X talked several times about taking nutmeg.

My favorite not so fun story is from the time I interned at a vegan bakery. I got to hear the story of a guy who used to work there who just really liked the taste of nutmeg and didn't know it would get you high, so he loaded up a milkshake with three tablespoons of nutmeg at the start of his shift. He spent the rest of the shift curled up in a corner hallucinating that bats were attacking him.

I took nutmeg once and it was kinda... uninteresting, for me. Basically all that happened was time went funny for me. I kept dissociating and losing track of my surroundings for what felt like minutes at a time, and then I'd tune back in and no time would have passed.

I'd be disoriented for what I thought was five minutes in the middle of a conversation, and be sure I'd just been sitting there staring blankly and not answering someone. Turns out they didn't notice. No one else could tell I was high.

I didn't like being that disoriented if I wasn't gonna get anything else out of it, so I never did it again. For the most part these days I only do cannabis and psilocybin.


‘‘shipping is fucking up how some of yall consume media‘‘ i do not ‘consume media’ i read books, i watch movies. like a normal person does. when was this term mass adopted, why is every work of art ‘‘consumed’‘. along with ‘’creating content’’ its terms the little lad on the monopoly box would use

Shipping discourse is moronic and I don't want to get into it. But linguistics I am interested in. My intuition is that terminology has stuck around because It's the only convenient umbrella term for participation in every form of media now readily available to us. Because watching movies and reading books aren't the only commonplace forms of media to consume.

"Media consumption" and "content creation" include not only movies and books, but also television, theater, YouTube series, podcasts, AO3 fanfic, Tumblr microfiction, TikTok videos, and on and on and on.

"The way you read books" does not include fanfic, which not a book even if it's novel length.

Even if you are only talking about books and movies, "the way you consume media" is still more concise than "the way you read books and watch movies."


Just finished hamlet & had to share THIS


btw this is literally what goes down. it’s great. 

You just know the ye olde peasants went NUTS at that last part


Person A: “(Person B) Can I please borrow your axe?”

Person B: “Sure, it’s beside my bed.”

Person A: “…..Why?”

“Well grandma kept an aluminum bat, but I like the heft and swing of an axe more, myself. Why? What kind of melee weapon do you keep beside the bed?”


To be fair my family is like this. ESPECIALLY grandma.

I think you mean OUR grandma

I keep a bowie knife by my bed.

I have a sword on my side of the bed and my husband has a handgun. He’s ranged and I’m melee.


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