
90% multifandom chaos, 10% mental illness

@actual-changeling / actual-changeling.tumblr.com

Alex || they/them | dey/deren | ze/zem || young adult || find me on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/actualchangeling || trans, aro, lesbian, queer || let's just say there is SO MUCH wrong with me || not spoiler free for anything i post about || spoilers will be tagged

Hi, you can call me Alex or whatever variation of my username you'd like. <3

I'm in my early twenties, use mainly they/them pronouns, and there is a lot wrong with my brain (both affectionately and in a decidedly not fun way). I have memory issues, so I can and will forget things, including replying to messages. You are ALWAYS invited to send me a reminder—please, please do, I will not be offended, pinky promise.

This blog is 90% fandom, 5% personal shit and 5% misc posts that I like. My inbox and DMs are open, so feel free to message me and interact however you like! If there's something you want me to see, I don't mind getting tagged in posts either.

Please don't be an asshole, and you can find my opinions/rules about discourse on my blog right here. I'm incredibly bad at judging my own tone, so if I come across as overly intense or upset, chances are I am actually not—I'm just passionate about the things I enjoy.

Mulder and Scully have taken over my brain and body, and I don't think they will leave me alone ever again.

I will be tagging spoilers for any newly released shows and episodes. If there is something you would like me to tag spoilers for, just shoot me an ask or dm!

Currently following and tagging for:

The X Files: alex watches x files

Doctor Who: alex watches doctor who, dw spoilers

(PJO The Series: pjo spoilers) show is on hiatus

The Magnus Protocols: alex listens to tmagp, tmagp spoilers

I write fanfiction both here on tumblr and on ao3 under actualchangeling. Requests or ideas are fine, though I cannot make any promises.


i think it's very funny that NO ONE is more surprised that germany is playing well (so far) than the germans.

getting out of the group phase seemed like a distant dream after the last eurocup performance but if we beat switzerland we might even leave it in first.

also the scots are drinking all of our beer rip to the pubs trying to keep everyone drunk and happy.


D. W. Mulder, FBI

msr | AU-Genderswap | words: 860

Dana Scully was excited. Of course, it wasn’t every day that you get to start a new job or meet a new partner. First impression is very important, as Ahab always told his children.

What kind of first impression will Agent Mulder have of me?

Everyone at the academy had heard about Agent Mulder at one point or another. Agent Spooky, D. W. “Billie” Mulder in the basement, Billie Mulder who lost her big brother, snatched by little green men. Billie Mulder who’s just as good as one of the guys, if not better.

Billie Mulder who’s sexy and leggy and played hard-to-get.

Dana’s heard plenty of stories about Mulder. She preferred to go by Mulder, and  got her personal files so classified that even her first name was a mystery. There was always something intriguing about Agent Mulder, and Dana really looked forward to be working with her.

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