
what's a purpureuse??


i have never played dragon city and never will (sorry dnp i respect the hustle) • im new here (gamingmas 2023 gave me irreversible brain damage) please be gentle • any pronouns, 20s • certified tag yapper

can someone please tell me if im onto something or if im getting carried away. before i lose my mind

can anyone hear me

feel like i should disclose my dumb ass just learned this specific temple is not actually in japan as far as i can tell. taking my tinfoil trapper hat off sorry guys pheory cancelled 😔😔😔

Anonymous asked:

my sibling pointed out that there is a car (not a Japanese temple) behind that ambiguously pillar shaped thing in the foreground, lost my mind for a second thinking about the japan lore though thank

yeah i thought it was a car at first too. the japhan theory is absolutely full of holes lmao but im just happy to clown and play tuoys


this video proved to me that it is a god given miracle dan and phil dress themselves every morning and don’t end up looking like the two headliners at the clown festival


i've been thinking for a minute about the fact that they are facing away/towards the screens in this teaser shot and it was making me think of the end of wad where dan is being retrospective about all the happy moments and memories like:

but this time they are together! I don't know, kind of picking up where wad left off thematically

@gamora-borealis @fryday i thought you might find this interesting

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