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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

while we're at it can you also pretty please (sugar on top) stop with the 'those countries don't have english as primary language and are homophobic' stuff also? hate to break it to you but most european countries don't have english as the primary language either, most of the former colonies pretty much had english forced upon them and learn it in great percentages, and the homophobia stuff is just appealing to the uncivilized east image and propagating it further (like come on did you even look stuff up about laws in latam asia and africa b4 saying that? south africa was even one of the earliest countries to legalise gay marriage)

that's not even racism from dnp that's just racism from the phandom itself pretty pretty please stop saying that uwu ily ❤️