
what's a purpureuse??


i have never played dragon city and never will (sorry dnp i respect the hustle) • im new here (gamingmas 2023 gave me irreversible brain damage) please be gentle • any pronouns, 20s • certified tag yapper

I hate myself bc the idea of leaving my house and going to a physical location to see dnp irl makes me so extremely anxious that I can't really get properly excited about the tour 🙃 and now there's the added anxiety of trying to decide whether to reveal myself, because I love you all so much you are like celebrities to me and I would love to meet you at a show. But on the other hand I've posted so much batshit insane nonsense on here and I'd die if anyone I know irl found out about it lmfao 😭😭😭 and then also having to decide whether I'd want to try and get m&g tickets because I'd probably have to kms if I was weird in front of dnp. Maybe I should go back to therapy


I watched the whole Japan video trying to match the tv screen but nothing. It just makes too much sense though for it to not be from Japhan so I'm also choosing to believe it is despite having physically proven to myself that it isn't 😅


yeah japhan pheory is dead unfortunately :( it was fun while it lasted tho and it lives on in my heart

Anonymous asked:

my sibling pointed out that there is a car (not a Japanese temple) behind that ambiguously pillar shaped thing in the foreground, lost my mind for a second thinking about the japan lore though thank

yeah i thought it was a car at first too. the japhan theory is absolutely full of holes lmao but im just happy to clown and play tuoys


actually can't cope with a video right now I'm fucking shaking . "we had an idea" oh god oaH GOD OUH- oh they're just making dab blonde. okay. I need a beta blocker


I still haven't received a confirmation phemail 😭 checked my spam as well, nothing. I'm just really stressed that it'll be an early access code for something and I'll miss out. And I can't sign up for an SMS notification because the Netherlands is not supported apparently. Is it just a region thing lmao is this all a huge scheme to make me buy NordVPN

Anonymous asked:

comfort vid rec: DONT SCREAMMM because they talk in soft voices 💞💕💝❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

REALLL that's one of my go-to comfort vids, weirdly enough given that it's a horror game

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