
greer's pet blog

@pangur-and-grim / pangur-and-grim.tumblr.com

Greer is a human illustrator, and Pangur & Grim are feline monsters! if you're after pins, head over to greerstothers.shop (they/them s’il vous plaît)

I bought this sick print from @pangur-and-grim 's shop a little while back and finally got to go frame shopping

And I feel like the luckiest guy alive for real right now; this frame, sitting at a local thrift shop, is the exact dimensions of the print. And it compliments the art so perfectly.

I'm a little stunned and so giddy to clear space on my wall for it

Link to their shop for anyone who also wants some sick art and/or pins


look at Belphie showing so much restraint! at first he’s giving Grim gentle licks, and then (when she starts flicking her tail in annoyance), he visibly fights his impulse to pounce on it, and moves away. super impressive for a four month old kitten!

and wouldn’t you know, just as I’m praising him online I look over and see him biting Grim’s tail.

ah well. he’s still a baby.


as much as i experience frequent environmental grief, i also honour the moments i feel such incredible joy.

recently i got to observe 3 ducklings. they’re pāteke (brown teal), and the most endangered waterfowl on the mainland of aotearoa new zealand- there’s around 2000-2500 of them in the wild.

that number is increasing yearly through breeding programmes and reintroductions, which these three little guys will be part of. they’re unassuming little things, but watching them swim along with their mother while their father sunbathed on a rock to the side, i hope they’re part of their species story of long term survival.

here’s mama and papa with some of their previous ducklings

btw the centre these guys are at is free to the public but takes donations to maintain its upkeep! (they also rehab native birds)

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