forget-me-nots and marigolds


my initials are nsp and I was born in the 20th century. Wait now there are fake accounts so you have to write more. Uh, I really like songs? Like the reproducibility of songs as this sort of thought of an idea expressing itself as “real”. Sorta like how a Shakespeare script isn’t the real art, the performance is, but each performance is inherently different and some would say, flawed. I’ve also seen captain America 1 like a weird amount of times, and like many types of birds

I can feel The dryness of those markers in my bones

Fun fact those dry markers were supposed to have water put into them to make them work. You take off the bottom thing and pour water in and bam, instant marker success. Only learned about this four years after I’d lost my set 🙃



Hey. Reblog to save some poor kid lots of grief.


Fucking what?!


Every ‘90s child on Tumblr raises their head in outrage.

I just stood up so fast and snatched mine out of my closet brb going to the sink




gamers aren’t so much a sub culture as they are a group of people that marketers were able to create so they could sell more expensive toys

Which subcultures weren’t invented by marketers though

the yakuza


Artistic Bird-Shaped Canopy Bed Follow Research.Lighting on Tumblr

@elodieunderglass a TRULY unusual offering!

Oh wow I’m obsessed with how the pillow end is supported. Is the whole thing cantilevered or is there a support of some kind…?

I can’t find another good image of this bed but they did several abs seem to have a bar support at the back.

I cannot recommend looking at more of Les Lalanne designs enough.

this bar for instance


to me it’s a cruelty that i do not wake up in the Scary Bird Bed every morning


soooo today i learned that back in the early 90s, coca cola tried making this thing called “ok soda” as a marketing stunt to beat out pepsi since they had way more of a hold on the “younger/rebellious” generation at the time, and their way of doing that was naming it “ok soda” so that they could copyright the word “ok”, the most popular word in the world, and at the same time brand it as an…ironic soda??? like the whole thing with it was that they tried to brand ok soda as a counterculture soda but instead of making it about typical 90s RADICAL EXTREME!!! fodder the theme of it was uh. unsettling capitalist brutalist dystopia. instead of being bright and colorful the color scheme was only stark whites, grays and reds and the cans looked like this. bold shapes and labels stating ominous, robotic things with a figure always staring dead into you on the front, no coca cola branding on it at all.

sometimes there would be “prize cans” of this stuff where instead of having soda inside it there would be hats. and they didn’t sell this option in boxes by the way they just put prize cans in random vending machines. and put like 25 cents in it so hey. you could get an actual soda that isn’t just hats. maybe.


did i mention that this soda also had a fucking MANIFESTO??? because yeah it sure had that printed on some cans and it goes as follows

and there’s these things called “coincidences”, which… yeah it doesn’t make it sound any less ominous

and you might be wondering how the soda itself tastes like does it taste good? ok? well apparently it was just a regular “citric” tasting soda but somehow they fucked it up so bad that it was compared to “carbonated tree sap”, and instead of trying to make the drink taste better they included that it tasted like shit, INTO THE ADVERTISING SCHEME ITSELF. they would literally advertise that it tasted like ass as a part of the ironic marketing, no i am not kidding.

but if you thought that’s where it ended there’s one more curveball and without any exaggeration, you will not expect what i am about to tell you.

take a look at this guy.

this guy is the “face” of ok soda, as in he was printed on the most cans and technically served as a mascot of sorts for the entire thing. his face was a major part of the branding, and this design for the cans was one of if not the most common.

okay. cool. no issue there right?

take a guess on who this guy is based off of.

the artist’s coworker? a generic guy? the artist himself? a relative? some random reference model they hired?


the lead artist himself has even come forward to say this is the case. and now you may be asking wait. how’d he do this? how’d he possibly get away with this, years after the crimes had been committed?

well according to him, it was simple. apparently none of the contracts he signed said anything against putting a mass murderer on the can. so. there’s THAT.

unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it, ok soda never really caught on since *surprise surprise!* teens really don’t want to buy soda that looks like a brutalist art museum, and it never had a wide release so it was only a thing for like two years between 1993 and 1995. but from what i’ve heard there’s still people who are giving this soda a small modern following, collecting all the cans and merchandise and even coming up with stand in recipes for the soda formula itself.

so yeah! that was ok soda.

what the fuck

I bought some OK Soda off eBay once. had an unopened 6 pack in my appartment for a while as a weird little piece of decor. then I moved state and couldn't transport it, so I threw it out. Opened a few of the cans, some had turned to sugar / dried out. some were okay. I didn't drink any since it was 25+ year old soda but kinda smelled it. it did smell like "put everything in the soda fountain into one cup" kinda thing. Kinda loved the idea though, wild.

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