
Michigan Bird Man

@pudgykookaburra / pudgykookaburra.tumblr.com

Art by Nyne || Bird/Pudgy || He/Him || 35

Like we know Biden would never but God imagine if he just had Trump assassinated as an official act right now and then resigned from office. What would SCotUS even do.

Like you can't impeach him, he's resigned. You can't prosecute him, that was an official act as God-President. You can't even turn the precedent over, you just fucking set it. Joe just goes home and lives out his remaining year retired from the public eye and gets to watch the chaos unfold on TV.

Biden has 6 months to do the funniest thing imaginable


grief is so crazy like what if i forget what her laugh sounds like. does she know i loved her. i miss her so much. i catch myself doing things she used to do. i wish i could call her. i miss her so much. i do a crossword puzzle. i cry while washing the dishes. does she know i loved her? my heart feels like a hummingbird. i miss her so much. what if i forget what her laugh sounds like. what if i forget.


We have lived through this before.

People said Gore wasn't good enough, that he was Bland and uninteresting and middle of the road and something had to change. So they voted third party or they didn't vote at all. And the Democratic party didn't wake up, and we got George W Bush and all the absolute hot garbage that came with him.

And they said Hillary Clinton was the wrong candidate, that she was middle of the road at best and conservative for the Democrats at worst, that she was entitled and they were going to vote for a third party or they didn't vote at all or worse yet, they voted for the other candidate as a joke because it's not like those votes change things, you know? And the Democratic party didn't magically wake up, they didn't majorly change, and we are still dealing with the fallout from that.

And that's not only twice in my lifetime, but twice in my voting lifetime. One of the important things you learn in therapy is that you cannot change other people, and you cannot set your expectations based on how you think they ought to react to certain things.

If you are refusing to vote, or voting third-party because of what you think it's going to make someone else do, please reconsider.

If you want to make the liberals or the centrists or whatever you want to call them wake up, you're going to need to do something that hasn't already been done twice in the last 20 years.


The glorious revolution isn't going to come because Donald Trump is in office

And it'll probably kill a lot of innocent people, during and after, so maybe fuck the glorious revolution even if it would come.


Nothing will ever be as funny to me as doctor who from the masters pov. Your best friend wanders into the woods and befriends a group of squirrels. He decides he will protect that specific tree with his life, even at the cost of your own species. You are the last two humans in the world. You once again try to burn down that fucking tree

op i am howling

how dare you hide this in the tags!

Also one time you tricked the squirrels into electing you Squirrel President.


Fest snake matching 2023-2024

This was a really fun project to run, considering reptiles are my amongst my favorite animals. I'm excited to finish applying genes to the dragons I have left in this project, but I figured I'd compile all the scries I've made throughout the year into one post for all to enjoy :)

staff, if you're reading this thank you for such an amazing year of festivities

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