About Me

My name’s Ella, I’m an adult, my pronouns are xe/xir. I’m aroace and gendervoid. I’m an artist and writer. I tend to have a queue going so stuff will be posted at all hours. I’m beginning to post about my own work and ocs, and will tag those. Asks are welcome

Current WIPS

INFERNO: A supernatural western, following a lone gunslinger seeking revenge for his murdered family, to the point where he forgets to focus on his new one.

(This world also comprises some short stories and another novel, INHERITANCE, a gothic horror/noir about a private detective trying to outrun a generations-deep curse)

MAW OF THE DEEP: Low flintlock fantasy. A group of pirates seeking supernatural treasure, and an end to occupation of their home by an empire across the sea.

DEMONBANE: Coming of age/urban fantasy. A young demon hunter leaves her order to go home, and ends up entangled in a demonic war thats been brewing for centuries. In doing so, she has to also help her own people make a new course from their current destructive path.

THELIA: low fantasy. Chronicles several different groups headed towards a singular point and includes

  • FOOLS LAUREL, following the servants of a corrupt king for several years as they attempt to survive the bloodthirsty nobility of Banovo
  • GLADIATOR, following the warlord heir of the kingdom of Valdna and a young peasant boy as they fight for their lives as prisoners of war in an Aurelian arena
  • IRON UNBREAKABLE, following an Aurelian military general, the high priestess he’s married to, and their king seeking to conquer the entire continent of Thelia.
  • DEAD GOD, the culmination of these three threads.

Fanfiction on AO3

CRAWL OUT THROUGH THE FALLOUT: Delilah Edwards, a veteran of the army, wakes up in a Vault 200 years after the bombs dropped. She has to contend with both the monsters on the surface, and her own demons, as she searches the Commonwealth to find her son; and in the process, creates a united front against the threats this new world holds.

NEW VEGAS: Courier 6, or Marshal Cigarra as he later learns, hunts down what others assume are his enemies. However, he isn’t interested in bloodshed, instead seeking to heal the Mojave wasteland as best he can. After all, he’s a doctor first, the king of Vegas second.

My boss was like “Do you have any idea how much money we’re losing” like who cares, it’s not like they would give it to me otherwise

Have our investors tried making coffee at home and not eating out so much?


They keep expanding the gender binary options for men (?)

What is the role of these males in the omegaverse

hear them out


[ID: Three-panel Pills That Make You Green comic.

Panel 1: A tall purple person and the green person are sitting on stools by a table. In the background is some kind of bar desk with a plain person, a crimson person with a triangular torso and a sky-blue person with cat ears standing around it.

Purple: "Yeah so I don't really identify as transchromatic OR cischromatic actually"

Green: "Oh! uh-"

Panel 2: Zoom in on a perspective shot of purple on the left and green on the right. Green has a box above their head saying:

"Dialogue choices:
-Semantic argument
-Deny their lived experience
>Hear them out"
with "head them out" being selected.

Panel 3: Zoom back out to the same scene as the first panel. In the background another green person with a slight gradient on them has met up with the sky blue person.

Purple: "Yeah so when I was a kid they put me on pills that make you green, 'cause they'd diagnosed me with Unwanted Purple Syndrome. Thing is I actually did want to be purple once I thought about it, so I had to take purple pills."

Green: "Oh I get it now"

Purple: "So I think binary categorisation is a bit reductive about how I got to where I am now"

End ID]

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"You made the ptmyg lore too complicated by adding more colours" look at the hype in the notes and tell me this wasn't worth it

#i don't know if it was the intent but this feels like intersex rep

100% it's deliberate intersex rep


it’s deliberate intersex


Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

i wish i could find a way to make rep 5 syllables

representation is five syllables holy shit the bot got it right!!

Quick reminder that you don't need a solid sexuality! You can just be in love! Or not be in love! Or have a gender! Labels are a choice, not a requirement. All you need to do is be someone you like being! If labels help with that, great! But they are not required. You don't owe it to anyone, so don't feel pressured to choose labels if they aren't your thing!


we officially have a professor that looks like he has a grindr profile happy pride month pokemon gays only


Does he mean nothing to you

No he's french next question


what about him

Oh he's gay but doesn't know what grinder is

Pokemon Heritage Post

has anyone seen my sharp rock? i left it in the river for 100 years for safe keeping and now i can't find it. its many uneven edges have sentimental significance

gonna start making snopes-style responses to urban legends about tumblr

"this how we lost post editing and it was still worth it"

❌ False

The John Green Cock Monologue, while one of the most egregious examples of post editing, was not why the ability to edit posts was taken away. This feature was removed because scammers would edit posts with huge note counts to try to make their scams look legit.

"those are his hooves, bitch."

✅ True

Those are his hooves, bitch.

Id: tweet by @yunglame reads, "bought a lemon tree earlier today straight cash" with pictures of him posing like a badass in front of his lemon tree. He's retweeted this with the addition of, "no flex but its 9pm n i just went out n got some lemons to make one single cup of lemonade, why? Cus i copped a fuckin lemon tree, might bake a tart tomorrow pussy"

You ever see a post that just looks like someone swinging an incredibly high resolution bat at an impossibly busty hornet’s nest?

good things to pay attention to more often

  • the color of trees
  • clouds and how they look different throughout the day
  • the different colors the mornings can have. sometimes it's an orange hue and sometimes pink and sometimes it's too misty to tell
  • pretty color schemes in random places (the trees and your neighbors wooden patio and the color of their car)
  • the states of the vehicles passing you by, dents and scratches and the different trinkets suspended from their rearview mirrors
  • the sound of silence
  • the shadows the lights cast in your home, like how sunset looks different than sunrise, and the shadows the sun casts look different than those of your lamps and candles
  • pretty details in buildings and houses like certain types of windows or doorknobs or archways
  • the movement of things in the wind. flags, leaves, flowers, people's hair and coats

Focusing your attention on things like this is a grounding technique. Gets you out of your head and into the moment.

The more I’ve done it the more interesting my world has become. So many amazing little details that slip right past us.

I bring a sort of "actually mass traumatic events have an effect on the public's mental health and you're NOT acting in isolation from that trauma, and ignoring it doesn't make it go away" vibe to the party that Americans do not like

"IDK why [name] is acting up lately"
"Well on top of the things going on in their personal life causing stress, we've also had nonstop pandemic on top of authoritarian threats and genocide and cost of living being unsustainable, so yeah, they're acting pretty much as expected"
"NONE OF THAT OTHER STUFF IS IMPORTANT, only their PERSONAL problems, so they shouldn't be this upset!"

sorry but the background radiation of stress does, in fact, affect people

#i keep on having to tell myself this about myself

hey, OP here. look at me. <3

me. too.

EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. i have to remind myself that my mental health isn't ONLY being affected by the things within my own home. I CONSTANTLY have to remind myself and my loved ones that we're bearing the weight of SO MUCH SHIT right now and we can't do anything about 99% of it.

you aren't alone, NONE of us are. we're just... isolated anyway. and it sucks.

grace and patience and compassion are the only things that will get us all through this

man everyone is just going through it like. this fully sucks for everyone

not even like joking around like genuinely if you're also Going Through It right now i hope stuff gets better for you. like. everything sucks in a way that feels like it's completely out of my/our control and it feels like a hill too steep to climb

idk how good or bad things are for you right now but we're all going to endure this and who knows how much better or how much worse things will get but we're gonna do this together and make it out the other side


hater of socks


what is your problem !!!

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