
Dream of the Endless/Morpheus x Reader Masterlist

Assorodus, meaning “silvery water”.

The Endless were not the first entities to come into existence at the dawn of the cosmos, of everything known. Yes, Father Time and Mother Night were there, but also someone else. Known to the Greeks as Talos, to others the Writer, or even the First Writer, giver of purpose to everything that breathed and sometimes to things that did not. For the sake of many, it would be easier to call this being simply Purpose, with whom Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, came into close connection at the beginning of his reign, for men tend to ponder their purpose in their dreams. In front of each other, they can allow themselves to be open, and most of their secrets shared. Soon the two of the most potent creations started to depend on each other's friendship and eventually, Morpheus caught feelings he shouldn't have. This is his story through Talos' eyes.


The Sandman Timeline

As printed in The Annotated Sandman 4 (2015)

As promised, @tickldpnk8 and @ambiently-80s-gay with food for thought and possible additions/corrections for yours. Managed to do this very quickly before running out again, so sorry for the bad photos. It’s all perfectly readable though if you zoom in.

A few thoughts: Overture is largely missing from this one, too, but the events are hinted at, and it’s much more complete than anything else out there, plus it’s official.

You still need to take a few things with a grain of salt though (like the Little Endless ;)).

Killalla is mentioned as “millions of years ago”, but that’s not to be understood as only a few millions. It’s more likely 3 to 4 billion years ago since Sol (our sun) was very young in The Heart of a Star, and our Sun is 4.5 billion years old. So I’d put that closer to 4 billion years.

As we can see here, the first vortex is presumed to have happened after Killalla, not before. What aeons exactly mean in this context, we’ll never know. If it happened before or after Alianora is hard to tell. My hunch is before, but that’s really just a hunch.

Alianora was after Killalla, not before. Delirium is still well and truly Delight in The Heart of a Star, but she can’t help Morpheus when the Old Gods take over the Dreaming because she is changing. Plus, there’s already bad blood between Desire and Dream.

Despair is killed after Delight has changed to Delirium, the date given here is 100,000 BC. This was already visible at Despair’s funeral btw, because it was Delirium attending, not Delight.

There are many, many other really good dates in here, from Calliope/Orpheus to historical events, to Morpheus’ death, which was in January 1994 🥺

Hope it helps out 🙂


Hey Neil.

I'm a YA author from Hungary. We have new anti-lgbt laws in my country, and they affect books as well. I spoke up against these laws a couple of months ago, and some people threatened to spit on me at my book signings. I've always turned to your works and words of encouragement in hard times, but lately I feel I need a real pick-me-up as an author. And sadly, I feel like some of my childhood favorites, whom I always looked up to, have taken the wrong turn somewhere, and that breakes my heart. I wish I could turn to them for comfort as well. Can you give us authors some advice how to tune out the noise of those who try and bring us down, when we stand up for and write about queer people, women's and minority rights? I always try to look within, to reevaluate my moral compass, to check if I'm still doing or writing the good thing, and fighting the good fight. It's getting harder. Sometimes I'm even afraid to write.


Write your books. Write the stories you need to write. Be brave.


I'm also Hungarian and a couple years ago I asked Neil whether Sandman will continue against all the backlash it recieved for it's wide vareity of amazing characters. People simply didn't understand why I asked such a question, but at the time I was still living near Budapest and it was so hard to see all the negative comments directed towards a show that gave me so much comfort before leaving my country to start a new life. People thought it was strange I asked such a question and now that I live somewhere else I can understand why. It's hard to think that the rest of the world is different when you grew up in such an enviroment. At least it was for me.

Thought I'll reblog this because it made me happy to see a fellow Hungarian writer speak up about the censorship that is happening. I do think a lot about moving back, but then I remember when I saw my favourite books foiled up in shops so children can't open them or they were completely taken off the shelves. I'm following the news about the censorship and trying to spread the word and I really hope one day things will change, because I want to write something at home. It's home after all. My own language.

Again, went on quite long with this, point is as a Hungarian it's great to see someone speaking about this.

Keyleth, you are roused out of your slumber as well, hearing him gasp and breathe heavily, leaning off the side of the bed.”-Matt

Campaign 1 Episode 90: Voice of the Tempest

Anonymous asked:

Never heard of or read season of mists. Though I look forward to seeing what happens next and hope they are able to get their happy ending or as close to one as possible when all is said and done where at least the Reader is finally free and go to the Dreaming.

Season of Mists is the Sandman comics from issues #21-#28. It wasn't adapted in the first season, since it's a bit deeper into the Sandman series, but it's expected to debut on screen in the next season. I highly recommend it, I think it's the best Volume of Sandman and one of the greatest stories Neil Gaiman wrote.

Anonymous asked:

Just read the new chapter for Assorodus. It was good. Hope the Reader will be freed soon and her and Morpheus can be together without interference from anyone.

Hopefully they'll manage to do that, there is still a bit of struggle ahead. Can't say how they will get over them, but I hope you will like it <3

Anonymous asked:

Hope the Reader and Morpheus will stick it to the demons soon, for what they have done and continue to do. And, find some way to break Lucifer's power and destroy the collar and leash soon, and find a way to ensure it doesn't happen again. Can't stand Lucifer or the other demon lords. Good chapter.

There are a few interesting chapters coming up (I hope you guys will feel the same way about it). If you've read season of mists before you might have an idea what to expect, but I'm planning on changing things up a bit :P

Anonymous asked:

I apologize for the last post I sent where I said fem reader, I pressed the wrong button before I could fix it. Next time I send in a message for Assorodus in this case, I will make sure to just keep it as Talos or Reader. Again, I apologize.

Oh my gosh dear don't even worry about that! <3 The exact reason why Talos' gender is not mentioned is that you can associate to anything when reading. I have multiple people writing she on other platforms and it's totally fine :3



Past the rampage outside the palace, the cellar was eerily quiet, not even the screams of the dreamfolk could penetrate the thick underground walls. The damp air clung to my hair and clothes, as my cloak dragged after me, heavily on the floor. The two gods wrecking the gardens above ground escaped a while ago and declared their rule over the Dreaming, throwing its rightful ruler into the dungeons. I was inclined to ignore the situation for a while, hoping that Morpheus has everything in his grip, but alas, he was still too young. I had no doubt in his capabilities, but governing a realm was completely different to protecting it. This was a steep learning curve. I came to see him, though bound by ancient laws I wasn’t about to help him, but I had to know if he still had the spirit to fight on. 

There was only one cell. It's not often that someone has to be imprisoned in the Dreaming, and there are far better methods for holding someone. Yet they still decided to simply shut him behind bars. How beast-like. 

He huddled in the corner, a fuming pile of black fabrics and chains. He was immensely angry and scared, but the ice of his desperation broke as soon as he caught sight of me. He leapt towards the door, a cuffed hand reaching through the iron bars. On the wall behind him, I noticed signs of the Endless, scratched into the stone. An ankh, a sword, a heart, a ring, a flower. He improvised a gallery for himself, unable to access his own. He tried to call his siblings. 

“You came at last.” Even at a few thousand years old he still retained some of his boyish charm from before the time of his first love. Only now deep lines of loss and heartbreak grooved his elegant face. 

“I’m not here to help.” His hopeful expression dropped and suddenly I realized that I don’t remember the last time I saw him. “You know I can’t.”

“Of course. Neither can my siblings.” 

“Have you tried all of them?” 

He shamefully looked away. 

“Not Desire.” 

There was bad blood between Dream and Desire, I had no need to ask why he didn’t call on his sister-brother sooner. 

“You have to put aside your disagreements, otherwise you will rot in this cell for an eternity.”


“Again, I’m not about to break the rules.” 

His hand fell limply to his side. 

“Why you came then?” 

“I felt like I have to be here. It's been a while since I saw you too.”

The thousands of stars in his eyes flickered then died down. He pulled his tattered regal attire tighter around himself, the fabric making a tearing sound in protest. 

“You felt like you have to be here? Did Destiny set this up after he was unable to answer my call?” 

“No. We’ve been distant, he has a lot to do. It’s based on pure instinct that I’m here.” 

He quietly mulled over what I said, then returned to the corner of his cell, looking at the cravings that the etched into the wall longingly. 

“Tell me, will I ever get out of here?”

“I believe so, though I cannot say for sure. The future is not mine to know.” I leaned closer to the bars, so I could link my sight with his. “But the lesson you will learn from this is important, never forget it. You might need it in the future. Call Desire.” 

To my surprise, my personal room in the Dreaming is still intact. It’s a time capsule now, buried in the castle, collecting dust. I was free to leave and find it, the daemons don’t care much where I am as long as I don’t travel between planes. Invisibly the collar still clutches my neck and from time to time a strong hand yanks on it, checking if I’m still in line. 

I grab the duvet and pull it off the mattress, creating a swirl of dust that gently dances towards the floor in the light streaming through the window that I just opened recently. The air is heavy in here with the musky traces of loneliness and tears. Did he ever come here to think about me? It’s strange that he didn’t order Mervyn to demolish it after I went missing. 

Even my writing desk is here, tucked into a safe corner, away from the sounds and wonders of the Dreaming so I could concentrate. I should work now, but I can’t bring myself to do it. My mind is elsewhere, far, far away. Giving up I set my pen down, so it’s there as a reminder to do my job. But I will deal with it later. 

Suddenly through the keyhole, a tiny dancing flame skips into the room, not bigger than the tip of my finger. It’s curiously bright, and only now do I realize that the sun had dipped below the horizon. The flying cluster of flames beckons and I follow without a question. It takes me through a labyrinth of hallways, big and small ones alike, adorned with framed artworks and delicate wooden inlays. I know where we are going, and we stop in front of the exact door I was expecting. The flame dissipates. 

My hand hovers above the handle before I push it down the lock clicks open as a wave of darkness pours over the sill. This shadow of the night sky envelopes me as I enter. 

He stands by his bed, his back turned to me, like a column of stars and bright galaxies in space. This is his personal chamber, one I’ve visited many times before. It looks the same as the day he escaped his captivity. He didn’t even make the bed since, the wrinkles outline our forms tangled into each other on his first free day. 

“You called me.” For a moment I wish he wouldn’t turn so that I don’t have to face his blazing eyes, but then he does. His pupils are two effervescent pits, muddled with anger, yet there is so much pain that he tries to cover, but it bubbles to the surface. Over his hazy eyes, his eyelids flutter, fighting an escaping tear. His chin dips before he looks up again. I weather his silence. 

“A year.” He speaks finally. “More than that.”

I step over to the bed. 

“I would apologise, but that would only incite your rage.” As I pick up the blankets his hand lashes out, but he retracts it almost immediately. 

“Death knew.” 

“She found it out by an accident. And I didn’t tell her the whole truth.” 

His timbre is a searing whisper that slithers across the floor and bites at my heels. 

“So what is the truth?” 

Tentatively I let the magic that hides my chains go. Wearing it after all these months I feel bare without it, overly exposed, but this is nothing compared to what he had to endure, I remind myself. His lips part in shock and I take this moment to make the bed and smooth out our past outlines. He observes without a word. 

“I never meant to hurt you, Morpheus. I know I did, but I wish I wouldn’t have.” 

“Who did this?” I feel his looming breath tickling the nape of my neck. It melts away the touch of the iron collar in an instant. 

“The past Hell Lord, Lucifer Morningstar.” I turn, our faces inches away from each other. “There is no way to reach them now. We all know what happened.” 

“And your leash? Who holds it now?” 

“Azazel. Your hospitality demands that you don’t hurt him while he resides within your walls.” His closeness is encapsulating, and all of a sudden the room evaporates around us, bringing back similar memories from the past. His breath hitches in his throat and he bows his head, hands fisting by his side. 

“May I touch you?” Softly my words travel into his ears and Morpheus shudders. 

“Yes.” He speaks to the floor. “You may.” 

I gingerly place my fingers on either side of his jaw and almost immediately he leans into my palms, putting some of his weight onto me. His chest heaves as his heart crash against his ribcage with every beat. I’m no different. 

“Look at me please.” Reluctantly he raises his chin, clouded eyes staring into my soul and I can see the stars twinkling in them. “Can you forgive me for the pain I have caused?” 

“Only if you can forgive me for ever doubting you.” A tear trails down his cheek freely as we inhale each other's essence. His is dark, like burnt pine on a summer evening when the wind carries wildflowers across the valleys, but something more ethereal than that. His body is pressing against mine now, arms finding their way around my waist, and he just holds me, soaks me in. Due to him leaning against me my legs press against the bedframe. Morpheus is all pleading, a resonating shout bouncing around his soul, asking for what he couldn’t have until now. I offer him what he wants by angling myself in a way that he barely has to move to take it and against all of his desires he turns into a statue of disbelief. Shocked he pulls away, then comes back, testing me, eyebrows drawn together in a perplexed frown. His quick breaths skim over my lips and I can already taste his mouth on mine. I press my forehead against his, our skins burning up. 

His kiss is tentative at first, barely a touch before he breaks it, franticly searching for my eyes. I know he understands when his lashes flutter as he cups my face between his elegant, long fingers and pulls me in, flush against his torso. A low moan sounds deep from his throat as he takes my lips again, gently, needly. I embrace him and we fall on the bed, he is over me, still soaking in every bit of contact he can, afraid that I can evaporate from his hold in any given second. He has to stop for air, his cheeks flushed, overflowing emotions radiating from him in waves. 

“My Dream Lord.” Combing his hair back with my fingers I start to feel his weight over me. “I’m so sorry. I was so blind.” 

“Say that again.” He rasps, his words bursting with desire to belong to someone. “Say that I’m yours.”

“My Dream Lord.” I pepper kisses along his jawline, repeating this sentence. “My Dream Lord, would you let me love you when all of this is over?” 

Doubting, he pushes himself up again, but I grab onto his coat, stopping him before he can get too far. 

“Love of mine,” his arms tremble. “My kiss should be the only answer you need.” 

And as he kisses me again it’s like velvet flowing over my body, light, gentle when he pulls me up on the mattress, laying me against the pillows, all without his lips leaving mine. My fingertips trace his spine, kneading through his back muscles and he tenses up a bit before his body goes limp. He doesn’t pry, he doesn’t initiate anything more, he is just content to be touched. And there is a certain comfort in him draping over me, like a layer of protection between me and my captors. As his cold palm soothes the burning inflicted by my collar I sigh into his lips and feel a smile tugging at the edge of his mouth. 

“Stay with me tonight.” He asks. “I’ve been lonely for so long.” 

I guide him next to me so that he rests on the pillow next to me. 

“If you wish me to do that. I want to make you feel loved, I’ve been a fool not doing that before. But not tonight.” He tilts his head so he can look me in the eye. “Not while I have a leash.” 

“I’m content even if I can only hold you.” Using his midnight black cape he covers both of us. “I will need time.” 

“Understandably so.” 

“Not how you think.” The stars dancing in his iris dim, and some start blinking as he is thinking back. “I haven’t shown myself to anyone since my escape.”

“I see.” 

“I feel tied to this form, but I find it hard not to hate it.” His nostrils flare when he sharply draws in air. His heart is still beating fast. I draw him in so his head rests comfortably in the crook of my neck. 

“Such things are hard to unlearn, but I will never ask you to do anything that you are not ready for.” 

“I know.”

Of course, he does. He always did… 



remember when you were 10 and you would hang out with your friends in order to Look At The Computer together like you went to their house and experienced the information superhighway together. and then leave

How fucking old are you people?

normal amount

Mine goes like, remember when you were 10 and would convince your sister that looking at you playing the sims 2 is actually more entertaining then playing it so you would get two hours at the computer instead of just one






People have actually been really good about reblogging my stuff lately but still a useful reminder! (PS you guys who reblog things are great)

Anonymous asked:

Just finished reading the newest chapter for Assorodus and it was good. Hope the Writer will be freed soon and the Reader and Dream will unleash thier wrath on those who have imprisoned the Reader.

Thank you! <3 I'm glad you liked it, and yes, this is the final struggle to get everything right between them. The demons will not let go until they have the key, and Talos is still bound by Lucifer's power.

We will have to see if they manage...



The searing heat of the runes lashed at me, heat rippling through the air as we sat side by side, Morpheus in his globe prison and I’m down on the stone floor writing. He was silent as usual, a morose effigy of his past self and I saw the lights dim in his eyes when he was looking at the iron gate locking him away from the outer world. His suffering took a toll on both of us, but I was more than willing to be the crutch for him to lean on. His escape would be planned, I thought, as soon as Burgess’ magic weakens with his age or time weathers it down to unrecognizable signs of the occult. 

“Talos?” He barely breathed when speaking due to the scarce amount of oxygen behind the glass. He just uttered the words fighting against the intake of air the best as he could. 

“Yes?” I slipped my pen between the pages, focusing on him. 

“Are you still with me?” I believe sometimes he was staring at one point for such a long time that his vision got tired or he pushed himself into self-inflicted blindness just to take away one element of his forced environment. Whichever was the case, I never asked. It would have been far too painful to talk about. 

“Yes, I am here.” I made the best effort to smile with my words.

“No, nothing.” His chest had to rise for the next sentence, and he did that with painful slowness. “Just making sure. I was afraid you left.” 


“I could only hear the rat in the corner.” His jet black hair fell into his face as he turned as if still listening. “And I didn’t want to see.” 

“I understand.” 

He seemed to settle on that for a second, pale skin glistening in the warm flickering lights of the bulbs. It was never dark in the basement. Another reason to get rid of his sight occasionally, one way or another. To feel like he can still dream. 

“I wouldn’t want you to go.” 

“Dear Morpheus,” I set my papers aside devoting my full attention to him. “I promised you I wouldn’t leave.” 

“You do leave sometimes.” 

“Only because I have to .” It hurt, but I pushed my hand through the barrier, my fingers spreading over the glass. “See, Morpheus. See.” 

His body shook, ribs rattling under his thinly stretched skin and his eyes opened wide taking in the light, the agonisingly familiar sight of the basement. His palm quickly found mine, skin aching for contact. 

“I look out for you as I always did.” I continued. “Maybe you don’t always feel it, but this is my intention.” 

All the uncertainty he had after Jessamy’s death shone in his eyes, still actively mourning and blaming himself. I wish I had been there, I could have made an effort to stop the events, to alter some words in a piece I wrote that would change everything. A chain of guilt linked our hearts together. He should have never been captured, yet there we were. 

“I’ll keep this thought in mind.” He rasped, lungs out of the habit of working. “For when hard times come, it’ll keep me alive.” 

“So be it.” I smiled through the tears threatening to fall. “So be it.” 

It's hard to tell what went down. 

The only certainty is that I know it all happened because of me. I set the events in action that led us here, into this uneasiness. Into the Limbo, to be specific, where I reside at the moment, though against my will. I have done something I would have never done before. I was selfish, I wanted out. 

Changing my writing wasn’t anything new. I have done it for Hob Gadling before after all, however, that was only a minor alteration. Resetting the course of the Morningstar was a completely different act in volume and a devastating one. But I couldn’t withstand the pressure pushing me deeper and deeper into the pits, the loneliness gnawing at my flesh. I wanted to see the true sky again, I wanted to see him. But nothing turned out in the way I had expected it. And from a prisoner, I had turned into a prisoner yet again. 

Just a few feet from me the daemons are in a heavy discussion. They dare not approach me so bravely, but at the same time, they don’t want to lose their prized possession. The treasure that will buy them what they want. The key to Hell where they were banished from. 

Another detail I forgot to include in my calculations. What will happen to the key after Lucifer has no use for it? For it's not something that can be thrown away, discarded, or buried somewhere where no one will find it. I thought there would be a plan set in motion that is there in case Lucifer would perish at the hand of an outer force. Turns out there was none, this wasn’t meant to happen.

So I wait contemplating my impending fate. They took Nada too out of all the tormented souls, so I’m fairly certain whom they want to approach and thus I have the suspicion that the new owner of the key is none other than Morpheus, quite an interesting choice looking at his relationship with the King of Hell.

My hands itch, clawing for my pen in my mind, but I’m afraid I’m not allowed to write here in this shapeless space. So down on the mortal planes everything halts for a while, except what the Moiras can keep running without my help. Nothing new is born while I’m here. I can feel the sluggishness, time scraping against blank paper, tearing into it, leaving an empty hole and the words fall through. It aches, but the collar around my neck still works against me, blocking me from accessing my true power. 


I tilt my head as an acknowledgement of my name being called. Azazel’s bodyless black mass swirls next to me and multiple voices hiss into my hears through sharp teeth. 

“What do you want daemon?” My eyes are fixed on Nada’s naked body. She is freezing, her lips blue and trembling. 

“Prince of Hell if you will, I intend to regain my title.” In tendrils they slither around my limbs, aiming to intimidate but I can smell their underlying fear of me. The stench of sulphur almost makes me gag. 


“Take us to the Dream Land.” 

I’m about to shake my head when I feel the chain pull and mar at my throat. They shouldn’t even stand the chance of getting that key, but here I am offering the perfect opportunity on a silver plate. 

“As if you couldn’t travel yourself.”

“For you, it's easier to get in Writer, you are always welcome among the Endless.” 

“That might have changed during my time spent in Hell.” My gaze shifts to Azazel’s. “What with Nada?” 

“I will take care of her myself.” 

I turn away as Nada’s lifeless body is lifted from the ground. Conjuring all my power I strain against my bounds, imagining my destination as faithfully as I can. The familiar image of lush fields and flowing rivers, the castle with the three gatekeepers and the towers thrusting towards the sky stabs at my heart. I grasp onto it like a lifeline and pull it towards my being as the Limbo shrinks into the distance behind us. It only takes a moment, but I perceive it as a lifetime, the anticipation builds and at the same time I prepare myself for his deserved rage… 

 Fresh air seeps into my lungs, making me shudder, a flash of joy flaring up in my body. A gust of wind blows past my face carrying the scent of disturbance and anxiety. The Dream Lord is not in a good headspace right now. The responsibility of the key must be heavy on his shoulders. 

And now he is oh so close to me. 

We walk up to the gate of the castle and a rumbling crowd welcomes us, waiting to gain entrance to the Heart of the Dreaming. They are all gods, deities from the past times, some forgotten, some still respected in hidden corners of the world. And they all want one thing: the key. 

Without fail they all recognize me as I go past them with my unlikely entourage who let me walk ahead of them, realising how easily I can cut a path for myself in this sea of otherworldly beings. Our party contains Azazel, Choronzon and Merkin, mother of spiders. I’m unsure where they hid Nada, but I faintly sense her presence with us. 

I climb the stairs leading to the massive double-winged door, through which the visitors begin to trickle in as they open. The burning stare of the gatekeepers follows me, they all know who I am. 

It's the throne room we directly arrive at, he must have made the corridors leading here, as it is dangerous to get lost in the castle. Everything is like I remembered but repaired, with no cracks on the marble stones, the light filtering through the colourful glass windows like an ever-shifting rainbow.  

And there, the sunlight pooling around his sharp forms stands he, regal and breathtaking. Immediately our eyes lock, pupils blown, engulfing each other. I used to be good at reading his feelings, but at this moment it’s impossible. The emotions flash through his features at a rapid speed. Hurt, despair, sadness, anger… All behind that schooled mask of neutrality that at least I can still crack and peel back a little. His lips twitch, between them thousands of unsaid words, and his figure awkwardly shifts. A knife would be able to slice through the silence in the room. Then he tears his gaze away from me, though I can see it takes him a tremendous amount of effort to do so. He has to be a King in front of everyone else, he has to be an Endless. 

I take my seat next to Choronzon at the dining table set up in the middle of the hall. There is a peculiar flirtation occurring between him and Merikin that I do not understand, nor do I wish to. Dreamers serve food catered to every being’s needs. Opposite of me the mighty Norse god, Thor, is getting rowdy and entranced by the proximity of Bast, the Egyptian goddess. It's a comfortable distraction, something to watch while I feel his eyes pass over me occasionally until I can’t bear it anymore. I quietly stand up and take my exit. I know that he notices. 

Though the layout is slightly changed to accommodate the visitors, the way to the library seems to be the same. I take all the familiar turns until I find myself between the towering shelves, filled with knowledge and stories, both written and unwritten. An uneven pattern of hurried steps follow me, have been as soon as I stepped out to the corridors, but only manages to catch up now. 

“My, the feast is the other way around, I’m sorry… Oh.” 

It’s Mervyn, he comes to a halt, his pumpkin head dipping to the side in surprise. He is clutching a broom to his chest at a loss of what he could or should say, so I decide to help him out. 

“Hello, Mervyn.” My smile is bittersweet, but I try to brighten it up for him a little. “It’s good to see you again.” 

“Yes, yes.” He scratches his chest nervously, then asks right away. “Does he know?” 

“He saw me.” It’s only a matter of time until Morpheus orders me to his chambers for a private audition, I’m sure. We have to talk. “He is preoccupied with his visitors, understandably so.” 

“Are you not one of them?” 

“Yes and no.” 

The distance between us is rather wast, he is standing in the doorway while I’m quite a few steps in, but he doesn’t make an attempt to approach. 

“And Loosh?” 

“I hoped I would find her here.” 

“A few lines of shelves down.” Helps out Mervyn. “She will be quite shocked to see you.” 

“Truth be told, I’m shocked to find myself here.” A sigh escapes my lips. “I thought I would never make it back.” 

I bid farewell to the fidgety janitor before he could respond, and a few shelves down I do find Lucienne. She is balancing a stack of heavy tomes, barely being able to see over them. To my voice, she jumps, then freezes, afraid to turn and look. I call her again. 


She carefully sets the books down on the floor, next to her feet, remaining in a crouching position and her shoulders shake. I kneel by her side. 

“Lucienne, can you look at me?” 

Her glasses are foggy as she raises her gaze at me and I’ve never seen her so emotional. I dry up a stray teardrop escaping her eyes with the hem of my robe. 

“Dear, dear Lucienne.” I take her hands into mine. “How I missed you.” 

“How is this possible?” Usually so composed, now she had fallen apart due to the sudden wave of emotion. “You disappeared. There were barely any explanations.” 

“I’ll tell you everything when the time comes, I promise.” Our fingers intertwine as she grounds herself with my touch to calm down. “I’m not completely free yet, there is a danger about saying things.” 


“Believe me lovely Lucienne, the Dreaming is the least safe out of the many realms right now.” 

She contemplates this for a second, immediately making calculations for possible scenarios that can happen with this many powerful forces cramped into one space, all wanting the same thing. 

“You have to go and see him.” She says then. 

“I know.” I stand up, facing towards the way I came from as if I could hear him calling to me already. But there is only silence now. “He saw me already, I want to make sure he is ready. He will call me when he is.” 

“Aren’t you afraid?” 

“I’m terrified.” A tremor runs down my spine. “But loving someone is always terrifying.” 


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