Against DnD, Against Leviathan

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

It sucks how much knowledge of tactics and battle is locked behind paying huge sums of money or knowing the right people or being in the right groups. I think every armed forces, militia, pmc, whatever should have to make all their knowledge and blueprints free and open source. The government should have free classes on how to wage guerrilla war or do breach and clearing. Democratize warfare, I don’t care about the consequences but we’d get some sick as hell video games and airsoft out of it


And if you happen to stumble upon pdfs of any handbooks or resources on these topics, let the parasocial instinct overpower you and give me these documents! I want to be the War Thunder of women



Join my gaming discord and play autism games with me girl. You will not end up on any government watchlists


Updating this since we’re in another big wave of transfem callouts and I’ve gotten messages going “hey where can I follow you besides here” I will never go to another social media after tumblr kills me or dies, and will be a reclusive hermit in my gaming discord. There’s a rigorous vetting process of “I look at your blog and see if you’re funny” but it can be passed by playing tabletop or video games I like and talking about them

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Anonymous asked:

UN-suggested ttrpgs that aren't d&d 5e. ttrpgs that suck absolute ass and shouldn't be played. ttrpgs that are such an utterly miserable experience that they become an artistic statement. this is what i want in my life.

Cyberpunk Red lol. It’s very much another “this has brand recognition and nothing else” system, but props for not being a 5e clone I guess. I’m a dedicated Hater of it now, and it qualifies as artistic statement, it’s self-declared style over substance and Jesus the handbooks are all awful to read as a result

asks ttrpgs

Anonymous asked:

can I ask how pbta is "good" for rp? every game I've played in it is so rigid the characters don't even feel like they can be mine.

It definitionally has archetypes that characters have to be with the playbooks, which is more restrictive than “do anything lol.” There’s systems that allow “be anything” but I suggested pbta specifically as something that have more structure to facilitate narrative play and roleplay, because most people are used to DnD 5e which provides nothing.

There’s systems like FATE or GURPS where you can do whatever you want but require an immense amount of curation on the part of player/gm, and I prefer rpgs that don’t require me to do half the game development, usually. If I want to do more guided-journaling type freeform character developing I’d do Ironsworn or a derivative

asks ttrpgs

Anonymous asked:

those annoying women, i mean, ftms are being transmisogynistic by having kinks related to their desires and calling themselves catboys - lmfao fucking get a life and get your head out of your ass and please PLEASE block me from this ask so i can stop scrolling through your stupidity for entertainment

catgirlforeskin answered:


I’m guessing this is what you’re mad about since it was circulating again today and it got an angry transmasc comment on it.

I do think it’s very telling that you’re falling back on accusing me of misgendering trans men when what’s upsetting you and others is me saying “trans men are men, and men benefit from misogyny.”

This sort of “have your cake and eat it too” argument comes out very often by trans men who simultaneously accuse opponents of transphobia and not taking their manhood seriously while also claiming they’re the arbiters of misogyny because of being “female socialized” or “biologically female” in a way trans women cannot be.

I think my favorite part is your “god forbid men have desires…” attitude because like. Literally all of society is built for men’s desires, sexual or otherwise, go enjoy it man, how and why are you letting me spoil that for you?



easily the funniest part of this whole situation is what the forcemasc tag actually looks like. like if it wasn't for TMEs getting so angry about this i would be convinced these are satire.



And all of them are tagged like this, we need to take Car Seat Headrest off of Spotify til they learn to post better this sucks ass



It makes sense, as much as trans men get angry when you say they benefit from misogyny and patriarchy, they do benefit from these, know they do, and like that fact, they just don’t like it being pointed out.

I very distinctly remember a time complaining about how common “gender everyone he as default online” is and maleness being default generally and there were trans men replying to me going “um but it’d a affirming to me :)

asks transmisogyny

Anonymous asked:

jk rowling sucks but your complaint about harry potter is off base. the text directly establishes that harry is not the only person who could’ve fulfilled the prophecy, and that the love of neville longbottom’s mom was just as strong and would’ve been just as capable of protecting him

txttletale answered:

come on


harry poptters mum wasnt the only mum on the planet who loved her son,. there were Two,


*leaning in to whisper in my bald wizard boss’s ear* sir, a second mom has loved her son


Anonymous asked:

those annoying women, i mean, ftms are being transmisogynistic by having kinks related to their desires and calling themselves catboys - lmfao fucking get a life and get your head out of your ass and please PLEASE block me from this ask so i can stop scrolling through your stupidity for entertainment

catgirlforeskin answered:


I’m guessing this is what you’re mad about since it was circulating again today and it got an angry transmasc comment on it.

I do think it’s very telling that you’re falling back on accusing me of misgendering trans men when what’s upsetting you and others is me saying “trans men are men, and men benefit from misogyny.”

This sort of “have your cake and eat it too” argument comes out very often by trans men who simultaneously accuse opponents of transphobia and not taking their manhood seriously while also claiming they’re the arbiters of misogyny because of being “female socialized” or “biologically female” in a way trans women cannot be.

I think my favorite part is your “god forbid men have desires…” attitude because like. Literally all of society is built for men’s desires, sexual or otherwise, go enjoy it man, how and why are you letting me spoil that for you?



easily the funniest part of this whole situation is what the forcemasc tag actually looks like. like if it wasn't for TMEs getting so angry about this i would be convinced these are satire.



And all of them are tagged like this, we need to take Car Seat Headrest off of Spotify til they learn to post better this sucks ass

wormwormwrm-worm asked:

sorry this has been eating me up im so sorry for how rude i was before. genuienly i really regret how dickholeassish my tone and accusations were it was so uncalled for i really apologize. i hope i didnt make your day worse with that ask. seriously i feel really bad for taking out some pent up temporary anger out on you it was so not your fault. all of your criticisms are totally valid and real and i seriously appreciate you giving me some new game recommendations!! <33 thank you. again i'm so sorry for my behavoir and i will reread and think about how what i send is gonna impact other real people b4 i send it. i hope you have an awesome day and an awesome pride month :3

all is forgiven, I hope you have an awesome day and pride month too :3


Is it me or every few months since the 2023 OGL fiasco some youtube guy whose entire brand revolves around making 5e content launches a kickstarter for a New And Innovative Revolutionary TTRPG and for a couple months you can't browse any website without getting blasted with ads for it before any hype vanishes into thin air and they all look exactly like this.


You read the kickstarter page and they all read so "first attempt at designing a ttrpg by someone who has d&d 5e as their only point of reference" except with like a 3 million dollar budget.


We should have a Song Dynasty Imperial Examination type test that people need to take before Kickstarter lets you try selling an rpg that quizzes you on the basic principles of PbtA, OSR, Pathfinder, Burning Wheel, and other big systems/schools of play


wormwormwrm-worm asked:

"even the most gentle suggestions that trying out other games could be good."

^ .... ??

"We should round up everyone who still likes DnD 5e and hold their faces down into hot coals until the smell of charred melting flesh suffocates our noses! Who’s with me!"

"an rpg so alien to the design philosophy of DnD that hearing it makes cr fans’ heads explode into tf2 gore giblets"

& you keep saying that you'd give people a list of other ttrpg's to play... and you don't. you just shit on stuff and whine. i don't even like dnd anymore because all the manuals are "big" but insubstantial and wizards of the coast are greedy and making the game worse.. but it doesn't mean you have to be rude to the people who still enjoy it.

catgirlforeskin answered:

You’re right, we don’t have to be rude to people who still enjoy 5e. We have to kill them

I’ve had several posts about other systems to play, usually as answers to asks I’ve gotten, if tumblr search worked better you could look on my blog quite easily. But for posterity’s sake…

Crunchier games:

-most similar to DnD 5e: Pathfinder 2e. All rules free online, extremely popular

-faster, high stakes cinematic combat with more flexibility in setting: Mythras

-apocalyptic survival exploration with good gun-based combat: Twilight 2000 4e. Easily reskinned for other settings that keep the same thematic core

-people will get mad if I don’t mention Lancer, it’s a mech game, I just think it’s okay personally.

Pf2e and Lancer are combat as sport while mythras and t2000 are more combat as war (explainer here)

Lighter Games:

-OSR: Old School Renaissance, this is a school of RPGs based on original DnD and adventuring with fragile characters defined by gear instead of abilities who should always fight dirty and creatively, trying to outwit opponents instead of engaging head-on. Mausritter and Dragonbane are my current favs, but there’s hundreds of games in this genre of all different kinds of themes. Favors GM rulings over written rules⭐️Great for people who already play 5e in a much more freeform style⭐️

-PbtA: Powered by the Apocalypse, a school of RPGs based on Apocalypse World. Strong mechanical support for collaboratively making your story at the table. ⭐️Great for people who prefer roleplay and narrative⭐️. People often recommend Dungeon World because it’s similar to old dnd, personally I just think it’s okay. Current fav is The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power for Game of Thrones feeling stories, Fellowship is good for LotR style fantasy. Hundreds of games in this genre and the subgenre Forged in the Dark (FitD) for games based on Blades in the Dark. Current fav is Rebel Crown.

Closing thoughts:

-Umm suck me off :)

-Free League Publishing makes a ton of rpgs and pretty much all of them are good, I highly recommend anything they do. FIST is a fun osr and pbta hybrid. Riddle of Steel and its successors are cool rpgs trying to simulate real sword fights unfortunately mostly made by reactionary dipshits. There’s tons of unique rules light stuff outside of OSR or PbtA design space as well, go on the various rpg subreddits, go to rpg blogs, go to and explore. r/rpg is a great resource and I’ve learned about so many good systems from it.

-I hope this one shows up when searching my blog for rpg posts in the future so silly people don’t go “you never recommend games you’re just a HATER!” I love to hate but it’s slightly more fun to play good rpgs with friends than it is to be a hater online. Oh my god I didn’t even mention GMless games, good lord uhhh check out Quiet Year and The Zone okay love you all bye bye I want 100 5e player scalps xoxo


I forgot to mention!!!!!

Carved From Brindlewood games: based on Brindlewood, very cool investigation rpg, Swords of the Serpentine is my current fav

Burning Wheel and its spin-off Mouse Guard: very unique crunchier low fantasy game with interesting narrative and combat mechanics


Anonymous asked:

Ms. Catgirlforeskin I want you to know I was reading your list of suggested ttrpgs that aren't 5e and I got to the part where you said "suck me off :) " and it derailed my ability to think about anything else for a solid 30 seconds. Anyway I also like Public Access and other mystery solving games Brindlewood bay style. Coming up with scooby doo scenarios and working in tandem to solve them is fun.

I’ve been wanting to play a Carved from Brindlewood game for a bit, heard great stuff about Swords of the Serpentine

Also why do I have this effect on women I was just trying to be rude to a passive aggressive anon 😭 many many such cases I do not understand
