
Muffin Level Chicanery

@muffinlevelchicanery / muffinlevelchicanery.tumblr.com

observations from within the Modern Roman Empire ... or something

The total monthly cost to buy and own a home is now $2,750. Before the pandemic, it was almost half that: $1,400.

No, this is not inflation, this is a housing crisis


You. Yes you.

You’ve seen things like this before, but in light of today’s horrific images from Rafah, I’ll say something similar again:

I see you. Doing your bit, wondering if it's making a difference.

The E-SIMS, the BDS movements, Operation Olive Branch and similar fundraising for families, the email and mail floods to officials, the protests, the direct actions, the encampments and barricades.

I wanted to remind you it is making a difference.

You are one of many drops in a tidal wave. You can't see it right now because you're in the middle of it.

But without the drops there are no ripples and there are no waves.

We are the drops. We are the tidal wave.


A 7-Eleven in Monterrey, Mexico has a large tree growing through it. During construction the store was committed to saving the tree and made it a part of the buildings design.


tragic: progressive message conveyed via cryptofash 4chan meme format

you see the weak, effete man with glasses and scraggly beard due to his inferior genes has the bad conservative opinion, meanwhile the strong, masculine, blonde-haired and blue-eyed man has the good "leftist" opinion :)


I think one of the Worst Things about wanting to find period clothing from other cultures, is trying to find fucking casual/work clothes. Like no, I do not want to see all these fancy intricate kimonos, I want to see jinbei, and field work outfits so I don't put a damn obi on this poor boy so he has a belt to hang his knife from.

ok but i found the best picture ever

look at her she's so cute and happy i love this photo

This image comes from a whole gallery of Taishō era b&w photos, many of them showing everyday work clothes.


We salute a working class hero 🫡

“I know so many women that haven’t defended themselves in situations they definitely should’ve and could have because we know that the repercussion more likely than not is going to fall on the woman that responds to the violence than the initial violence inflicted,” [Emma Lee] said,

quote from the article, including the name of the cool hammer lady ^_^


Liberals love to be like “why are there Nazis around we used to fight nazis” meanwhile America was actually pretty chill with the holocaust until those evil Japanese attacked us

The US has extremely close ties with Nazi Germany. The Hindenberg was a Nazi airship! It was a diplomatic line between the countries. We were actively vilifying people in Hollywood speaking out against Hitler and the Reich! Many of whom went on to be tried by McCarthyists during the Red Scare!

Charlie Chaplin made the Great Dictator in 1940 where he portrayed a satirized version of Hitler, and was booed at the end when he stared directly into the camera and had a 5 minute monologue about how Fascism and Nazis are bad.

The US LOVED those Nazi bastards and would have sooner joined the Axis if it weren't for how much more we hated the Japanese.


voting block 1 (options 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12): 60.9%, highest option "yes"

voting block 2 (options 2, 10): 39.1%, highest option "no"

looks like "yes" wins!

I think this better explained gerrymandering better to me than any explanation I've heard


wake up babe new educational meme dropped


In Yemen the death count stagnated at 15,000 until the war ended and the people were able to count their dead. Today, it's commonly accepted that over 300,000 Yemenis have been killed by war and famine. We will see a similar situation in Gaza after a ceasefire.

Ralph Nader estimated in December of 2023 that the real death toll was closer to 200,000 Palestinians but was being hidden or poorly estimated by local authorities for propaganda purposes or due to the lack of infrastructure. We are in May of 2024, 5 months later and we're talking about a city that hasn't had access to food, water, stable shelter, medicine, medical services, or electricity, heating, nor air conditioning. Most of you can't imagine spending 1 week of your lives without 1 of these things missing, let alone all of them. We have no idea what the scale of this accelerated genocide is right now, 8 months into it.

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