



June 26, 2024 - Bolivia's union confederation has announced an indefinite general strike against the coup, effective immediately. The Central Obrera Boliviana, which contains all workers and peasant unions is also mobilizing workers and social movements to descend on the capital, La Paz, to repel the coup. [source]


countries will be like “nooooo our birth rate is falling exponentially and it’s effecting our economy” and immigrants will be like “hey can you let us in so we can boost your economy and fill your empty jobs and raise our children here” and inevitably the country is like “the only thing worse than a large scale collapse of our population is letting foreigners live here”

America’s immigration policies are difficult enough but I read the immigration policies for some countries and it is batshit insane. they’re straight up like “we hate disabled people, we hate people who don’t speak our language, if you don’t have a $85k a year salary lined up for you, we don’t want you to move here. if by some miracle you jump through all the hoops and move here, it will take you 20 years to obtain citizenship and during that time we will not rent to you because you’re a foreigner.” damn bitch. fuck you.


you can tell which people involve actual compassion in their political stances and which don't by how they respond to things happening to real people and not hypothetical scenarios.

earlier I was reading the comments section of a reddit post that screenshotted this woman's post in a religious community where she basically says she's pro life but now conflicted because she could die from having another baby (also her husband is blatantly abusive and uses her as a baby machine, but she talks about him like it's normal). so I opened the comments (of the post with the screenshot, not her original post) and there's a lot of people joking around and saying she should die basically because she's stupid for being against abortion and she should consider this "god's punishment". now judging by how this woman describes her role in her marriage she's quite clearly abused and currently willing to possibly sacrifice her LIFE for her husband. and as someone whose dad also treats women like this and uses religion as an excuse I had sympathy for her despite her "pro life" stance (I mean it's not like she's a politician passing anti abortion laws lol). I tried to comprehend the comments joking about this post but I couldn't. I can't find the situation funny. and it makes me realize some people's political convictions are very surface level. it's just about fun clapbacks on social media. no one is treated as a real person.

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