

@apas-95 / apas-95.tumblr.com

tyger/基利 | 24 | they/them × she/her | 兔子 | jan pali pi ma ali, o kama kulupu! [MOTD: river was here!!! (graffitied onto valley)]

born to use switches and knobs arranged in a cockpit, each one offering a tactile sensation as you flick it and the mech you're in lurches into action

forced to use touchscreens at your desk


this is what I would see if I was dying and drifting towards heaven. I feel like potato knishes here but like. Is this not genuinely beautiful


I won't post selfies here, but for the sake of all my loyal followers this is basically what I look like irl,but with worse posture

(except it's unrealistic bc I never wear my jumpsuit on the boat)


you can't be wearing that outfit in your video essay white tgirl


watching 'I saw the tv glow' and I'm 40 minutes in and already this film has induced like. genuine distress in me


Palestinian Resistance fighters reading copies of “Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong” in 1970.


Liberals love to be like “why are there Nazis around we used to fight nazis” meanwhile America was actually pretty chill with the holocaust until those evil Japanese attacked us

The US has extremely close ties with Nazi Germany. The Hindenberg was a Nazi airship! It was a diplomatic line between the countries. We were actively vilifying people in Hollywood speaking out against Hitler and the Reich! Many of whom went on to be tried by McCarthyists during the Red Scare!

Charlie Chaplin made the Great Dictator in 1940 where he portrayed a satirized version of Hitler, and was booed at the end when he stared directly into the camera and had a 5 minute monologue about how Fascism and Nazis are bad.

The US LOVED those Nazi bastards and would have sooner joined the Axis if it weren't for how much more we hated the Japanese.

After the war, Chaplin was all but blacklisted in Hollywood for his suspected "communist sympathies" after his movies began to be increasingly critical of capitalism and he was seen fraternizing with communists in Hollywood and attending functions held by Soviet diplomats. Chaplin denied allegations of being a communist, instead calling himself a "peacemonger" and a defender of political freedom. He openly protested the HUAC trials and the persecution of communists in the United States.

Chaplin was subpoenaed by HUAC (although never called to testify), and John Rankin (a key figure in the formation of HUAC) even called for his deportation. George Orwell included Chaplin on his snitch list of communists that he delivered to the British government. In 1952, Chaplin would leave the United States to attend a film premiere in London, only to have his re-entry permit revoked, effectively deporting him. He would not return to the United States until 1972.

After this, Chaplin's films only became more critical of the United States and red scare politics. His 1957 film "A King in New York" exemplified his critical views, and as a result it would not be screened in the United States until 1973. Outside of film, Chaplin also met with Zhou Enlai and Nikita Khruschev, and received an International Peace Prize from the World Peace Council.

It's impossible to separate the admiration of fascism in the United States from anti-communism. Fascists were viewed as potential allies against communism up until the point at which the fascists started attacking the liberal democracies as well. Yes, there were plenty of racists and eugenicists in the US who admired those aspects of Nazi Germany (and the Nazis in turn were inspired by the segregation and eugenics programs already in place in the United States) but the anti-communism was something that even the liberals could get behind.

The US did not have qualms with the Nazis either before or after the war. The US helped Nazi scientists and engineers escape prosecution and immigrate to the US through Operation Paperclip. The US stood by as Konrad Adenauer put a stop to de-Nazification in West Germany, to the point where a former Nazi who worked under Speer building concentration camp barracks using forced labor, Heinrich Lübke, became President of West Germany in 1959, and a former Nazi who worked under Ribbentrop and helped broadcast Nazi propaganda, Kurt Kiesinger, became Chancellor of West Germany in 1966.

The material interests of fascism aligned far better with the material interests of the United States than communism ever could. The Nazis invented the concept of privatization. Mussolini appointed a liberal economist as his finance minister and compared fascism to FDR's New Deal. Fascism as an ideology was never a threat to the Western liberal order, despite its performative attacks on the decadence of capitalism. Spain was allowed to remain fascist long after the war ended. The US even backed the fascist junta in Greece (among other similar interventions around the globe during the Cold War.)


watching 'I saw the tv glow' and I'm 40 minutes in and already this film has induced like. genuine distress in me

Anonymous asked:

Why are you doing so much mosquito-posting. Did you turn into a vampire or smth

tge mosquito coils ran out and nobody's buying any more so I'm liveblogging ny ecological experience


How It's Made: dog residue

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