
We're all different and all bastards

@motherfucker-unlimited / motherfucker-unlimited.tumblr.com

dude when i get a boner i slap it against my desk so it makes a big fukcin thud I'm Sokekon/Adam, 25, He/ham, Bi, god I love borgers header depiction by the epic @epidaleacalamita minors don't interact
Anonymous asked:

what is the reason your description is like that?

I had a stroke reading it

"dude when i get a boner i slap it against my desk so it makes a big fukcin thud" is from a steam review for commander keen. it's a phrase that lives on in my mind even if the only evidence of it I can find is this post he/ham is taken from this wayne post I love burgers my header was drawn by @epidaleacalamita, featuring my persona, crycat and beta wooper

I say fuckwords all the time and make jokes about phallusses I don't want kids following me.


Where There’s Tumblr…….

I think the real beauty of this is that someone managed to take my video and chop transform it into modern Tumblr non sequitur nonsense humor, making it MORE relevant.


i think the real beauty of this is that just now i clasped my balls together in such a way that made them slip past each other in my scrotum creating a formation that i like to call “the testicular charleston”

Your balls:

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