
gee (dracula daily era all over again)


she/her • god preserve my sanity, for to this i am reduced • therapist, writer, ADHDer


All profits will be donated to the sexual assault survivor-led association Take Back The Night, which aims to empower all victims of sexual violence and eradicate it in all its forms.

Receipts will be provided on social media (heyhey_itsgee on Twitter, greypistacchio on Tumblr).

The sale will take place on KoFi, and the item(s) will be shipped from Spain (European Union).

To fill out the form of interest for the charity sale, go to: forms.gle/hvfxdz1ut77daf

Enjoy Pieces on Archive Of Our Own for FREE: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53795893/chapters/136163467


Read the blurb below:

"Ever since he became Valentino’s toy boy, Angel Dust hasn't gotten a single break—and it's taken a turn for the worse since the battle against Heaven's Exorcists left the Overlord elite reeling, and the three Vees thirsty for more power that they can now seize. As Alastor's obedient pet, Husk's afterlife has been an absolute bitch thus far, and the powerlessness brought on by his shackles makes it hard to breathe most days. Things did get a bit better as the two of them started to grow closer, and Angel decided to slow down with his addiction. But the small refuge that they are for each other falls apart like a house on cards after Angel throws caution to the wind to save a young sinner from Valentino's smoke and mirrors. Now Valentino is hell-bent on making Angel Dust's afterlife even worse for him, and Husk knows that he can't leave Angel to fend for himself for the rest of his forever. No matter how high a cost Alastor's help might come at, the only way out might be through, and if there's something to be said about these two losers is that they won't go down without a fight."

All artworks commissioned for this work have been done by small independent artists that belong in the fandom, and are queer, ND or people of colour.

Check them out on Twitter or here on Tumblr:

  1. 🐦 kalisdice
  2. @mothmanadjacent
  3. 🐦 nimmy_nimmies
  4. @vale-n-tina-and-the-internet
  5. 🐦 vanillabrwnsugr
  6. 🐦 winter_ry

i think that all the people who argue about gender by saying "the woke left cant even define a woman" need to get hit with the "who are you" question by a buddhist monk. no, thats your name, who are you. no thats your profession, who are YOU. no you fucking idiot thats your species, who are YOUU. dumb bitch u cant even define yourself

see this guy gets it


I wrote a book!

The Vampyres is the happy horrifying accident born of feverish scribbling in the wake of Dracula season* (*inhaling Dracula Daily and Re: Dracula at the same time May thru November). It features a number of familiar villainous faces from classic supernatural lit, though not everyone is wearing their original name anymore. The story takes place in the 21st century and you can only hold onto those sentimental titles so long in the mayfly mortal world before you start drawing attention.

Not that swapping out pseudonyms has done anything to thwart the new shadow looming over the revenant community…

Free Preview Chapters (If You Want a Sneak Peek)

More info under the cut!


Not to critique evolution, but I would think orange and black stripes wouldn’t be as good for camouflage in a forest as, say, green and black would.

It turns out a lot of animals can’t see the difference between orange and green!  Elephants, for instance, have dichromatic vision (two types of cones, rather than three like most humans.) 

Check out this diagram from ResearchGate.  It deals with the color vision of horses, who are also generally dichromatic.  (I think, though I’m not sure, that zebras would have the same color vision as horses.)  See how orange and green look to them?

Not to critique evolution but I think prey animals should be better at telling when their predator is dressed like a traffic cone.


It doesn’t matter what zebras see, because tigers are not native to Africa and do not naturally hunt zebra.  Tigers are Asian and mostly hunt animals like deer, elk, and buffalo.  These aren’t animals with great color vision.  They don’t need to have it because they don’t eat fruit and so don’t need to know when the berry is ripe vs when it’s not.  Good color vision is too expensive to have if you don’t need it.  Deer put their vision stats in a wide field of vision that is sensitive to motion, low light capabilities, and possibly seeing UV light.  They don’t have great color and lack a lot of acuity, but have a great sense of smell and good hearing.  That’s way more useful if you’re prey.  Deer see well in the blue end of the color spectrum and less well in the red.  This makes sense because deer are most active in the dawn and dusk periods, when there is more blue in the light.  Tigers are taking advantage of deer eyesight by being orange.

We see tigers are being obviously colored because tigers are fruit colored to our tree ape brains.


I don’t know what the best part of this is: implying that deer chose their attributes on a character sheet, or the fact that we get to see tiger colors because they look like a snack.

Ok but like, I think you underestimate just how well they blend in when actually in the environment. Like, just using tigers as an example.

or how about a leopard?

It’s called ‘disruptive colouration’ because the markings help to break up the animal’s outline against the grasses or rocks. And the rosettes on leopards and jaguars? Sun spots shining through the trees and leaves on the ground.

And this is how hard it is to spot them WITH colour vision. Now imagine the above images but with the limited coloured mentioned above?

I’m sorry but there is not an animal in that first leopard picture

Are you, sure about that?


How Not To Be Seen meets How Not To Be Lunch.


So basically, as usual, context matters. It’s not just about what you don’t want to be seen by, it’s also about where you are when you don’t want to be seen.

Things that blend in to chaparral may stand out in a tropical rainforest and vice versa.


u know someone’s about to get dragged through the mud when an academic uses the phrase ‘it’s tempting to assume’


“it’s tempting to assume” is academic speaking for “you might think, if you’re a fucking idiot,”

Over a decade after being kicked out of the Heaven Theatre, Lucifer gets a second chance to redeem himself. But minutes away from the big event, his mind travels back to that rundown music club, the one that had witnessed his lowest and highest notes... along with the moments spent with the most infuriatingly charming jazz player in existence.
In his little world out of key, could the rhythm of his heartbeats fix this tune?

So... happy late RadioApple Week? 😅 I found out about it like last wednesday so I knew I was going to be late for it, but I REALLY wanted to write something about these chaotic jerks 😍😍

I used all the prompts as scenes for a full story, it was fun trying to think of a full plot!

In this Music AU of mine Lucifer is a violinist once belonging to the prestigious Heaven Theatre, while Alastor is the newest jazz piano player of the Hazbin, Charlie's music club. Their meeting will be interesting to say the least... 😏

Hope you'll give it a read! 💜💜💜


"What if my friends secretly hate me?" What if they pray for you before bed? What if they hear a song come on and it makes them immediately think of you? What if when times are hard for them, they close their eyes and think of the memories they've shared with you? What if they study your face closely to see how you're feeling? What if they listen to your stories? What if they smile when you text them first? What if


This is for the support of Gaza's Municipality Services - which help ensure clean drinking water, waste collection, debri removal and sanitation services - life saving services to run a state - reader I imagine wherever you are or how lacking the municipality services in your city is, it's not worse than Ghazza.

Currently it's only at 11% - please donate -

Please amplify wherever and however you can reader.


friendly reminder it's not "20% of germany" that voted for fascists, or italians that voted for meloni, or france for the far right

it's 20% of VOTERS

so, once again, i am here telling you ABSTENTIONISM is the problem. and it always fucking is.

people who feel demotivated, underrepresented, or adhere to some purity culture where it's the revolution or nothing.

THAT is the fucking problem. you get your head out of your ass and you fucking vote

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