
So um I am watching a YouTube video on architecture right now and it is so bad both factually and ideologically that I have written a 500 word short answer response to its issues over discord, and I am not even 4 minutes into the 22 minute long video

Probably won't finish the video but here it is, I'm just going to copy and paste my discord thoughts in here

So to understand the isse with this video we have to understand that Channels like the one that posted this video and a few others that will go unnamed call for a return to traditional architecture as "modernist ideology" is harmful, the sentiment is something many can agree in, many contemporary buildings are ugly, but the way it is said is frequently reactionary.

A big issue I have with channels like this is they have no idea what the fuck they are talking about often, a modernist building is not a suburban house or a McDonald's, it was a distinct movement that existed for roughly 60 years, if a building is post modern than you can not critique it as modernist, because it is distinctly not a modernist building, words have meaning and we have to understand that,

Apart from not understanding architectural terms, he also just lies claiming that modern architecture eduction is based on creativity and innovation rather than skills and practicality, there are 3 flaws with this, one, it implies creativity is harmful as it is a tool of the vague yet bad modernist architecture which so many hate, two, it establishes a false dichotomy as both skills and creativity can be taught and 3rd they do teach skills and physics in architecture school, that's a massive part of it, you can't get a job as an architect if you can design a beautiful building but it could never stand. Also this man doesn't know what skills architects should even have saying that "architects should have skills in watercoloring" as they used to be taught that is possibly the worst media for architecture, you have so little control compared to acrylics and pencils

The calls for traditional architecture like almost all calls for returns to traditional values (read victorian and edwardian norms typically) are based in reactionary sentiments and not based on reality. Ornamentation was dropped from design due to increased cheapness of glass making it unnecessary, our issues with current architecture can be traced back to the desires of capital. And the other skills he mentioned architects shkuld have are ones they are still taught such as sketching, drafting and proportion, I should know I had a anxiety attack about that last week

Also the video just does antisemitism with the Bauhaus Architects, The video literally just has antisemitism, in the video he says that modern architects came to the US and were welcomed and given positions of power in America's most prominent institutions and that was detrimental as it destroyed history and culture, replacing them with Bauhaus ideals. Yes, Mies Van Der Rohe and other Bauhaus Architects werent Jewish, but I am not crazy for seeing the parallels to how people talk about Jewish people

The fundamental reasoning he uses for why simpler ornamentation free architecture came to prominence in the post war era that he states above where he implies that foreigners infiltrated american institution to cause harm through an agenda is incorrect as Modernist and brutalist architecture were adopted because of the need to rebuild the entirety of Europe in 10 years for cheap, ornamentation was removed to save on costs not for any ideological reason


Playing pokemon sleep and made a horrible pre-sleep realization.

Entei.... has floppy puppy ears???? Huh????

Do you understand how much this changes my perception of him???? Puppy?


Temperate Lake Dashboard Simulator

🐦‍⬛2xcrested_cormorant Follow Going to try and eat this weird fish

♻️🐦‍⬛2xcrested_cormorant Follow wilmdlife hopital

🐸rana-bufo Follow No one can ever truly understand what BULL4rog's music means to me 😭 this song in particular argrgrgrgrgrg the way he puffs out his vocal sack asdfghjk

BULL4rog: listen here on spotify ♻️🐸rana-bufo Follow I think I huave chytrid

🐟ilikeeatingminnowsFollow I just migrated here from finstagram please be nice

🐠powerbottomfeeder Follow

I have HAD IT with this lake, it’s the third day in a row we’ve had nitrates above 8 ppm and uug the algae, my allergies I can’t do this

♻️🐟carpy-diem Follow

Lol we regularly get nitrates up to 20 ppm in my lake ♻️🦞crawdaddy Follow uhhh you shouldn't be bragging about that, it's really unsafe ♻️🐟carpy-diem Follow suck it you little oligotrophic bitch

🐢snappturt Follow Dear Tumblr, am I the Basshole for the way I catch minnows? I was chatting with some of the guys I bask with and they said the way I catch minnows is problematic; What I do is I sit on the bottom of the lake, I hide myself in the mud and I open my mouth. My tongue looks a lot like a little worm so I wiggle it around- and because of that, minnows swim over and check it out. Once they get close enough, then I bite down and eat them. Some of my rockmates have told me that this is manipulative and toxic behavior- but they also eat minnows...I don't know guys...

🦆tree hole-nester-acorn-eater Follow

is it just me, or is this super homoerotic???

🐟bigpikexxl Follow liveblogging diving down to the bottom

♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow dark

♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow big log

♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow rock

♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow kinda cold

♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow oh hi @deepwatersculpin!!!

♻️🐠deepwatersculpin Follow oh hey @bigpikexxl!!!

never thought i'd seen one of my mutuals irl!!! I didn't even know we lived in the same lake!!!

🐠Shadlad Follow I'm not sorry, and I'm not afraid to say it, if you're an introduced species, go dry yourself out. You're not welcome to eat up all of our resources and live in my ancestral longs and rock crags. These things are for us to relate to and not for you to squander.

♻️🦞crevice-steve Follow

Can't believe this type of fishcourse is still popular on this site, introduced species didn't choose to be introduced and have as much of a right to live as anyone else. Bigotry against introduced species is still bigotry and that's a hill I will dry on. ♻️🐠Shadlad Follow Go ahead, dry yourself out then ;) ♻️🪷nootnootnewt Follow Hey man, I hate invasive species as much as anyone else but please stop telling people to beach themselves for political reasons- yeah that includes inavsives too ♻️🦐typical_scud Follow Did you legit just use the word Invas*ve to describe introduced species? ♻️🦢flatfootswimmer Follow anyone in this thread eat pondweed?

♻️🐟largemouthbASS Follow A colab with my mutual @2xcrested_cormorant after they got released from the wildlife hospital. They haven't been on much since the Fish and Wildlife Service released them in the wrong lake and it took them a while to get back to their colony. We hope this guide will help you avoid accidentally eating/engaging with bait!


Awhile ago @ouidamforeman made this post:

This shot through my brain like a chain of firecrackers, so, without derailing the original post, I have some THOUGHTS to add about why this concept is not only hilarious (because it is), but also...

It. It kind of fucks. Severely.

And in a delightfully Pratchett-y way, I'd dare to suggest.

I'll explain:

As inferred above, both Crowley AND Aziraphale have canonical Biblical counterparts. Not by name, no, but by function.

Crowley, of course, is the serpent of Eden.

(note on the serpent of Eden: In Genesis 3:1-15, at least, the serpent is not identified as anything other than a serpent, albeit one that can talk. Later, it will be variously interpreted as a traitorous agent of Hell, as a demon, as a guise of Satan himself, etc. In Good Omens --as a slinky ginger who walks funny)

Lesser known, at least so far as I can tell, is the flaming sword. It, too, appears in Genesis 3, in the very last line:

"So he drove out the man; and placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life." --Genesis 3:24, KJV

Thanks to translation ambiguity, there is some debate concerning the nature of the flaming sword --is it a divine weapon given unto one of the Cherubim (if so, why only one)? Or is it an independent entity, which takes the form of a sword (as other angelic beings take the form of wheels and such)? For our purposes, I don't think the distinction matters. The guard at the gate of Eden, whether an angel wielding the sword or an angel who IS the sword, is Aziraphale.

(note on the flaming sword: in some traditions --Eastern Orthodox, for example-- it is held that upon Christ's death and resurrection, the flaming sword gave up it's post and vanished from Eden for good. By these sensibilities, the removal of the sword signifies the redemption and salvation of man.

...Put a pin in that. We're coming back to it.)

So, we have our pair. The Serpent and the Sword, introduced at the beginning and the end (ha) of the very same chapter of Genesis.

But here's the important bit, the bit that's not immediately obvious, the bit that nonetheless encapsulates one of the central themes, if not THE central theme, of Good Omens:

The Sword was never intended to guard Eden while Adam and Eve were still in it.

Do you understand?

The Sword's function was never to protect them. It doesn't even appear until after they've already fallen. No... it was to usher Adam and Eve from the garden, and then keep them out. It was a threat. It was a punishment.

The flaming sword was given to be used against them.

So. Again. We have our pair. The Serpent and the Sword: the inception and the consequence of original sin, personified. They are the one-two punch that launches mankind from paradise, after Hell lures it to destruction and Heaven condemns it for being destroyed. Which is to say that despite being, supposedly, hereditary enemies on two different sides of a celestial cold war, they are actually unified by one purpose, one pivotal role to play in the Divine Plan: completely fucking humanity over.

That's how it's supposed to go. It is written.

...But, in Good Omens, they're not just the Serpent and the Sword.

They're Crowley and Aziraphale.

(author begins to go insane from emotion under the cut)


“Authors should not be ALLOWED to write about–” you are an anti-intellectual and functionally a conservative

“This book should be taken off of shelves for featuring–” you are an anti-intellectual and functionally a conservative

“Schools shouldn’t teach this book in class because–” you are an anti-intellectual and functionally a conservative

“Nobody actually likes or wants to read classics because they’re–” you are an anti-intellectual and an idiot

“I only read YA fantasy books because every classic novel or work of literary fiction is problematic and features–” you are an anti-intellectual and you are robbing yourself of the full richness of the human experience.

"you are functionally a conservative" is such a good and clarifying insult

Literally right after I saw this post, I saw another post in a discord chat for BOOK EDITORS in which an outspokenly liberal editor talked about how Nabokov should have never been published because he wrote about p*dophiles and described women's bodies in ways that made her uncomfortable. She described his writing as "objectively terrible" and said she wanted to burn his books. And other editors were bringing up classics they didn't like and talking about how they wanted to throw them in the trash. This wasn't like a light "unpopular opinion!" conversation. This was actual book editors talking about how books should be destroyed and censored.

There is something so scary and toxic in global culture right now. The revival of fascism is influencing everyone's mindset and approach to art, regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum.

I see far more books being censored today than when I was a kid. Librarians handed me The Catcher in the Rye, The Sexual Politics of Meat, and Animal Farm when I was literally 8-11. My mom would never have taken a book away from me. I read everything from the Tao Te Ching to the Qur'an to atheist texts under my desk at school. Teachers thought nothing of it or encouraged it. Books seemed universally acknowledged as sacrosanct to me.

Now I can't find any adults who don't hesitate or want to make exceptions when it comes to censorship. Even the most liberal social activist librarians I know go, "well except for book X..."

Functionally conservative. It's so important to have the language to express that.

Thank you for this addition!


And, following up on the previous post …

“This makes me uncomfortable” is NOT a valid reason for censorship

These fucking book editors should remove themselves from the profession ASAP 😡


“Autistic people are more likely than neurotypical people to be gender diverse, several studies show, and gender-diverse people are more likely to have autism than are cisgender people.”

Can't be a TERF without being ableist. 👉👉


when i was getting trained as a welder the guys started playing sneaky grabass with each other and with me. i almost hit a few people while holding dangerous tools in my hand because they wouldn’t stop grabbing me from behind, then laughing that i ‘almost’ hit them, so i finally had to go to the instructor and say, look, i’ve had years and years of self defense training due the fact i’m a very small weirdo who is in legitimate danger of getting hatecrimed and at some point one of these guys is going to goose me again and im going to bury a wrench in his eye. get them to stop grabbing me, because i don’t want to get kicked out for hitting people.

the next day i ended up punching someone in the face with a doughnut in my fist because she thought i was being a big fucking buzzkill who tattled to teacher about a harmless game, and, guess what, grabbed my butt. i got icing all over her hair. she complained to teacher...who let everyone know that this was why they weren’t supposed to be playing grabass in the fucking shop.

anyway don’t fucking sneak up on twitchy little queers with hypervigilance, it fucking sucks and you’re lucky if you get a doughnut to a face instead of a hammer.


given that this was a welding class, I was expecting this to end up so much worse


i once worked in a restaurant with a guy who kept doing the poke in the ribs from behind version of this thinking he was soooo funny until one day i gave a startled yell and spun around to punch him in the face and stopped with my fist less than an inch from his eye and said sweetly "oh sorry, you startled me" and then with my fist still almost touching his eye i said "you know, sometimes i'm holding a big knife in this hand," and went back to work.

There was a really big dude working next to me and when the rib-poker guy looked at him about what just happened this big dude just shrugged one shoulder and said "I would have hit you on purpose" Rib-poking guy stopped fucking around like that.


When I was in college, there was this one guy in our little group who liked to do the sneak and poke thing. And I warned him.

“If you touch me when I do not want to be touched, and especially when I am not expecting it. I will bite you.”

I don’t know why he was surprised when he got my teeth in his hand when he snuck up behind me and grabbed my shoulders. He wailed about it. I told him that I had warned him.

He told everyone I was weird- which everyone already knew. He apparently got asked “But did you sneak up on them?” Several times. Which annoyed him. He then proclaimed he was going to touch me when I saw it coming so I couldn’t bite him.

“No. I’ll still bite you.”

And he was SHOCKED when I did.

I hit 40 this year and I wasn’t worried about it, but I was kind of like, “What’s the f—ing big deal with everyone making us worried about 40?” I was like, “What’s going to happen?” And then weirdly enough, something physically clicked and I went, “Ah, I’m giving less f—s about the small stuff. But actually giving greater f—s about the bigger stuff: identity, my place in the world, my voice being heard, other voices being heard.”

A thing presenting itself as addressing the general issues of recently diagnosed autistic adults really should not work off the assumption that everyone in that category is employed or can be


It IS true that being on here gives you a tumblr accent. This morning my mother asked me something and i replied "i don't know i've never heard these words in that order" and she nearly choked laughing. It wasn't even that funny


at my old job i had a coworker who was tired and made a coffee with like 6 or 8 shots of espresso and i just casually went up to them like “are you trying to meet god?” and not only was this absolutely hilarious to them but they brought it up in future conversations they thought it was so funny but to me this was just as casual as saying “woah that’s a lot of coffee”

Being funny on Tumblr and then going to be funny in real life is like traveling to a foreign country and baby the currency exchange rate is biased in your favor


I’m a passing “binary” trans man who has been on T for almost a decade but I still wear a lot of my late mother’s clothes and the reaction I get from people is always “did you know that’s a women’s shirt?” and “did you know that’s a women’s brand?” and I’m like… no it ain’t. not anymore. it’s mine now. men’s clothes :)


Hey. Even if they “meant well” or “didn’t know better”, you don’t owe them forgiveness.

Even if they’re “better now”, it doesn’t change the harm that was done. You’re still allowed to be angry and want nothing to do with them.


The Supreme Court just ruled that 1) criminalizing homelessness is OK and 2) the Chevron Deference doctrine is over. It’s hard to explain why, but believe it or not the second decision is going to have a far larger, far worse effect. The Chevron deference doctrine has been one of the foundations of the regulatory state for 40 years, and eliminating it gives the courts dramatically more power to interfere with regulations made by the government. Any and all regulations


hi did you know that ancient mesopotamians buried their dead under the floors of their own houses to always be close to them? i can't write a poem about this but by god i will write a master's thesis

hey, remember this? i just successfully defended this master's thesis and i'm now officially an archaeologist

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