
Tripping the Light Moderately Acceptable

@acceptableduraz / acceptableduraz.tumblr.com


Children's oppression and lack of humanization is one topic that makes my insides feel like they're rotting and I'll die on the hill of defending them and pointing out how fucking gross it is every single time people act like it's cool actually to hate a group of people who are the least able to defend themselves in any terrible situation

Y'all will scream "protect queer kids" "protect trans kids" "protect kids of color" then forget all that and proudly stand behind "well kids are fucking annoying in public actually so it's fine when I talk about wanting to have grocery stores and planes that are child free :)" individualism has killed humanity so deeply

There are child free spaces, it's just that some obnoxious parents for some fucking reason decide to bring their kids there with them.

I've never seen a child in a child free space. I've been to bars, clubs, sex shops, kink events, etc etc and I'm 32 and have never, ever seen a child in a child free space. If I have, for example, seen a child at a weed dispo, they were chill as hell and not bothering anyone. If a child isn't being chill in public, they're a fucking child with limited life experience. Sometimes parents also have limited life experience and limited resources and limited social nets to help them with their fucking kids. I'm an impoverished queer autistic whore with no family at all and the idea that I could have gotten pregnant and had a kid at some point and had another reason for the general public to hate me is fucked up. Yall are fucked up to parents and treat them like they're inherently in a different class of human than everyone else. There are places where abortion will get people put in prison and yall act like this to parents.

What do yall expect parents to do? Do yall think all parents have the ability to hire a babysitter or afford daycare? Do you think parents with children should be locked away from the general public too? What have you done to fight for social benefits to help parents get these sorts of care for their kids so you don't have to see them ever? Is it a leftist stance to see people as inherently obnoxious for having kids and having nowhere to put them aside for "with them"? Do you think kids should be left with strangers rather than be in spaces that make you uncomfortable? What happens when kids get left alone or with strangers because of stances like this? (In my experience as a neglected abused kid - more abuse esp sexual)

Google Right to Comfort. Please. And stop acting like people are horrible for having children. It's exhausting that this is 25% of all the replies on this post, just shitting on parents for having kids at all and daring to bring them in public without crushing any form of sound they make immediately for your benefit. That's not helping kids. Yall are the obnoxious ones for acting like this on a post about the most oppressed group of humans on the planet. Be better.


My mother was isolated for years because every possible social group or club or event she was interested in told her that she wasn't allowed to bring her children "unless they could behave." What this usually actually meant was, "teenagers are allowed, but only if they sit in the corner and don't make any noise."

When I was a teenager, she and I tried to join the SCA together, and some bitchy lady at the new member meetup straight-up asked us to leave, telling us it didn't seem like "the right environment" for us because my mom couldn't "control her children." What actually happened was that my sibling, who was a literal toddler at the time, wanted to run around in circles because he was bored and restless and there were no other kids to play with. The venue didn't have anywhere outside that I could take him to play while my mom stayed at the meeting, so we got told my sibling was "too loud" and asked to go home and not come back until we could hire a babysitter. I still don't know where this woman found the audacity, but she did, and my mom didn't have it in her to start a fight.

So we had to leave. And it was mortifying. I was furious because I really, really wanted to join the SCA, but I felt fucking horrible for my mother. I at least got to see friends at school, but this was the one thing my mom had tried to do in order to be social and get out of the house. It resulted in her getting shamed for having children who act like normal goddamn children instead of little dolls that can't speak or run around or make any noise.

We lived in poverty. She couldn't afford a sitter. We had just moved to the area and didn't know anyone who could help. My dad worked long hours because his paycheck was our only income. My mom had to quit her job because childcare was too expensive. I couldn't babysit very often, because I had to go to school. People insisting that children shouldn't be a "nuisance" in public kept my mother trapped in the house, to the point where she would hesitate just to get groceries because so many people would yell at her when one of the babies cried. She hit the point where she refused to go run errands at all unless someone could either come with her or stay home to babysit.

But because my dad was always at work and I was always at school? It made it hard to get groceries outside a very specific window. It's not like we could just get them delivered--that service didn't exist yet. Getting groceries was frequently a once-a-month affair, and this on top of the poverty had a direct impact on food availability in our home.

And to top it off, when my mother talked to her doctor about the amount of horrific stress and pain she was dealing with during this time? He told her "that's just what being a mom is like." She still tells this story, because it was such a horrific example of medical misogyny. She didn't diagnosed with her multiple chronic medical conditions for years, all because some doctor had it in his head that "moms are supposed to be isolated and exhausted."

Our society treats parents and children like utter shit, and it's appalling.


A customer contacted our team with questions, and then finished their email with: "I am daunted by the complexities and unknowns." I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.

Reblog if you are daunted by the complexities and unknowns


¿Pero que lleva en esa maleta?


Look, actual mimes are the fucking coolest.


Not only the skill at motion, but the comedy sensibility-when the suitcase starts *floating* uncontrollably instead of just being stuck-is fuckin’ great:)

It's a similar skillset to masters of the Robot, isn't it? Mimes are able to vividly imagine and impose physical restrictions on their own motions - external in this case, rather than ratcheting joints within their bodies. When you try to do stuff like that, you discover how hella hard it is!


Armored Lady Monday

the 4th preplanned viper glam, these swords in particular are one of my favorite from the benchmark, so i tried to figure out a glam id use them with, maybe ill paint the top gray, probably, maybe, anyways hope you like it, i am sooooooooo excited to play dawntrail in a few days yall


Geological horror. You find a geode and crack it open and the crystal lining its walls is human blood that can't be genetically matched to anyone. You find a human skeleton but every one of the bones is made from rock, a rock that you know can't be whittled into those shapes. You find layers of clay and loam that sport ancient fossils at the top and the still-rotting corpses of modern animals at the bottom.

This reminds me of the blood river in Antarctica. For like a century scientists had no clue why this river looked like, acted like, and felt exactly like blood. Turns out it’s just really high in iron.

"Blood River in Antartica" yeah right there's no way a river looks like bl-


Doesn't "skeletons made from rock" describe fossils of ancient animals, since they're not actually the bones? That said, the human skeleton would still be eerie because it would imply that there was somehow a human around in the Mesozoic era.


also worth noting that "abusive" doesn't actually mean "irredeemable" either.

there's a lot of people that have done things in the past that were bad, because they weren't taught any better, or they were in an overall toxic situation where EVERYONE was shitty (like a cult), or they were just at an especially low point and hurt others for it.

you don't have to forgive them. you don't have to ever speak to them again. you can be angry with them until you die if you want.

but society cannot function if we don't allow them to move on. to change their behavior and fuck off somewhere else and build meaningful relationships without bothering you again. we need a path for people to change, or nothing ever will.


I think it would be fun if there was an optional memo line on ballots for voters to add a small comment with their vote. It wouldn’t affect the result at all, and would just be big enough to write a few words at most, but as sort of a barometer or way to get a little bit of extra information from the electorate it would be entertaining. Maybe even mildly useful.

now I'm morbidly curious what proportion of right-wing votes vs literally any others would have... let's call it "language uncouth towards protected categories of person"... on their memo lines

hey at least if they filled the memo line with racial slurs we could stop talking about "economic anxiety"


Saw another Vegas sphere video cross my dash tonight and I always thought that if a voice was coming from that thing it would need to sound bigger and echo across the land

So I did that

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