
Stubborn Idealism

@greater-than-the-sword / greater-than-the-sword.tumblr.com

Silly rabbit! Cynicism is for kids! 28. Christian, Evangelical. Female. Pro-life. INTP. Writer. Neoclassical liberal. Anti-communist and anti-nazi. Category DNI’s are invisible to me. I tag things as whatever I want, it's my blog.

TIL "Married men/women live longer" is a sampling bias due to the fact that people who live long enough to get married have already survived childhood and adolescence


It becomes pretty obvious when you rephrase it as "longer-lived people more likely to get married"


Please vote based on the picture AND the description!

Adrian Mori [Arcane and Androids @thegoldenherd]

Adrian Mori was a human doctor who died in a riot at a secret facility conducting experiments on how to cure lycanthropy. He now sustains himself with secret magic known only to him, and wears a griffon skull in place of his missing head. He values knowledge above all else, and desires to become god along the way.

Andris Harkin [Shades of War @evelynmlewis]

(The following contains spoilers for Shades of War since I like doing reveals about my characters in my books instead of putting things upfront.) Andris Harkin is about 60 years old. He's a practitioner of a lost/obscure form of magic unique to his ethnicity and is known as a "sorcerer", which in-universe is something between a wizard and a prophet. Due to having different powers than other magic practitioners on Valerian, he was kidnapped by the villain, Prince Ellatar and forced by Ellatar's cruel henchwoman Eniss to create a portal that allowed Shade armies from offworld to invade. His two teenage daughters were also killed. After 2 years in Ellatar's captivity, he was eventually rescued and experiences a major guilt complex about his use in Ellatar's plan. He later becomes something of a father figure to two of the female protagonists. He has a very dry sense of humor and prickly exterior and I call him the "salt grandpa".

Andris fans rise up!


Do you think Bastille knows that he made the anti prostitution song of all time? Does he take responsibility for his part in that woman's suffering or was he serious about the bootstraps stuff


Please vote based on the picture AND the description!

Arryn [Fantasy WIP @mrgartist]

He’s an elf. He’s a Seer, but he never asked for this power. He’s the most caring and loyal person, but quite impulsive. He will make decisions to keep people safe that they may not even understand until the whole big picture is revealed (because he can see the future and will sometimes act on his visions even though he’s not supposed to). This sometimes makes him come off as selfish or uncaring, but those who know him best know that he is not capable of being That Way. Arryn is the absolute Worst when it comes to self-sacrifice and this does definitely cause issues. His arc is that map Kronk shows at the end of Emperor’s New Groove of the race back to the palace. Honestly, it makes no sense.

Barir Stelmer [The Toxic Element @evelynmlewis]

Barir Stelmer was a hero in the Shade Wars who saved an entire city from an invasion by Shades through his cunning magitek inventions. However, after being betrayed by his work partner, the government wrongly blamed him for the invasion happening in the first place, and he was exiled to outer space. 40 years later (but not much older due to some timey wimey stuff) he has returned to his homeworld bent on revenge against the country and city that wronged him, even though they now revere him as a lost hero.


Vote for Barir! He's a foil for Daniel, our protagonist, who needs to learn to serve his country despite his grievances with the government.

Also, he is half elf!! This is what gives him his ability to work with magic but his desire to work with technology! He has the ability to read your mind through a video call


And I hope no one gets mad about me calling God wild. I don't mean it in a bad way. As someone who came from a pagan faith, the one thing that kept me crawling back to it again and again was me feeling too "wild" for the Christian faith. Like, you can have a deep and abiding love for nature and respect for your place in it, and still love God. I say again, God made us and nature. What's not to love about the home He lovingly crafted in perfect balance for us? Nature is filled with daily miracles!

And He made us in His image. When I see a child jumping in puddles on a rainy day, I see the love for life that God has imbuing that child. When I see someone climbing a sheer cliff face, I see God's strength and tenacity and determination fueling that rockclimber onwards and upwards. So if you are primal and wild, that's okay. You're not some heathen; God made you that way.

We must remember the world was made with Mighty Hands

May I suggest chapters 38 & 39 of Job?

The thing I always think about is how God is infinite, and encompasses all the attributes of his indescribably varied works.

The pagans had one god of the ocean, another god of the sky, another god of the forest, another god of the sun, etc. Our God is all of those things, not less a God of the ocean than Poseidon and not less a God of the sky than Thor and not less a God of the sun than Ra. and so on.

I sometimes watch and listen to New Age believers and neo-pagans and what they say. I always find it intriguing whenever they talk about 'mana' and 'energy' and what-not. These people can feel God's presence in every single molecule of creation, they simply choose to reject God and "worship the created thing instead of the Creator"- so why can't most Christians do that??? Why does literally every Christian I talk to have at least one area of life where they say "God is not here"???

And if I offended any Christians by saying this... TOUGH.

Why does literally every Christian I talk to have at least one area of life where they say "God is not here"???


This seemed like the right crowd to share this with. After hearing the other day about how a girl who I have met received this treatment successfully, I had to look it up. This fresh hot off the press (studies were done from 2020 to 2022) breakthrough for treatment resistant depression can boost people's neuroplasticity, providing not only immediate relief but allowing people to literally rewire their brain. A temporary course of Ketamine can have long term effects.

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