oh? they edited your post to make it sound like you expressed some untowardly feelings about your favorite tastes? this website called me john fucking egbert

it’s so annoying whenever speculative fiction becomes present reality because damn that was some really nice fiction for a while there









It’s all about control, sexism, racism, it’s not about babies or lives or the Bible

Okay, but I’ve seen this argument thrown around for years, and I never believed it because it’s been pushed into my brain since I was a child by my extremely Christian parents that abortion is fundamentally evil because it goes against the Bible. But I’m taking a 2nd Wave Feminism course and I finally found out that this is actually 100% true? Until the Reagan campaign and associated Republican politicians tried to find another social issue to sway Southerners, especially Southern women, in their favor, abortion was not a primary issue for churches. It was only when feminists started mobilizing and, as a result, many institutions such as the Catholic church tried to mobilize against them that churches started advocating against abortion. Abortion did not become an issue of morality for the right until the 70s. Before then, abortion was simply not discussed because most things relating to sex weren’t publicly discussed. So no, according to popular belief, the argument that abortions are killing babies did not always exist, it was just an argument crafted when the Republican party needed another social group to oppress for political points

Of course it was Reagan

Why’s it always Reagan?

there’s a very good you’re wrong about episode that covers the rise of the anti-choice movement


Anonymous asked:

Wait, you were actually born in the 1900's? Thats so cool

i am going to eat my own entire skin

tv shows pre-2000s would have a gimmick they’d use in the climax of every episode. like if Breaking Bad aired in the 80s they’d be macgyvering their way out of every sticky situation using the power of chemistry like the car battery in the pilot or the bit with the fulminated mercury. it would’ve been educational


Anonymous asked:

you need to make the next neopets


i need to make the next neopets


hhhhhhhgghhh alright i’m working on a thing right now and i’d like to see it through until i’ve got at least a playable prototype but after that i’ll see about dusting off the old nodejs pet site experiments yeah?


Anonymous asked:

you need to make the next neopets

i need to make the next neopets

a superhero is a type of WMD gijinka

messing with modded bethesda games has me thinking… i hope to one day make a game so deeply flawed yet so fundamentally compelling that people keep trying to fix it