

@orteil42 / orteil42.tumblr.com

hey, i'm orteil! i made Cookie Clicker. it was an accident
Anonymous asked:

Wait, you were actually born in the 1900's? Thats so cool

i am going to eat my own entire skin


tv shows pre-2000s would have a gimmick they'd use in the climax of every episode. like if Breaking Bad aired in the 80s they'd be macgyvering their way out of every sticky situation using the power of chemistry like the car battery in the pilot or the bit with the fulminated mercury. it would've been educational

Anonymous asked:

you need to make the next neopets

i need to make the next neopets


hhhhhhhgghhh alright i'm working on a thing right now and i'd like to see it through until i've got at least a playable prototype but after that i'll see about dusting off the old nodejs pet site experiments yeah?

Anonymous asked:

you need to make the next neopets

i need to make the next neopets


a superhero is a type of WMD gijinka


messing with modded bethesda games has me thinking… i hope to one day make a game so deeply flawed yet so fundamentally compelling that people keep trying to fix it


Wes Anderson's body of work gives the impression of someone who would've wanted to be french so bad and is coping as best as he can


i feel like sometimes the narratives around video games get spread around a little unevenly ie. people will make video essays about Cookie Clicker with titles like "A Biting Commentary On The Nature Of Capitalism" meanwhile Vampire Survivors gets thumbnails like "it's fun to play because you're a FUCKING MORON"

Anonymous asked:

Just going to pop in that the update to the mobile app is so good! Terrifying but also good!

thank u i put a lot of time and heart into getting it just right so i'm so so glad it was worth it and people are enjoying it. i'll get the $5 ad-less version out soon we just gotta sort out some administrative stuff first!


the term "real estate" was invented in the early 2000s to differentiate it from the rising market of land in virtual worlds ie. Second Life, etc


as a kid my options for video games besides macintosh freeware were limited so i'd buy gaming magazines and read the walkthroughs and sit there in evocative wonder reading arcane phrases like "Search by the right of the cathedral to find 1 Echo Screen"

Anonymous asked:

Thank you for Cookie Clicker. It's brought immeasurable joy to my existence. Are you emotionally available

i'm like if an abandoned theme park was a person

Anonymous asked:

happy pride month. idk why but you give me queer vibes so youre invited to pride month. (this is a compliment)

how many more times do i have to come out as French


maybe one day it'd be neat to voice-act in one of my games... i wanna give it that todd howard "That really pisses me off" performance


accidental glitch art from a thing i'm working on


one thing i'd like to mention is that since Cookie Clicker's mobile app now supports save import/export you can keep backups and transfer saves between devices and versions easily but it also opens the possibility for someone (not me) theoretically making a mobile⇔desktop save converter accounting for all the format discrepancies

Anonymous asked:

beef tips

never let them know your next move

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