
My Tumblr my rules 😎🤙💅

  • I don’t reblog ANY post that have more than 1,500 notes. No mainstream sht.
  • I don’t “like” posts, I reblog everything I like
  • If I see that someone already found and posted something I had in the queue I delete mine.
  • If I posted something and later somebody posted the exact same thing and got more notes I cry and throw a tantrum.
  • I’m a baby waaaaa baby wants milk.

nyarlathotep on def comedy jam

"How many y'all witnessed my true visage?"

[raucous applause]

[pointing at audience member]

"Look, my man weeping... he weeping cause he know!"

“ hero cop Sergeant Killzone walks onto the scene, unholstering his Smith and Wesson .625 Ultra-Magnum, and famously announces that the perpetrators are going down. It is the beginning of an epic shootout. The camera zooms in on the... View high resolution

hero cop Sergeant Killzone walks onto the scene, unholstering his Smith and Wesson .625 Ultra-Magnum, and famously announces that the perpetrators are going down. It is the beginning of an epic shootout. The camera zooms in on the sergeants eyes, as his pupils dilate. He takes a deep breath, and then an even deeper breath. Then, with a guttural roar, he unleashes his fury on the evil doers. The gunfight is a spectacular display of firepower, with explosions and bodies flying everywhere. In the end, only Sergeant Killzone is left standing. The camera zooms in on his face as he surveys the carnage around him. He is covered in blood and gore, but he does not seem to notice. He looks into the camera, and says in a gravelly voice, “This is what justice looks like.”