
Evan 🀨


sarah πŸ”… she/her πŸ”… bucktommy shipper πŸ”…

Buck grabbed for Tommy's hand as soon as they exited their Uber, their fingers interlocking perfectly. He smiled to himself because for the first time he had a partner who openly displayed affection in public.Β 

Finding two empty stools at the bar they ordered their usual beers, Tommy's hand found it's place on the small of Buck's back while Buck's rested on his boyfriend's thigh.Β 

They exchanged stolen glances and suggestive smiles as the alcohol lowered inhibitions and made them both more touchy.Β 

"It's a good thing I'm not a jealous man," he said lowering his voice, "I've already seen several guys eye fuck you."

"It's a good thing you get to actually fuck me, hmmm?" his boyfriend asked leaning into Tommy and placing a teasing kiss to the nape of his neck.Β 

Before he could pull away Tommy caught Buck's chin with his hand and lead his lips into his, kissing him like he did that first time in Buck's loft.Β 

"Lucky me," he smiled into his boyfriend's mouth.Β 



Buck froze in place and looked around for Tommy, there was pretty much zero chance his boyfriend was at this call but he had to look anyway.Β 

Nope, no Tommy.Β 

"Capt, why are you yelling my boyfr--Tommy's name?"

"You tell me kid," Bobby said pointing at the back of his jacket.Β 

Craning his neck Buck saw he was wearing his Tommy's turnouts with Kinard plastered where Buckley should be.

"Oops," he smiled widely, Tommy had been known to come by the 118 in his gear before he had a chance to make it back to his station, "not sure how that happened."

"Uh huh, sure you don't."

He had the honor of being called Kinard for the rest of his shift and would be lying if he said he didn't adore it.Β 

"Tommy’s looking for love, okay? Just like all of us, he’s looking for love. […]I’m so excited that people are seeing this and they’re responding and it’s connecting with people and I just love it." - Lou Ferrigno Jr.


↳@lgbtqcreators creator meme - LGBTQ+ Characters + [2⁄10]

(temp/plate) (i/n/s/p/o)


"God I love you," Tommy said walking in the door after a long shift to the sight of his boyfriend sprawled out on the couch shirtless & in grey sweats.Β 

Buck sat up quickly and stared at him with those patented Evan Buckley heart eyes. It took Tommy a minute to make the connection between his words and Buck's reaction.Β 

"Hey, wow, that just slipped out. Obviously I mean it, but wow, I didn't, it's probably--I don't want to," it wasn't often he couldn't find his words but right now he really couldn't.

Tommy knew Buck felt the same way about him but he hadn't planned on saying those words so casually. It's just Buck kept showing up for him, he kept bringing him sunshine on his cloudy days, he kept giving him hope after so much hopelessness. His body just couldn't keep it in anymore.Β 

He kept his eyes glued to Buck who still hadn't spoken but soon closed the distance between them and intertwined his hands with Tommy's.Β 

"Did you know that sea otters hold each other’s paws as they fall asleep so they don’t drift apart?" Tommy searched his boyfriend's face for the point he was trying to make, "well, I never want to drift away from you."Β 

"Oh, I almost forgot, I love you too, it's almost stupid how much I love you."Β 


"You really never realized you were into guys before me?"

"I found guys attractive, sure. Did I check out guys asses? Yes. But no, it never clicked before you. You very literally checked all the boxes, babe."

Tommy hummed in approval, he had to admit it made him feel special.

"Plus, come on, dat ass."


"I officially have a boyfriend," Buck smiled proudly.

"Mmhmm, you do, that would be me."

Tommy adored how special all their 'firsts' were to Buck, he wanted to make sure he kept them that way.

"I just texted everyone at the 118 that I have a boyfriend."

"Oh Evan..."


My brain all day every day:

bucktommy tommy kinard bucktommy god I hope so evan buckley bucktommy bucktommy probably not on the same day bucktommy bucktommy tommy evan buckley lou ferrigno jr I guess it’s just me that makes you nervous oliver stark bucktommy evan buckley that fire was a beast so are you bucktommy evan buckley tommy evan buckley i am free bucktommy bucktommy bucktommy guess we both have daddy issues tommy kinard are you okay bucktommy lou ferrigno jr be safe buck smiling fake mouth static oliver stark i owe you a beer bucktommy you still owe me that beer we were on a date yes bucktommy wait it’s the same tommy tommy’s good people bucktommy bucktommy


Buck had never needed to touch a partner more than he needed to touch Tommy. He wanted his hands on him at every possible moment.

"Are you okay I touch you so much?"

Well that's a silly question, Tommy thought to himself.

"Honestly, I never want you to stop touching me," his voice softened, "no one has ever needed me as much as you do, Evan." Tommy felt his face flush from the vulnerability of the moment.

Buck took this as an opportunity to wrap his arms around his boyfriend and lay gentle kisses on his neck and jawline.

"And I've never needed anyone as much as I need you."


Tommy could always count on his boyfriend to put a smile on his face after a long shift:

-saw a helicopter, dat you?

-eddie said it wasn't because not every helicopter is you

-did you know the longest a helicopter has gone without landing is 2213 miles?

-another one, is that you?

-i miss you

-captain told me stop looking at the sky so much

-but i won't

He typed out a message of his own -

-safe on the ground, you probably did see me, I waved 😏 miss you, babe.

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