
I fly with fireflies;

@teddievan / teddievan.tumblr.com

I came, I saw, I multishipped. Please don't repost my art.

is this a safe space can i say this but i Love love the way tommy looks at buck please go back and rewatch all their moments and focus on his eyes and the way he listens to buck and look at him like he has decided to love buck forever that look he gives buck after they hugged at the bachelor party he looks at buck as if he’s saying “you’re so pretty i can stare at you forever” it’s not just me right


9-1-1 x shameless crossover where ian "you're gonna get your ass kicked by a ho-mo-sexual" gallagher joins the 118 as a new probie around the same time gerrard takes over and within the first 5 minutes of his first shift he's already called gerrard a limp-dicked sack of shit right to his face while buck, hen, chim, eddie and ravi all look at each other in utter disbelief for a moment before they simultaneously burst into stifled snort-laughter like they're all thinking "we gotta keep this one"


There’s something so beautiful about the conversation right after the kiss. In the way that we all know this moment’s huge for Buck, but Tommy takes the lead, doesn’t let him spiral, or overthink, or be nervous about what it means. Tommy keeps him grounded, invites him out, tells him about his shift. He touches him, straightening his shirt, which is such an ‘earth to Buck’ kinda moment. It’s so soft ???

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