
Evan ๐Ÿคจ


sarah ๐Ÿ”… she/her ๐Ÿ”… bucktommy shipper ๐Ÿ”…

The room started to clear out and they wandered into the hallway as others said goodbye to the newlyweds.ย 

"You just came out to literally everyone you know," Tommy whispered to Buck.ย 

"Yeah, I'm aware," Buck smiled, "that was the plan. You do remember I asked you to be my date to the wedding, right? And to dance with me? This," Buck waved his hand between him & Tommy, "I'll never be ashamed of."ย 

Tommy's chest swelled with pride and the butterflies intensified, Buck's self-assurance and bravery inspired him everyday, he was a better person just for knowing him.ย 

"I'm so proud of you, Evan, you are braver than I ever was," he said quietly.ย 

"Tommy, the only reason this has been easy for me is because I'd never want to keep you a secret."ย 


"You're so hot."

Buck drug his teeth along the three day old stubble of his boyfriends jawline, he'd slowly been learning all the ways in which he was attracted to men and he loved the way Tommy's facial hair had grown in by the third day.ย 

"No, you."

Buck felt his face flush, Tommy complimented him constantly but it always felt like the first time.ย 

"How did it take me so long to realize I was attracted guys? It's so effortless now," he let his hand graze the length of Tommy's torso, fingers finding their way under the elastic of his boyfriends gym shorts.ย 

"Sometimes it just takes the right one," Tommy tilted Buck's head up to meet his lips, "I'm glad I could be that one for you," he said softly kissing his boyfriend.ย 


"Do you even realize you do it anymore?"ย 

"Do what?" Tommy asked quizzically.ย 

"You kiss my birthmark when you say hello to me," Buck grinned.ย 

It was true, Tommy always placed soft kisses above and below his boyfriend's left eyebrow.ย 

"You know I love your birthmark." Tommy replied cheekily.

"I do & you didn't answer the question."

"Well that's my reason, it's rare & perfect, exactly like your heart. It's a reminder that I love you wholly."ย 

Buck - ๐Ÿฅบ

Tommy - ๐Ÿ˜˜

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