

@sporadicmakerwerewolf / sporadicmakerwerewolf.tumblr.com

Howdy and welcome to my page. I've become obsessed with 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star. My favorite pairings are Buddie, Bathena, Madney, Henaren, and Tarlos.

Tommy: [Sent Image]

Buck: *at the firehouse and opens text from his Hot Pilot 🚁 *

Buck: OH MY GOD 🥵🤤

The rest of the firefam: 👀

Lmao just wanted to fuck around with Picsart 😂


Bobby: oh, this is an interesting call haha weird

The hand: *strangles Buck*

Bobby: MY BOY!

(“I got ya, Buck” though makes me emo even in a comedic scene 😭❤️)


Re: Buck replacing Sal as Tommy’s Partner

Scene: Bobby’s office, 2018

*Tommy putting in his transfer papers*

Bobby: but I got you a puppy!


gonna watch Love Actually while eating takeout and try to see it from tommy's pov. i wonder which relationship he liked best......

i think tommy was/is a colin firth fan: love actually, bridget jones, pride and prejudice..

i am already in need of (2) love actually aus:

1 - (sexual) body doubles

2 - president!tommy / staffmember!buck

i do have beef with love actually for not having a queer relationship - not even a queer side character not in a relationship. apparently they filmed a lesbian couple plotline but it didn't make the cut (although i'm kinda glad they didn't use it bc it's essentially bury your gays)

i think it's the different kinds of love portrayed that tommy likes too, not just the romantic relationships; there's family in it, and friendship, familiarity of a person.

and - as someone who's been through war and who is now a firefighter, and someone who was either in denial or in the closet in the early 00s - the contrast of love beginning (with a tangent of pining and unrequited love) and ending (too soon) with the wedding and funeral at the start, that strikes several chords in him; as someone who's been up close with death, someone who tries to stave off death for others, and who is a romantic at heart and wants to fall in love...

i'm understanding why he loves this movie and why it's so well suited for his character, too.

for buck: the first time he watches love actually with tommy he recognises abby in caretaker!sarah and himself in the (hunky) guy crush. and then he remembers about abby's ex and he pauses the movie and turns to tommy:

"have you dated any women?"

"i have."

"anyone recent?"

tommy looks at him confused and bemused. "i haven't dated a woman since i left the 118."

buck does the math in his head. different tommy. "okay."

adding another au to the wishlist:

  • secretary!buck / boss!tommy (with or without tommy already in a relationship - with a man, though preferably not married)

and also:

  • painter!tommy / caretaker!buck (tommy taking some time away after he caught his boyfriend cheating on him) (no language barrier with buck, but still just the two of them interacting on a daily basis)

tommy, like the rest of us, loving this movie for its numerous plotlines, the way love comes in many forms and comes about in so many unexpected ways - that to find love and/or keep it you have to take chances and be brave.

i also think tommy admires the pm for standing up to the president being a bully. tommy admires anyone who stands up to bullies - hen, chim, bobby..

oh: and the fact that most (arguably all bar the kids imho) of the relationships look to feature people in their 30s at a minimum - tommy in his 20s and closeted/in denial seeing all these love stories and having hope that there's still time for him.

there's also 2 instances back2back of 'self preservation' - the pining best friend and the smitten prime minister - that i think would've struck a chord with tommy, having experience denying himself the pleasure/love he really wants.

liam neeson's character reminds me a bit of s7!tommy, and while i don't necessarily think s2!tommy would see himself in the guy, i think he would see his parenting and wonder if he'll ever get his own chance to be a father - settle down with some woman, even though it might not be some big romance (and maybe he knows that wouldn't be fair to her) - and how he'd try hard to be a better father than his own (although a dark part of him whispers that he's bound to end up like his dad, so actually everyone would be better off if he didn't have kids).

btw: tommy pictures himself slow-dancing with someone special to norah jones' turn me on..

i think tommy would be laughing heartily through the giftwrap scene. it's a romcom afterall, so i think he enjoys the moments of levity as much as the romance - like the language barrier conversations between colin firth and aurelia, as sweet as they are funny.

he smiles at the considerate interactions between the two sex scene body doubles, how their conversations and sentiments are such a contrast to what they're simulating. and they might be naked in front of a room full of people, but when they put their hearts on their sleeves is the real show of vulnerability, and a hope for real intimacy between them.

with the cheating storyline, i wonder if it cuts close to home for tommy: perhaps his parents' marriage was doomed early on (from what we've heard it sounds like he grew up a child of divorce?) and he was a lonely kid, and back then he might have wished they could just be a happy family, but now he thinks that probably would've made things worse. but seeing an otherwise happy marriage come undone, it stings that someone would choose to do that.

the young kid saying: the thing about romance is people only get together right at the very end. and again, tommy is in his 20s, there's still plenty of time for him to find love. there's such a back-n-forth of hope and hopelessness (resignation to cirumstance) in this movie as a whole and i think part of why tommy loves it is bc it forces him to confront what he doesn't like about the realities of his own (love) life (nudging him towards self awareness and self acceptance) while giving him hope that one day he might find something real, and hopefully he'll be brave enough to go after it.

@shaking-the-hand-of-doubt i agree! the movie deals with various forms of love and while there's no queer rep there's enough variation in types of love to just.. want more of it in his own life: romance and friendship and parenting and family and friends. our guy was definitely lonely, so i can see him finding comfort in so much of it.

omg... gimme a christmas ep in season 8 where buck agonises over what gift to get for tommy and tommy coming in with: all i want for christmas, is you. or maybe tommy is dealing with family shit and rather subject himself (and buck) to that drama he just tells buck he wants him (and all that comes with him). or, perhaps better that the line comes from buck?!

i'm not a fan of unrequited love, but i do love the scene with the confession and the cards and the boombox, so....

imagine buck doing this for tommy....

tommy is in a relationship with a guy. then he meets evan - who develops a crush without really knowing it's a crush until he plants a kiss on tommy one night. tommy is the first guy buck has developed feelings for so it's all new and he's nervous but he knows he likes tommy, right? but tommy tries explaining that first-time gay infatuation can hit hard but it will surely pass. and buck is sceptical but he is still figuring himself out so he accepts it as a possibility.

they become friends (because of mutual friends and work) and tommy kind of takes evan under his gay wing, and it's all nice and good.. but all the while he's slowly falling for this earnest ball of sunshine. and while he helped coach evan through flirting with guys, now when he sees guys flirting with him he gets jealous, and he has to tamp down that feeling (although maybe he fails and there's a protective/possessive interaction where he tells a guy to back off because evan wasn't interested; but maybe buck was interested).

tommy takes some time (a week or two) to think about things and distance himself from evan to clear his head. for a while he's been thinking about breaking up with his boyfriend because he thought there was no future for them, but then: the guy proposes, and tommy says yes. meanwhile buck is cranky and pouty af because he misses hanging out with tommy and his rejection sensitivity and abandonment issues are rearing their heads. then he runs into tommy and his partner somewhere and he's about to say something revealing when his partner joins tommy's side and that's when buck notices the ring.

Sodapop: Hey, Steve! Did you know your my BFFLWYLION?  Steve: What the hell is that supposed to mean?  Sodapop: Best Friend For Life Whether You Like It Or Not.  Steve:  Steve: That’s one way to say it, I guess…
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