

@buttonpressingloverboy / buttonpressingloverboy.tumblr.com

they/he/it + neos - 20 - exploring my objectum feelings - main is @esynk

You know that post about how angels and telephone towers are biologically compatible? That’s how I feel about overgrown plants and industrial machines.

These two things can and SHOULD make offspring.


Do you WANT kudzu cables?

Do you WANT invasive machinery to bury your city?

Do you WANT to be entombed in wires until you can't tell where "you" end and "we" begin?


yes. reblog


Undersea cable cross-sections h/t Fipi Lele

Beautiful, right? When they first started laying this stuff across the Atlantic during the late Victorian, people made this stuff into souvenir jewelry:


mutual 1: i need him. (picture of a computer)

mutual 2: i need her (picture of a car)

mutual 3: wrote a little fic (my house.wad house/house of leaves house - 30,000 words)

mutual 4: doodle. (most beautiful awe inspiring art you've seen - 6 notes)

mutual 5: GOD I NEED HIM (video of an industrial drill working)

mutual 6: i don't know if i need him or what he was (picture of the ship of theseus)

mutual 7: i hate him (picture of a trabant)

mutual 8 (mutual 5 alt): this is better than a rock concert (video of an industrial drill being maintained)

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