
halo of death;

@veil-of-lament / veil-of-lament.tumblr.com

marz || they/them || not a minor || currently rotting by the hands of good omens

I like the idea that crowley had four wings before he fell, because of being a high ranking angel or something, but only two grew back after


Little does anyone know, but the feathered wing appendages on dragons are QUITE ticklish.

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been a while again - been trying to catch up on my personal backlog + procrastination and a bit of laziness on the side.

Still working on Dragon Starmaker, but when I was on discord and talking about Dragon Au, @forsssnaken gave me brainrot after I mentioned the winged appendages on Azi were ticklish, so here we are.

For anyone unfamiliar with my personal Dragon Au, this is a side au of the main AU where Starmaker and Azi get their human forms pre-earth. That is to say, its not canon to the au (but it doesn't stop me from having brainrot over these designs).

Check out Starmaker HERE Check out Azi HERE

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