
A Conspiracy of Cartographers

@ashfae / ashfae.tumblr.com

"What are you playing at?" "Words. Words. They're all we have to go on." | American wench living in Scotland. | She/her | Little too smitten with Good Omens at present | I just find things that seem interesting or shiny or entertaining and then babble about them | A03 | RP

i think rickrolling is the only meme that gets objectively funnier with age. in 2009 you learned to anticipate it but in 2019 it happens just infreqently enough that i fall for it every single time

like people still make rage comics and doge jokes and shit but it’s always ironic (the real punchline is that you’re using an outdated format) or more in line with modern absurd internet humor. rickrolling is the only meme i can think of that’s been the exact same for a full decade- click on a link thinking you’re getting something else, get rick astley instead, and it’s still consistently funny


the more time passes the more foolish you feel for falling for a rickroll as well. Like darn I learnt about this prank 10+ years ago how did I just fall for it now,


Nooope. Nope, you can’t get me. I’m not clicking on that link and you can’t make me.

I am a fool for clicking

it’s honestly so, so fascinating—here’s a graph I found that estimates how many people have been rickrolled in the past decade!

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