
All you need is... ngk, I don't know

@ngkiscool / ngkiscool.tumblr.com

mostly about Good Omens, David Tennant and cats. My stories on AO3 all SFW. Handle by the talented vebirascanvas

When you debate a person about something that affects them more than it affects you, remember that it will take a much greater emotional toll on them than on you. For you it may feel like an academic exercise. For them, it feels like revealing their pain only to have you dismiss their experience and sometimes their humanity.

The fact that you might remain more calm under these circumstances is a consequence of your privilege, not increased objectivity on your part. Stay humble.



Sorry if it's a morbid question but I'm at that age when death is coming closer each day, and I'm wondering what to do with my fics on AO3 and tumblr should I die one day. Of course I can put them in a will or get someone's help. But me writing fanfics is like a secret identity that none of my family or friends know. They're not into it and I don't think they'll value them either. They'll probably trash them but I'll love for anyone to adopt them if they like to. So any ideas or suggestions?


Not morbid at all! Planning for the future isn’t depressing, it’s planning. Taking care of something that’s on your mind will only make you feel better about things, anyway :)

As for the answer to your question, AO3 has exactly what you’re looking for: Fannish Next of Kin. This is the person that you decide you want to have take care of your works after you die. They’re a fandom friend you trust, but you don’t have to know them in person. You don’t even need to know their real name. You just have to trust that they’ll follow your wishes after you’re gone.  

In the event of your death, the Archive will transfer your account into that person’s control and they can manage it on your behalf. 

For more information, read that link above. Just one more way that AO3 looks out for the “Our Own” part of the Archive :D. 


@ao3commentoftheday Thanks for the wonderful reply. I’m glad there’s something so great out there. Kudos to you as well as AO3.

Happy to help! I wish more people knew about it!

This is so fuckin cool. Anyone wanna be my next of kin?

Everyday I love this platform more they just thINK OF EVERYTHING

I named a fannish next of kin! It took awhile but it was easy to do. I think everyone should do this. You never know… 


To anyone who is having a bad day, I give you this hamster wearing a flower hat.

This post is now ten years old and still circulating. It has outlived countless generations of hamsters and the entire Trump administration, and people still pass it around because this one photographer a decade ago decided to put a little goodness into the world, and it makes me so happy


it's such a bummer that losing control of your emotions only makes the entire situation worse in really embarrassing personal ways. losing control of my emotions should give me pyrokinesis.


Another Colleague Conversation

I recently had a conversation with a friend and colleague about stuff they shared regarding the rescue operation of the four hostages. They had posted the tweet from the Deeja account that said in all capital letters that Israel used an aid truck. I reached out because 1) I know this person to be reasonable and evidence based, and 2) I knew they were coming from a place of genuine concern that was being manipulated. For context, this friend is a brilliant geneticist that I have know for nearly 2 decades as we did our undergrad together and have stayed in touch ever since. They're a kindhearted person and their work has led to some breakthroughs that highlight this trait as they've worked on certain types of genes that can have detrimental mutations when expressed. As I've said before, a lot of people are empathetic and sympathetic individuals to the plight of others, and those behaviors are being manipulated for nefarious reasons.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Me: Hey G, that thing you shared about the aid truck? Yeah, that's not the complete story or accurate.

G: What?! What do you mean?

Me: It wasn't an aid truck that they used. In fact, only that tweet and Al Jazeera were reporting that initially. All the other sites, including pro-Israel and anti-Israel, were reporting a civilian truck of some sort. Most said a moving/furniture truck.

G: Wait. Hold on. So it was a moving truck then?

Me: Well...we now know it was a soap truck.

G: Why the fuck are people saying it was an aid truck then?

Me: You know the reason.

G: Yeah...okay, admittedly I am not well informed on all this. Thank you for reaching out and correcting me. Do you have any suggestions on how to stay informed? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Now this is where it gets interesting because at this point they say something that I knew was a thing on some level, but hadn't really put the pieces together.)


Me: Well, I wouldn't share anything from Al Jazeera. All they do is spout Hamas propaganda. I'd also avoid accounts that share from them as well, unless you're really interested in what the propaganda is itself. I'd avoid JVP since they're the Autism Speaks of Jewish groups. And also avoid SJP groups, many of them openly support terrorist groups and have been recently endorsing domestic terrorism. G: Wait, wait, wait. AJ is bad? I've been following them since we were in undergrad.

Me: Since undergrad?

G: Yeah, they were the only ones covering news in a Lefty manner. Like, remember when Occupy Wallstreet broke out during grad school? They were the one of the few news sites that covered it in a left leaning manner.

Me: Ah fuck...that makes sense. Okay. So. AJ is the state media of Qatar, think of it like RT or Sputnik. Qatar has literally hosted the leaders of Hamas for years and they live there in multi-million dollar homes. AJ pretty much acts as the propaganda mouthpiece for Hamas through Qatar.

G: But what does that have to do with how they covered stuff when we were younger?

Me: Well, there was a meeting in 1993 in Philly of Hamas members that was wiretapped. Those wiretaps were submitted as evidence during some trials in the 00s and they revealed that Hamas had planned at that meeting to use the language of progressive Westerners to garner support for their cause and manipulate them.

G: oh

G: Oh, fuck!

G: So you're saying they purposefully set themselves up to be more sympathetic to Leftists and manipulate them through using their jargon and it's on tape?!

Me: Yep. Here's the link (https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/2023-10/the-hamas-network-in-america.pdf)

Me: Now there's a lot more to that doc. It goes over how they planned to set up research groups to influence academia, political groups for politics, and charity groups to raise money. The latter of which is what the 00s trials were about.

G: Fuck...that's well planned out. I can't believe it's on tape.

Me: Mhm, it's right there. I'm surprised it's been allowed to go on this long though. I think after all the dust settles we might see some Bush Era Patriot Act shenanigans go on.

G: I wouldn't be surprised.

G: Thank you for reaching out and letting me know. I can't believe I fell for that.

Me: It's totally okay, and understandable. If you have questions about anything please feel free to reach out.

G: Again, thank you so much. I will.


What G said about Al Jazeera though and how they'd been following it for years stood out to me. I remember when Occupy Wallstreet happened and AJ was reporting on it. I remember so many American news sites denigrating the movement and AJ was one of the few that was actually covering those protests in an objective manner. We didn't have a lot of the Left news sites that currently exist today. It was a wasteland of center and right wing sources as far as the eye could see. But that makes sense for the time period and why AJ is still so prevalent in Left spaces.

As I told G, the 93 meeting documents Hamas members talking about using the language of Westerners against them and infiltrating their spaces to garner support. With AJ being the mouth piece of Hamas and having been one of the few "Left" leaning news source since Occupy...well, they've been grandfathered in to Leftist spaces as "trusted". That's why so many of these Western activists will accept an AJ article with no question or critical analysis, it's one of the go to sources and has been for a long time.

I'm a little mad at myself that I didn't remember the coverage of Occupy and other events in the USA by AJ and how they were framed until G brought it up. I'm second guessing all the times I read articles back then and my reactions. G admitted they're now doing the same. To think that many of us older Lefties have been manipulated for years because we had some friendly coverage of our opinions is disheartening. But then again, how many of us actually knew what AJ was, who was running it, and what the agenda is/was? I mean, hell, I'm a forensic consultant and consider myself well versed on big cases, but I didn't know about the HLF stuff until Vidino's report came out (the doc mentioned and linked above).

The internet has come such a long way since then. I'm hoping that when this is over that many of these news sites, Leftist and otherwise, will reconsider how they interact with AJ and other such groups. It's quite clear that we've been in a long con, and something has to change.


So, I'm Beta Israel, or an Ethiopian Jew. Many people only know that there are Ethiopian Jews in Israel because of that one headline:

"Israel forcibly sterilizes Ethiopian Jewish Women"

I would like to say that this story is a thorny and painful topic in the community, especially because it is used as a cudgel to demonize both us and Israel without actually allowing Ethiopian Jews to contribute to such discussions.

This point is brought up often when discussing racism in Israel. Newspapers have reported it, activists have brought it up, and it is all over social media. The narrative has even gone so far that some people claim that Israel is currently sterilizing Beta Israeli women.

First off, there was never any kind of attempt by Israel to get rid of us through sterilization or reduce our population. As of 2024, there are approximately 160,000 of us living in Israel. 8,000 arrived during Operation Moses, and 14,000 arrived during Operation Solomon. Again, massive population increase.

Additionally, said women were never sterilized. Birth control falls under 4 general categories. Natural birth control, oral contraceptives, long-acting reversible contraception, and sterilization. All except for sterilization are reversible. The birth control important to this discussion is Depo-Provera, which is temporary.

Depo Provera has almost no long-lasting effects, needs to be renewed every 12-13 weeks to be effective, and no matter how long you have taken it, you will be able to conceive after stopping the shot. These were the injections given to Ethiopian Jewish women. But why were they given the contraceptives?

Ethiopian Jews came to Israel through transit camps, which are temporary refugee camps. There are many reasons why a refugee camp has a need for birth control. High maternal and infant mortality rates, the absence of gynecologists, high sexual violence, and little to no postpartum care are just a few of them.

There was no evidence that women at the transit camps were threatened into getting these injections. However, they were almost certainly pressured into doing so, because, keep in mind, there just weren't enough resources to take care of these women if they did get pregnant. In most cases, the women were informed that they were getting these injections, but access to Amharic translators were in short supply.

Since many women didn't understand exactly what they were being given, as soon as they figured out, they complained. Israel immediately stopped giving the injections out and started new guidance to make sure that patients had a full understanding of all medicine given.

Was what happened a violation of rights that never should have happened? Yes. Was it a massive mistake on the part of the Israeli government? Yes. Was it anywhere near as evil as whatever people are trying to make it sound like online? No.

Stop using us to make your points when you clearly don't care about our issues. You can criticize the Israeli government, please do, without spreading misinformation and lies about us. You can criticize Israel without bringing up the 'sterilization' every time you see us on social media. When you do these things, you are being both anti Black and antisemitic. Try to learn about us past this controversy, in fact, try to learn about any of the many, many Jewish communities in different countries. I guarantee you'll learn something.


Anyway if you’re from the US and you ever wanted to know what tumblr feels like from a non-USAmerican perspective (please note that the rest of the world is not a monolith either and none of these apply without exception):

  • Everybody’s talking about brands and stores you’ve never seen in real life. You generally assume they exist, but they might as well be one giant prank the rest of the internet is in on.
  • You find a post that just sounds wrong. It makes no sense. It’s like OP lives in a weird alternate reality. 9/10 times, it’s just some USAmerican Thing.
  • You’re still not entirely sure how much an inch is. Or a foot. Or even how many of the former there are in the latter. You maybe know your height in feet and inches.
  • You have no idea how much a pound is. You’d also like to know how the fuck pound shortens to lbs.
  • What the fuck is “military time”
  • Somebody talks about some legal process or something similar. They don’t mention which country’s legal system this pertains to. You know anyway.
  • People talk about politics. None of it pertains to you. Many posts contain guilt tripping. “How can you not care about this?? Why won’t you reblog this?? People need to know this about x candidate for y position!” You’re busy trying to stay on top of the political landscape in your own country.
  • You pick up some random slang from the internet. Monkey see monkey do. You’re called racist. You didn’t know it was AAVE. You learnt it from black letters on white background, not from the mouths of people whose faces you could see. How would you have known? You try to unlearn it.
  • People tell you that you must publicly denounce Chick-fil-A or you’re homophobic. You don’t even know what a Chick-fil-A is.
  • People say you don’t know LGBTQ+ history. What they mean is you don’t know USAmerican LGBTQ+ history. Nobody cares about your country’s history.
  • You’re “called out” on using an “offensive” term. It’s (a direct translation of) a completely harmless word where you live.
  • People expect you to have an idea of how far apart 2 USAmerican states are. You barely know geography past your country’s immediate neighbors.
  • You randomly switch between British and American spellings. Nothing’s real and there are no rules.
  • People talk about multiple hour car rides and you get twitchy just thinking about it. You suddenly understand why USAmerican cars are so big.
  • Somebody talks about school shooting drills. You only ever had fire alarm drills.
  • You see a cool statistic. The study’s only about the US. It’s unfortunately of no use to you.
  • People misuse/misspell words and names from your native language. It’s tiring.
  • (You feel sorry for the French. Nobody should be allowed to mangle the word déjà vu like that.)
  • You’re still not over the fact that USAmerican school children are supposed to say that pledge thing every morning. You’re never getting over that.
  • You still don’t know why the men are fresh or what the fuck a sophomore is.
  • Who the fuck pays up first and then fills up gas??? That’s made up, right??
  • Everybody has a weird obsession with some comfort food you’d never even heard of before you signed up here.

Fellow non-USAmericans, please add anything else you can think of.

You want to kick someone every time a man is called a brunette.

You know more about us politics then your own countries. People in your country laugh at a government official. You don’t know who that is, but you’re up to date on Florida’s legislation.

Someone online talks about the “liberals”. The post makes no sense until you realise they’re talking about the opposite side of the political spectrum than your country’s Liberal party.

Someone mentions ‘the President’, no clarification. They’re not from the USA. Neither are you. You know what he’s the President of without asking.

You click on a video. The person speaking in it has an accent similar to yours. This is novel and surprising. You won’t experience it again for months.


You cannot say that a top grossing artist is "feral" or making you "feral." You are listening to the Billboard Top 40. You are very domesticated.

Stupid ass take. The fame of the artist doesn't define how it makes you feel. Do you not see me go hogwild eating potatoes, easily one of the top 5 most well known vegetables

We're like shooting stars you and I


This post is about antisemitism. I'm going to put my cards on the table here. I am not Jewish, I am a Muslim. I have been spending a lot of time in predominantly left and leftist spaces for some years. I've been paying attention to what's being going on on this site too. I think the left, the right no matter what your politics are has a big problem with antisemitism. I've seen people constantly dismiss it, claim it isn't a priority, claim the effects aren't that bad.

Within the last 4 months, I have seen many Jewish people on the Internet , on this site and others leave or take down anything relating to being Jewish because of constant harrasment. This harrasment has had an upsurge but it is not new, I remember hearing the same canards and same false claims years and years ago. I keep seeing people betray a callousness to effects this political enviroment and hostility has on Jewish people.

They refuse to even push back against statements like 'they care more about the jews' or 'being a member of the chosen people means your better than everyone else and they're your slaves', 'there are too many jews in the government', 'there are no palestinians who are of jewish descent, have jewish family members or are jewish and this is propaganda''. I've seen people unable to speak about grief about those they trusted and respected turning out to be antisemites without being harrased over the i/p war.

I've seen a lot of antisemitism in Muslim spaces too, ranging from 'we're tolerant and this is how they repay us', to condenscension to 'some aren't bad but others are bloodthirsty and vengeful', and denial of any antisemitic attacks or crimes done by Muslims. I have also seen attempts to put a stop to this and defend against this and correct misinformation.

But the biggest problem I've seen is that their are a lot of people, who see this is wrong but don't do much about it, or think that it will somehow take away from calling for Palestinian liberation some who have saying this line for years others who have only just started saying it recently. In my experience it is generally not Palestinians saying this who are far more likely to push back against dehumanzing rhetoric than those who say , 'Oh we can't focus it now, Palestinians are dying.' In fact I seen anger against using phrases like 'free palestine' to hurt Jewish people as using the oppression of a people to be antisemities.'

People [in general] keep adding all kinds of caveats 'oh some are good', 'oh some are kids', like acknowledging the humanity of the Jewish people takes the lifeblood away from a Palestinian. In my experience openly saying one should listen to and defend Jewish people and Jewish communities from antisemitism without question is getting increasingly a volatile response. Simply saying that 'Oh what if they're a Zionist?' to just horrific biogtry is antisemitic and you should never deny what's happened to them is bad on that basis. Its used a dogwhistle to justify anything.

And here's the thing, I've spent the last 5 or so years trying to learn all I can about Judaism and Jewish culture, and the dissonance between what I now know and what I see around me has grown very wide. I don't know that much, but I keep seeing the same misinformation and lack of care as to how destructive it is. I keep seeing people assuming that antisemitism is someone else's problem to deal with. I keep seeing all kinds of monolithic, flattening and caricatures that bear no resemblance to the reality.

The most jarring thing was that there are people on this very site that if you had one should support and stand with Jewish people against antisemitism to make a fairer world that had learned a lot about why it is so rampant are now shying away from these statements. Jewish people are spoken about as if one event has obliterated any past or present of discrimination. As if their lives they have led have ceased to exist. The things that caused that atrocity and the current horrors were still around 5, 10 years ago. It wasn't out of nowhere.

I have seen those who have no issue with agreeing with neo-nazis and just violent hate and doxxing and shootings and so on and simply unpersoning Jews in their mind. This has happened many times before and unless there is a big change will happen many times again.

More and more Jewish people are ailenated and leaving places there otherwise went, changing how they live their lives and so on. To all those who are suffering from this. I'm sorry that this happening you shouldn't be treated in such a cruel way.

And to those of us who seen or noticed this withdrawal, we should try to prevent it. Its not enough to say that's wrong to some hateful statements we have work against a hostile and suspicious enviroment this hate flourishes in and give it no air to breathe and to water to drink from.

Antisemitism is not someone else's problem, its all of our problem. We should be vigilant in spotting it and then doing something about it. Many say this but there is a great need for action. Everywhere, on the social media, on the schools and workplaces in the place sof worship in the businesses, in the politics, in the media and so on.

I'm going to say this again, as because I am not Jewish I cannot be claimed to be priveleged and looking for attention by those denying the case. When I say volatile reaction, I mean there are people who viewed me talking about differences in theology between Judaism and Islam and the work of David Bar-Tzur in sign lanaguage interepretation Jewish settings and writings and community work with the Jewish Deaf community and how Judeo-Christian does not exist and is antisemitic and so on.

As first distaste 1 as I spoke to them about it over multiple conversations and was met with increasing hostility and eventually claims that I was following 'degenerates' and that I was too 'kindhearted' and had become 'brainwashed' by 'Zionist media'. Which quickly changed from condescending pity to cold anger when I protested against this. When said I wasn't going to get disclaimers that some 'Jews are bad' all the time whenever I said anything about them and deemed what they were saying to be antisemitic, the conversation devolved from there.

In their eyes I'm object of suspicon for essentially sympathising too much with Jewish people and knowing 'too much'. Yes they considered the amount I knew to be a sign I was brainwashed. It was even insinuated that I lack faith in my own religion and so on. If I didn't like this, I could just walk away and ditch everything I have said and done then keep my head down. But those suffering from antisemitism can't do this as they are being targeted.

That's all I have to say. Please respond if you have anything you'd want to say to me.

  1. This was someone I've known for years who had over time more and more negative reaction, by distaste I mean there was a distinct sense of when I brought the topic up. Perhaps naively I keep trying to talk with them knowing what I know now I would have disengaged sooner and stopping trying act like this was a two-sided good faith discussion earlier, but the past is the past.
  2. I also did not expect this post to get so much traction, I assumed some of my mutuals would read it and it would get some likes and a few reblogs and replies then the attention would leave my blog. I've been reading the responses, thank you for what you've had to say.
  3. Also there are many people doing good work fighting against this in Muslim communities all over, I fear perhaps my original version this post didn't focus on that much, I was talking more about people causing and keeping up this issue.

idk man, i just wanna write a fic that someone reads obsessively at 3am. a fic that someone loses sleep to finish because just one more chapter and tries to give multiple kudos. a fic that people will leave a comment on every chapter. i want to write a fic that people will recommend to others, that they think nails the characterization and relationship dynamic. i want to write someone’s comfort fic, someone’s favorite fic, or someone’s fic they read when they want to re-read something. i want to be that fic writer. i want to write that fic.

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