
From The River To The Sea


Hello! I’m Elise! Just fuckin around a bit :3 Pronouns are she/they/shey and the pride flag is for girlflux from an old mogai blog. Also I’m 20. Just to be clear to any newbies here: I’ve been here since 2018 and I’m not from 196 (my bf is tho) and I just find the Reddit situation fascinating

anyways take heat waves seriously. heat strokes and heat exhaustion are real. drink water. wear sunscreen. stay covered or in shaded areas if you can. pay attention to your skin - if it’s super flushed and your face is redder than usual, get under some shade and cool down IMMEDIATELY. pay attention to kids and elders too.


Originally put this in the tags but I think it might be more useful as a reblog. Anyway short tips from someone who regularly deals with 100°F+ weather in the summer. I use these when the AC goes out or it's so hot that the max air setting still outputs warm air:

  • if you dont have blackout curtains, put tinfoil on your windows. you can use a little water on the glass to stick it on there like vinyl to reflect the sun back out. You don't need to measure it perfectly, just sticking kitchen foil over the glass is enough
  • take bowls of ice and set them around the room you're trying to keep the coolest. Ice set in front of a fan can also help.
  • dehumidifier. now.
  • if you have carpets or rugs on the floor that are removable consider rolling them up for a little while. hard floors can be cold and nice on feet.
  • cold wet bandanna around the forehead and if desperate: cold wet socks
  • Electronics Generate Heat. Maybe not a huge amount but if you have a gaming computer or laptop that outputs a lot of hot air, it will heat the room even if you think its too little or too slow to notice
  • drink water like your life depends on it because in some cases. it will.
  • you are more vunerable to heat if you take meds that are SSRIs. you need more water and more caution if you do.

I love the exasperated vibe of this ask. Yes! Before I wanted to become an artist I wanted to be a marine biologist. If I couldn't do any creative endeavors it'd be my second career choice in a heartbeat. I'd love to make a video talking about tide pools, esp since apparently so few people actually know what happens in them!!


making cute concept art of an educational video on tide pools, here's me and my assistant puppet, Harvey :)

harvey puppet concepts??? the old bird puppet i used was made of foam but i think with my current resources fabric would work much better

concept for how to frame talking with the puppet!

thought this would be like serious video essay stuff. this is cool too tho

Kind of a mix actually! I think I want this to still be aimed at adults, but I've found a lot of educational content for adults is either really dry or leans too much into being "adult". I think it'd be fun to use the mannerisms and vibes of a children's education project without the restrictions that come with it. Adults deserve fun education too!!

Today I started working out the mechanics of Harvey with my folks; I didn't realize how fun it would be to devise a puppet!!

more concept work!


This is why fat shaming can have tragic consequences.


My policy for the past couple of years is to go into the Doctor and state my symptoms. Then tell the Doctor. “STOP”  “I want your diagnosis and treatnment options for someone weighing 135 pounds.”  When they try to argue and immediately START with weight, I firmly reiterate they are to diagnose me as if I were 135 pounds. Eventually most grudgingly will think about it and answer me. I’ll allow them then to “triumphantly” go on to dismiss their previous diagnosis and pin everything on my weight. 

Then I point out I have been the same weight for 15 years and these symptoms are sudden and new. My weight is no factor in that. Give me the tests and treatment you first mentioned.

This is how they discovered a large fibroid that needed to be removed. From stories I’ve heard from others, if I hadn’t approached it this way it might have taken me years of pain and discomfort before they might have finally discovered the fibroid and treated it.

Just remember;



Wearing a bra for the first time this shits a little restrictive but I do look fuckin awesome

Restrictiveness feeling cancelled I look hot as hell in this good lordt. I must buy more

debating on posting pictures of me in it on here because i dont wanna get nuked on but on the OTHER hand i look extremely good and want to show off how euphoric i feel in this fit

i really dig some folks suggestion to just draw it so i traced over my selfie :3


*on my knees* hey am I allowed to be gay at this one? Asking for a friend's friend.

oh yeah lol


i like not knowing how many ace attorney games there actually are because whenever i think i have it right fans suddenly rejoice that capcom finally announced an english release for a years-old spinoff no one else has ever heard of about a guy called some shit like Geoff deKiller

This post is actually so much better than you intended it to be because the 13-year-old spinoff getting its English release is agreed to be the best in the franchise by everyone who has the correct opinion, and it features the classic Ace Attorney 2 character named deKiller in 3 out of its 5 cases.

are you fucking serious.


running joke between transformers where they send each other various photos of human celebrities and say shit like Me if i was a human. and they lose their mind laughing everytime it never gets old. they never show it to their human companions because they’re a little worried they’ll get offended but what they dont know is that any human would lose their fucking mind laughing if a giant alien robot who turns into a terrain mitsubishi sent them a picture of lindsey lohan and was like My sexy humansona. we’d love that shit

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