directly below the enemy scrotum

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

tags to block/search:

#transformátori (general transformers tag) (terrible inside joke)

#valveplug (for the transformers sexy stuff)

#nasty (for other sexy stuff) (mostly gravity falls nsfw. if you wish to look for old gf stuff from before the purge, you’re welcome to go through the tag)

#texty (new tag. for long asks, if you don’t want ’em randomly clogging your dash)

#boobdayforever (valveplug tag specifically for talking about robot titties)

#robotitties is for the reblogged art

#omo #unsanitary #wasteplay (for the piss stuff) for more visit @unsanitarystation

mostly standard trigger tags for kinks (like #gore/#robogore #noncon #dubcon #pregnancy mention #birth mention #free use #merformers etc. I try to tag but sometimes i miss things. you can always remind me) & #placenta talk #abortion talk #prolapse evening are a few honorary mentions

minors should not follow me. seriously, this is a transformers birth fetish blog. if u have any age below 18 in your bio i will assume you don’t actually mean to interact with a nsfw blog and block u.

joke nsfw text is not tagged.

food is not tagged.

asks are sometimes closed during the day (or what is day, for me), but they’ll open eventually dw

Pinned Post hello i am finally making a normal pinned post

i hate that i can’t talk about arcee boobs or elita boobs or getting elita pregnant and shit like that because that’s basically normie shit. aww you wanna see elita one with big boobs? you want to slap titties on the lady robot? wow how revolutionary. only literally every single man in the world that has ever grazed over transformers as a franchise has thought of that.

But i promise that when i talk about getting elita pregnant it comes from the same place as when i talk about getting megatron pregnant the rule 34 art of the lady tf's is nothing to me. souless spineless attempts at slapping tits on a lady robot... i can do better. i AM doing better. in my mind valveplug

Anonymous asked:

Hewwo I am here with da requested facts: animals in heat tend to exhibit symptoms including swelling, bleeding, and increased urination. And since we like putting the poor guys into heat hdjhshd well

Prowl unable to close his panels, valve swollen and puffy and leaking all kinds of fluids. He physically couldn't close them if he wanted to. It would hurt so bad... forcing his engorged array back in there ... He whimpers just at the thought

It hurts anyway though. He can feel the energon pulsing through his lines around his valve. He can feel every pulse of his fuel pump sending little shocks of pain and discomfort through his array.

He lays on his front, propped up on his knees, canting his hips to present his clenching valve. He can't tell what the fluids are anymore, but he feels them leak down his thighs

What he'd give for someone to lick him clean. Lick all the filth off him. He's sure that wet glossa would even be cool against his overheated valve. He whines and his cycling valve squirts another mix of sticky fluids

hrghh I love painful & uncomfortable heats, we don’t get into it enough. I can absolutely imagine Prowl presenting because it’s the only position where he doesn’t put more pressure on his grossly swollen valve. He trembles with each hot pulse between his legs, the inside of his valve slick as fluids dribble out of him slowly, forming a puddle between his thighs. It hurts. He can’t even even touch himself because he’ll just end up cringing in discomfort… he needs a firm hand, someone who’ll pin him down and bring him relief no matter how much he squirms away from it….

Someone should find him like that, and start cooing at Prowl, promising to make him feel much, much better. Prowl just wiggles his hips, squeaking when, a moment later, a tongue brushes over his valve, tasting energon, lubricants and waste fluid…

valveplug heat cycles wasteplay omo texty