Formerly @oklahoma2019


How long is the longest individual fic you’ve ever written?

I’ve never written a fic.

1-1000 words

1001-2500 words

2501-5000 words

5001-10000 words

10001-20000 words

20001-40000 words

40001-60000 words

60001-80000 words

80001-100000 words

100001-150000 words

150001+ words


the cultural reputation of Hawkeye Pierce is wild bc you’ll see members of Gen X who grew up watching MASH and haven’t revisited it since recall Hawkeye as a macho military man who constantly gets pussy and sticks it to the man but then you watch the show and he’s a antiracist bisexual pansy who DESPISES the military, (who does still stick it to the man) hates guns and begs for men to get him pregnant



My coworker said he was having a bad day and I said ‘it can’t be that bad you haven’t started howling like a sad dog yet’ and he let out the saddest most pathetic little howl I’ve ever heard and I was like 'damn ok do you need to have a break?’

Banned from manager training for making my coworker bark.



just a reminder:

a black girl character growing her hair out long breaks more stereotypes than a black girl character having short hair

a black girl character getting to be soft and fragile breaks more stereotypes than a black girl character being strong all the time

a black girl character being protected and comforted by others breaks more stereotypes than a black girl character having no one to look out for her but herself

a black girl character being considered pretty or cute by other characters breaks more stereotypes than a black girl character being considered unattractive

not everything that is empowering for white girls is empowering for black girls

the sexism we face overlaps, but it is not the same

not everything that is empowering for white girls is empowering for black girls

the sexism we face overlaps, but it is not the same





The way settlers trying to be allies talk about Native genocide like it worked always gets on my fucking nerves to be honest. We’re still here. Just because YOU were never taught about what happened doesn’t mean nobody else remembers it. Also stop acting like a victim of the american education system you can learn from places other than your sixth grade propaganda machine. Your understanding of history going from “we ate turkey together and then they just mysteriously vanished” to “white people came and killed literally everyone and they’re all gone now” is Barely an improvement

It’s just so…….. we’re still here. We’re even human people in the 21st century who use the internet and everything. I’m on your websites making posts. Shocking I know. Try to avoid forgetting this


[ID: tags from @sepulchral-pulchritude that read, “#hope this is ok to rb #also this is so relatable to me Jewishly. esp as someone who loves museums and has travelled around europe… #since basically every country has expelled the jews at least once there’s always shit in the history museum or at historical monuments #‘this is where the jewish graveyard used to be. unfortunately after the expulsion in XXXX there were no more jews and we paved it over’ #'now it’s a historical church site of the famed infant jesus statuette’ #'the jews once lived in this country. unfortunately they are all gone now. #like bitch!!! we are still here!! i know bc i went to friday night services!!! #also. always the passive voice. the jews left. the jews are no longer with us. the jewish population decreased in size. UGH. #i know it’s not the same as how native people are treated in the usa. i just relate.” /end ID]

Yeah no literally this is why I feel a lot of solidarity with jewish people. It’s the same type of shit over and over from the same white christian bastards

May I say I find it interesting how many people aren’t reblogging this version. And why is that. Passing the mic

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