Advancing digital transformation in insurance

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Digitalisation opens a new dimension to tackle the risks facing society. While the benefits of digitalisation are undeniable, it comes with its own risks that must be mitigated and insured against if these benefits are to be fully realised. The roles of trust and governance can't be overemphasised if digitalisation is to achieve its full potential in closing protection gaps and making society more resilient.

With its vast repository of data and extensive experience in risk modelling, the insurance industry is uniquely positioned to leverage advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to make more informed decisions in detecting, mitigating, and predicting risks. Smarter risk insights form the core of our development of leading digital solutions to prevent and mitigate global risk, including new digital and cyber threats.

Despite automation and augmentation for the future through AI in insurance, having a human in the loop remains critical. We believe for digital technology to be truly effective; it must be coupled with trust and ethics. As a reliable risk partner for more than 160 years, Swiss Re is committed to sustainable digitalisation and mitigating its increasing risks.

Focus on Artificial Intelligence

Focus on Artificial Intelligence The insurance industry's leap into risks and opportunities

AI's integration into our lives necessitates that re/insurers prepare for its impact. The Swiss Re Institute's study explores how AI risks affects industries and where lines of insurance could be infiltrated. At the same time AI creates opportunities for insurers to offer risk coverage and mitigation support. Lastly, find out which soft factors insurers must consider when implementing AI for themselves.

Video How can insurers help mitigate risks in the AI age?

How do potential risks associated with artificial intelligence impact industries, and what does this mean for the insurance sector? Join Onur Yildirim, Senior Tech Strategy Manager at Swiss Re, and entrepreneur and technologist Antonio Grasso in this dynamic session.

Focus on digitalisation

Focus on digitalisation Charting the Digital Frontier for Insurance

How will digitalisation and artificial intelligence shape the future of the re/insurance industry as widely uninsured intangible assets increase in value and new risk pools emerge? The Swiss Re Institute's new sigma examines the threats and opportunities of digitalisation and explores how insurance business models must change to meet the demands of the digital economy.

Further Information

Opportunities of digitalisation

AI can impact and add value to the entire insurance value chain, bringing significant benefits to customers. For example, AI can help automate routine tasks, extracting insights from vast datasets, improving portfolio management and risk assessment, and streamlining claims and submissions processing. Swiss Re has been using advanced analytics and narrow AI successfully for a number of years. In 2024 we will roll out the pilots of our first innovative solutions augmented with Generative AI.

The risks of digitalisation

With the growth of digital ecosystems and interconnection, business interruption and cyber vulnerabilities rise, threating also data privacy and intellectual property.We see a huge challenge with the accumulation of risk. The concentration of cloud services exacerbates the risk of large losses due to accumulation effects.  

The use of AI carries inherent risks, such as issues related to data protection and confidentiality, intellectual property infringement, biased decision making, information security, and cyber threats. Swiss Re sets an industry standard with its mature governance processes and standards for the use of data and data analytics, including Generative AI. 

New digital re/insurance business models

The digital economy sparks new business models and derives value mostly from services and intangibles. This creates changes to insurance protections needs, as well as opportunities for new digital insurance models/solutions:  

  • Ecosystem partnership solutions that can be scaled with Application Programming Interfaces (API). and  end-to-end tailored customer solutions (UX),  

  • Risk mitigation/prevention solutions modelling future risk scenarios,

  • Automated solutions (automated/dynamic underwriting/claims and customer/client interfaces with LLM functions).

Focus on Artificial Intelligence

Focus on Artificial Intelligence Decrypting AI for insurance

Amidst the excitement of ChatGPT and artificial intelligence, awareness of the possible flaws begins to emerge. Most industries, including re/insurance now race to better understand the potential of commercialising AI. In our four-part series, we explore what is important for a successful adoption of AI and where it can play a useful role in the value chain.


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Building Trust #WEF24

A philosophy of collaborative multi-stakeholder impact has endured at Swiss Re for 160 years. Dialogue is part of our DNA and clients’ trust over decades is one of our key assets. It continues to inspire and drive us to fulfill our vision to make the world more resilient.

Our solutions

  • Advance your climate resilience with data, platform services and insights to reinforce your risk management and reporting capabilities.​

  • Our cyber risk solutions help you build and manage profitable cyber insurance portfolios.​

  • iptiQ: Digital B2B2C insurance

    iptiQ offers straightforward life and non-life insurance products and delivers multi-channel customer experiences through our advanced end-to-end digital insurance platform.​

    Explore iptiQ: Digital B2B2C insurance


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